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Everything posted by Figlilly.3907

  1. Many thanks @HnRkLnXqZ.1870. I had a similar problem to the OP and I thought I had tried everything I could - not yet an exorcism but heading that way. Thankfully I stumbled upon this thread so I downloaded Razor Cortex and, Hallelujah, I think it worked. No freezes in my last playing session. My laptop has 16 gb of RAM and as far as I know there is nothing running in the background but it is old. I think I bought it in 2014 so it is probably running out of puff. Anyway, thanks so much. That was really helpful advice and I can finally stop stressing over trying to fix the problem. Edit: And I just noticed this thread is a year old. Duh. I didn't notice that. Still, the problem was the same and the solution was useful so thanks should be given.
  2. I currently have 52 Gifts of Exploration sitting in my bank so yes, I think I enjoy map completion. I am currently working on characters 27 and 28. Maybe they will get there too. Not sure.
  3. I have a late 2012 IMac - close enough :)I just checked with a character in Sparkfly Fen. She is standing off on her own - no events or anything - and the FPS is mostly around 47/48. It went up to 51 and then dropped to 42 when I clicked on ambient occlusion. I have most of my graphics setting on medium though. I am guessing it would be much lower in Divinity's Reach. Edit: Woohoo 63 at that dead shark hero point.
  4. You do have it bad. The worst I had with the 64 bit version was lag and stuttering and these have mostly been alleviated by installing the game on a SSD - I bought a little external one. My understanding is the hard drive on my 2012 Mac is too slow to keep up as the game accesses it during play. Installing it on the SSD has sped up that access so the game is much smoother to play along with the benefits of fast loading textures and maps. The hard drive just seems to be a problem with the 64 bit Mac version as I understand it would work perfectly fine if I was to play in Bootcamp and it was fast enough to keep up using the 32 bit version (though that has other problems). There is a link to the 32 bit version, provided by another user, on page 2 of this thread. ;)
  5. That is what I have @Galmac.4680 . I got a Samsung T5 but it is connected via the usb 3 port. My computer is a 2012 model and I couldn't use the fastest connection without additional cables or something (i.e. stuff I don't understand). It is still blindingly fast compared to using the hard drive. I understand that constantly accessing the hard drive is what causes the lags and stutters in GW2. Hopefully this will be corrected in time but, in the meantime, the faster external SSD does the trick. My next computer will have the built in SSD for sure.
  6. @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" you may know this and there might be a good reason you have it switched off but you can select 'show all useable object names' under Options. The item names display all the time then and you don't have to hold down Control.
  7. Well I upgraded my OS to High Sierra last night and I wish I hadn't. The lag is back. It is not as bad as it was before I transferred my game to the SSD but it is not the blissful romp it was for two short days. So disappointed.
  8. I moved it too though probably not necessary. I can't see myself ever using it again now that the 64 bit is working so well.
  9. @Supercluster.7159. It's a Samsung T5 250 gb. You have to set up the Samsung first for Mac but there is a program on it that does that for you. You then just move the 64 bit app from your Applications folder to the SSD. I have to admit, I am sure I messed up here because I ended up downloading the entire game again which took hours. I think I did copy instead of move. Maybe someone with more smarts can advise you on this :)
  10. Edit because I always forget something. I am not on HS by the way. Just Sierra 10.12.6.
  11. Try turning off Ambient Occlusion, under graphics options, to get rid of the ghosting.
  12. I have the same computer, @Thistle.1659 though only 8gb of RAM. Unfortunately I have the same issues. Horrible laggy game. I did buy PoF and strolling around Amnoon is like struggling through a vat of treacle. Out in the world away from other players, it is tolerable In the last few days, I have gone back to the 32 bit version and it is so relaxing. Even the thought that I could crash at any moment is preferable to fighting against the lag.
  13. @HippieJoel. I am delighted we have a native Mac version and I cheer on the efforts to make it better but at the moment it is a dog's breakfast on my system. While the sound and the colours are good and it is mostly stable, it is laggy beyond belief. It is bearable if I am away from other players but as soon as there are players around, it is like a slide show. It is also bad when there is falling snow, or lots of leaves (Caledon is a stuttery mess). Trying to ride my Raptor across a bridge is hilarious as I overcompensate for the lag and bounce into the railings like a drunk. The 32bit version, which still works for me, is smooth in comparison. I have a fairly good system too. I am on an IMac i7 though it is a late 2012 model. I am not ready to replace it yet though and certainly not if I can't trust that GW2 will be any better on a new system. I wish I could get the 64 bit system to play nicely for me. I really do want it to work.
  14. As an the owner of many alts, and totally friendless in the game (mostly anyway :)) I would really like a Teleport to Me. I am thinking it could work in a similar way as Teleport to a Friend except the teleport would work when you swapped characters. It would be so nice not to have to negotiate those tricky vistas/ skill points that you know you are just going to float past for the umpteenth time or miss your footing even though the feet of all your other alts have practically worn a groove there already. For those who say 'Practice makes perfect', I will sigh and say 'It ain't necessarily so'. It could work for people who aren't as jump challenged too. It could open up new areas for your alts - save them having to find their way there. I don't think it would be any more 'cheaty' than Teleport to a Friend.
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