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  1. In this 3v3 mini season the solo queue is pretty rough due to a simple reason that includes normal 5v5 too: 80% of GW2 PvP player base are either trolls, too temperamental and/or they are just joining for the rewards they get even if they lose all matches. I've played PvP here for over 3 months and I'm still having issues to score a 5 battles consecutive streak where there was no smack-talk on chat nor anyone going AFK or deliberately make their team lose. Everyone here suffered this several times and its like a "normal" tip to close chat while randoming teams. "I'm better than u, ur not doin s***!", "they got VPN lag rigged match gg. afk.", "Happy grind! (15 secs later) useless team, gg.", "ur class is overpowered, gg, afk.", etc. before the first minute of match time but after the first initial teamfight. Seriously? The reason this happens in other games varies; in League of Legends for example, the majority of mass of players where this happens are very young, like 13 years old average, if not teenagers who don't understand the concept of "sportsmanship". In Call of Duty there's a large disrespect to new players who are easy to shoot down; but what is the reason here in GW2? In PvP games where this is prone to happen, the problem isn't the player themselves, but the developer company that does nothing to avoid it. In DotA2 for example: the game has a behavior system where you get a rating that gets hit everytime they report you for AFKing, insulting, etc. if that rating is a given period goes too low, they force you out of ranked play and have to play several useless matches as penalty, to the point it actually causes most of these type of players to try to avoid misbehaving and not to get the penalty. But here in GW2 players reports seem to be gathered like sand in a beach and only when the beach overcomes the ocean, then they might review a few cases. Other PvP games, even some not PvP dedicated, improved greatly this issue by simply give the players suspected of bad behavior to other players, who are giving the full chat and stats, and even the match's replay to decide the fate of said player which might be from a small loss of points up to a couple weeks ban. The problem of the report system is that it is considered useless, to the point the people reports other players barely "with hope" other than making justice. And then, even if you permanently ban 50% of GW2 PvP (making the player pool insufficient to run a decent PvP mode), there will still be idiots who troll, insult and do whatever they want in a match instead of go defeat the enemy team. This are main reasons why the GW2 PvP has so many issues regardless of in-game balance. Is it seriously too much to ask for a formal review on the report system so that continuously reported players actually get sanctioned, somehow? Because no punishment leads to bad behavior itself, and at this point the game is already plagued with so many idiots ruining everyone's else matches that it is almost unplayable for player who don't have a formal PvP team set up, and this is the reason why the PvP pool keeps being too small.
  2. Hello! This is Quab, the one and only! One of my recent random ranked PvP put my dear deadeye into a weird match up and I seriously got no clue at all what to do so we lost madly. Let me explain: My DE was full crit chance and power damage, stealth and dodge defense; other than that, epic fragile with no defense and limited cooldowns (typical shadow-step). And the matchmaking put it against two daredevils, one was condition damage, and two mirages, one was condition damage as well. The 5th enemy was a berserker. Coliseum arena. Before the first minute of match time one of the DD ambushed me while I was capturing home, I was expecting it so I survived, but knew it was impossible for me to try to either kill him or go back to my team while he was chasing me, so I took over 30 seconds struggling to get rid of him before he gave up and capture my home node. Meanwhile my team was fighting in mid, but at the time I reached mid my teammates were dead and the enemy had both home and far. I decide to go far in an attempt to do something useful, but in the way I'm assaulted by a mirage which I manage to dodge but by then the whole enemy team knew where I was and they simply tracked me down and killed me. I decide not to get alone so I can avoid getting ganked by DD who can insta-kill me in a moment of distraction. But as soon as the enemy team sees me I get instantly dragged and dealt enough damage to die or with enough conditions to do so in a few seconds, so my participation in the teamfight is a bare flash and force a couple damage skills over me. The entire match I was subjugated by DD who could kill me if they land 2 skills on me and/or mirages I was unable to keep my aim in, both of them having more stealth than me, more mobility than me (including positioning chaos like illusions or long duration stealth between attacks) and less damage than me but I'm unable to fight back unless I catch 'em fighting someone else or in a bad situation, (I even mention that sore moment where I'm attacking the berserker but I'm getting the "out of range" warning, so I move on away from him but then he sees me and switches to rifle and kills me in one shot. I don't know, ask Arena.net). So it's like minute 11 (4 minutes since match started) and I'm never AFK in a match but I'm giving up thinking I bet a rock, paper, scissors round and I lost. I've never seen 3 thieves in the same match, less being 2 daredevils vs 1 deadeye, not to mention the mirages who render my mark useless. ...And I could attack the tank...? Usually I'm a support damage that shoots down enemies at low health and messes with the nodes when no one's looking, but in this match I couldn't do any of those, mechanically I had two assassins awaiting for me to pop up to instantly kill me (literally two heart-stab attacks or a few stacks of conditions), while the other enemies where mirages who could keep me unable to hit the non-illusion for the entire match. So now I am recurring to GW2 PvP community wisdom: what were my options? What should I had done that I didn't realize? (Sorry for making this long)
  3. Hello! I was looking to buy the ultimate version of End of Dragons expansion, but the store does not show said version even though it does show Secrets of the Obscure one. I also tried to add the thing into my cart in an option I found, but that leads straight to a website error. Will / is the EoD ultimate version on sale with 50% discount? If so, I cannot seem to be able to purchase it as I stated before, could I get a fix to it then? Thanks! -/w<3-Quab
  4. Guys, I don't think you understood the OP message; and I have his same issue and believe most of you don't have it because you are above the gold tier. Lemme explain: The matchmaker puts you 4 guys in your team and 5 in the enemy one, hopefully all about the same skill range, yes, correct. But why do most of the matches look like one team is trashing the other one like they never stood a chance from the very matchmaking process? In the "elo hello" like someone called it, by minute 12 (left in match) you can already tell which team is going to win; this is what the OP is wondering and I can confirm. In the best of cases and the win chance is literally 50%, shouldn't then the score of the match go somewhat 50% for each team? Why after the first three of four battles the score goes 80/20 %? This is beside the skill issue, top players, AFKers, etc. both teams have those and the matchmaking says both team are almost equal in terms of skill; then why one of the teams end up stomping the other one like they were way superior in skill, top players, etc.? The other day I played a tournament, my first one, and I was like "this week is PvP rush, there are going to be a lot of noobs to farm". Ended up against two teams of players that started the match saying "gg, bad luck in the matchmaking, GL next time. Happy leg farming!" before the first fight and went spawn camping us mercilessly. I assume that was actually the matchmaking problem...? Well, this is not what this thread is about. I'm new to PvP so I cannot tell, but the OP seems to be more experienced and still has this imbalanced teams skills issue; and the lower you are in the ladder, the worse it is. I wonder if there could be something we could do that we are missing? Coz sitting semi-AFK knowing the match is lost and the enemy team still hasn't reach the 250 score feels a bit odd. If there is actually a way to fight for the win of a match that just started but already looking lost, please let us know!
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