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Posts posted by hostileskeleton.7364

  1. My only qualm with the collection at this point is the quartz feeding, I just ended day 2(or more accurately day 6 of 12 as i am now out of quartz), but it seems to just favor those that already had a large stockpile of charged quartz. I've never crafted any legendaries or anything so I'm not even sure what they're used in but it just seems like an unfair requirement. I know it's not much of a complaint but it has ground my feeling of progress to a halt. I'm sure I'll feel different after it's over but from what I'm reading there's even more to collect/do before you can even ride the thing. I can only imagine Anet wants us to get in the habit of stockpiling charged quartz in the future and this is how they're implementing it. All speculation but I'm just trying to find a reason to justify it. Would have preferred we be required to feed it drops from world bosses or something like that to keep their timegating in place but also making it a little more forgiving. Just my opinion tho. If you didn't have any quartz handy my heart goes out to you.

  2. I wish the charged quartz wasn't limited to 1 a day. It's unbelievable to me with how the collection itself is already timegated. I think using a different resource or changing the quartz charging the maybe 3/day or 1/character/day would be better. Maybe limit it to lvl 80 characters so that people can't just farm with new characters. Dunno, just feels bad that my progress is so halted.

  3. @Melian.5368 said:Timegating is one thing but making players depend on RNG just to be able to complete the collections is another crime in itself. In the Claw of Jormag boss event a lot of people can't progress because darned elementals don't freeze them due to the sheer number of players, pets and minions around.

    I didn't get my ice encasement from Jormag actually and I haven't progressed in my LS enough to get to Bitterfrost but the veteran ice elementals around where Jormag spawns can give you the achievement.

  4. @Kidel.2057 said:

    @hostileskeleton.7364 said:With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better.It does get better. The question is, will that be enough? To be honest I doubt it. The rifts are not common and the jump after the grab is situational and doesn't solve most of the issues that make it currently inferior to the Springer.

    Do you already have the mount?

  5. @inaho.2046 said:

    @"hostileskeleton.7364" said:So to start I'd like to say that my opinion has changed a lot over the course of doing the skyscale collection. At first I thought it was pretty dumb to have us do so much collecting, even going back to places we've already been in Dragonfall to collect something that wasn't there when we ran through 30 mins prior. I still kind of hold this opinion but moving on to the egg/concentration of magic achieve, I was initially pretty deflated. I had foolishly thought that the collection ended after we collected all the eggs in Df and more unending collection achievements left me pretty bitter. I almost quit on the game after I saw the workload but I still love it and care about the story too much to let a simple collection chain beat me. I am happy to say I actually really enjoyed jumping back into old maps all over Tyria, felt really good to see maps populated again and everyone unified by a common goal. The collections themselves are also pretty lore heavy in that the majority of them take you back to old locations and npcs that have played large parts in the story. I really loved the Courage egg collection as it makes you consider how much you have really done in this game and does make me feel that they are trying to establish a bond with this creature. My real biggest complaint right now is that in this collection, that may I say is loved just as much as it is hated, there is an impassible bug on the Fear egg collection. If you've been to Vabbi you already know what I'm talking about. I can only imagine this is a pretty serious bug if they haven't fixed it yet (I know nothing of video game coding so take my opinion for what it is) especially in a time that Anet is unfortunately under a microscope because of the timegating issue(doesn't bug me so much anymore now that I've seen what its done to the maps). I'm stuck at the end of the Fear egg collection and I pray they get it fixed before reset so that I don't lose a day. My opinion overall may change when I see the next collection but right now, I'm having a lot of fun. It's nice to see people talking in the old maps again even if it's just to complain about Anet. My only hope going forward(aside from them fixing the Fear collection) is that they really drive the Skyscale home as a legendary mount. With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better. I also hope they actually provide more lore than the other mounts. I'd like to think that since we did exposed the eggs to elemental magic eventually some legendary skyscales will be what we use to replace the elder dragons in the end. (I'M ALSO DYING TO SEE MORE SKYSCALE MOBILITY MAPS. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A FULL-ON FLOATING ISLAND TYPE MAP AND THE SCALES WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THAT.)

    Look up this event "Speak from the lectern to lecture against Joko's brainwashing before the instructor arrives" on the wiki... Then check again whether the fear egg is achievement is bugged. I do think there are some trolls laughing their backsides off for peddling misinformation and costing people days in the timegate. However read the description carefully in the fear eggs clue and read the wiki for that event and I think something will click. It threw me for a loop too, initially.

