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Everything posted by Bydza.2413

  1. Removing the whirl finisher makes the dodge loose its purpose,, since every dodge has its own finisher behind it for the spec.increase Deadly Ambition CD? yes , that would be a good decision.Deadly ambition goes on an opener and 1 hit every 5 sec . if its hitting with more attacks like clusters divided bombs, fix it yes.
  2. Condi is being unhealthy latelly i agree... But gutting acro staff? wth?!?! XD your eather really touched by that evade trait timer , or you just dont know how to interupt a Vault, or better yet.. You never played a thief. unlike all the broken classes anet never finished balancing , thief has no boons to abuse , has boonsteal that works good on sword , and one that works poorly on steal (Swipe should steal boons right? how then when i steal someones 25 might stacks i get only 1, while mesmos thievery utility steals full stacks xD). stop complaining about condi clense , unlike most classes thief's only clense is the dodge trait + a signet . as for out 3+jump .. it is CCable with any skill... your just too slow at timing it. so all in all... condi is awfull at the moment, but please dear Tsuchinoko.7546, start playing thief a bit and use that acro trait line that is totally irrelevant and tell me how it fairs you when someone ccs you mid dodge cuz they know the stupid 0.75s evade frame timers , along with the weapon skill ones. Stop crying about thiefs and start facing the facts that thief is the LEAST class that needs a nerf.. Learn its move sets , then go burn out on the forums . Fenris Bladedancer.
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