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Evil Octopi.8253

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Posts posted by Evil Octopi.8253

  1. I just ran into this problem.  I made all the armor ages ago and salvaged for the research notes. Now I'm being told I need them again as a currency??  I am pretty ticked off at this.  Why has it not gotten the Boreal weapon treatment or the merchant at least read the fact I have the skin unlocked?   I mean if the armor had be noted as being needed later,  it would had at least laid the groundwork that it was special and needed to be saved. 

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  2. I am sure there has been a number of treads for both nerfing and not nerfiing the Dragon's End meta, and I bet they all have great points.  I just want to say I am pretty sick of failing it.   The other EoD map metas, lots of fun, playing with everyone, doing all the things, emerging victorious.  Most times you can join a map from LFG, even if you are not early, and most times win.  That has not been my experience with Dragons End.  I have beat it 4 times so far since launch, but I am probably looking at 1:4 win/loss ratio.   Just today, failed twice, wasting 4+ hours of my day.   Not gonna lie, I feel pretty invalidated.    I want to play and do all the lead up to the meta and the final boss as the whole thing feels pretty epic, but I'm really starting to associate Dragon's End with un-fun that should be avoided.   If I'm feeling this way I bet others are too, I mean those were full maps I was on.   I'm going to try one more time today since I have time.   Take it as feedback, or a crazy rant, or whatever.

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  3. Why wasn't Jormag's Claw Fragment added as a drop to Dragonstorm or Defeat the Claw of Jormag (Drizzlewood Coast).  Both of these events are perfectetly themed to add this item drop to.  This item has too rare a drop rate (and consequently a high trading post cost) considering its only use is to unlock a collect worth 5 achievement points.  This item was added to the Defeat the Claw of Jormag (Frostgorge Sound) in 2014, and still after 7 years of doing this event I still haven't unlocked it.  I feel like this collection unlock would have been better used as a vendor purchase instead of an ultra rare RNG drop in a single event. 

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