    I stood in the lecture hall for around an hour waiting for the event to spawn but yes I suppose it could have been people trolling. Doesn't matter now because I was finally in a map that it worked on and have completed the collection. Not sure what you're implying might "click" on the wiki I read multiple times but go off.

  6. So to start I'd like to say that my opinion has changed a lot over the course of doing the skyscale collection. At first I thought it was pretty dumb to have us do so much collecting, even going back to places we've already been in Dragonfall to collect something that wasn't there when we ran through 30 mins prior. I still kind of hold this opinion but moving on to the egg/concentration of magic achieve, I was initially pretty deflated. I had foolishly thought that the collection ended after we collected all the eggs in Df and more unending collection achievements left me pretty bitter. I almost quit on the game after I saw the workload but I still love it and care about the story too much to let a simple collection chain beat me. I am happy to say I actually really enjoyed jumping back into old maps all over Tyria, felt really good to see maps populated again and everyone unified by a common goal. The collections themselves are also pretty lore heavy in that the majority of them take you back to old locations and npcs that have played large parts in the story. I really loved the Courage egg collection as it makes you consider how much you have really done in this game and does make me feel that they are trying to establish a bond with this creature. My real biggest complaint right now is that in this collection, that may I say is loved just as much as it is hated, there is an impassible bug on the Fear egg collection. If you've been to Vabbi you already know what I'm talking about. I can only imagine this is a pretty serious bug if they haven't fixed it yet (I know nothing of video game coding so take my opinion for what it is) especially in a time that Anet is unfortunately under a microscope because of the timegating issue(doesn't bug me so much anymore now that I've seen what its done to the maps). I'm stuck at the end of the Fear egg collection and I pray they get it fixed before reset so that I don't lose a day. My opinion overall may change when I see the next collection but right now, I'm having a lot of fun. It's nice to see people talking in the old maps again even if it's just to complain about Anet. My only hope going forward(aside from them fixing the Fear collection) is that they really drive the Skyscale home as a legendary mount. With the money and time invested it definitely feels like it but I want this thing to absolutely knock my socks off when I max it out. Base skyscale does feel heavily nerfed but I'm hoping it gets better. I also hope they actually provide more lore than the other mounts. I'd like to think that since we did exposed the eggs to elemental magic eventually some legendary skyscales will be what we use to replace the elder dragons in the end. (I'M ALSO DYING TO SEE MORE SKYSCALE MOBILITY MAPS. I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR A FULL-ON FLOATING ISLAND TYPE MAP AND THE SCALES WOULD BE PERFECT FOR THAT.)

  7. @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    @"tekhiun.8653" said:First of all, I really think all other aspects of ep6 were excellent. However I see no reason at all for time gating the Skyscale collection, and making it so grindy . Today I ran around the map and collected 56 items, in most cases I had to go to the same location 2 or 3 times to interact or collect different items. Only to find out that I will only be able to get the mount on Sunday at best,since I actually finished the first part 10 minutes after daily reset (so today no progression at all for me).

    I have to say that the whole thing feels really disappointing, it wouldn't be hard to believe that most people thought that they would end the story with the mount already unlocked. So please Anet, next time you release something that is going to be artificially timegated like this, at least tell us before hand. "You will be able to start unlocking the mount on the 14th and it may take a week to unlock it, maybe less" , that way we don't build up expectations about it. Also for the sake of future players that might try this, cut down on then number of things we have to interact and collect, maybe just enough so we don't have to back to the same area multiple times. If the goal is to make us come back and play the map as it is now you achieve the exact opposite. This entire aspect of the release was a big let down and all the hype about the new mount is actually gone now , at least for me.

    Yeah, I got excited when I finished the eggs and then realized I had 4 more daily resets worth of collections to do, which might be more exhausting than these. I can understand making a lot of collections, but this is overly excessive, and locking them behind daily resets? Aside from this it seems pretty good so far.

    I just finished the eggs before work today and came back foolishly thinking I would have the mount. Instead Anet punched me in the teeth. I didn't know about the time gating until about 30 mins ago and I've honestly lost all desire to play. Haven't even done my dailies yet. I didn't think the mount was the best but I defended the hell out of its existence because it gives the player a new form of mobility. Now instead of a cool, new feature it feels like a cheap way to keep us on the hook while they work on pumping out more story.

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