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Posts posted by AnonBackStabber.8536

  1. I too have the maxed fishing title, and attempted to fish a few of the 'holes' on each new map (575/625 fishing first 10).  It was way too difficult just catching the fish, taking at times up to a minute (never failed tho).  And then I'm pulling out grey fish mostly, with some blues and very few greens/golds (and the gold ones apparently don't apply to the ambergris vendor).  And the fishing holes were few and far between.  Definitely not worth the time or effort, and haven't bothered since.

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
  2. I went through 80 stacks (20,000 essence) and received 8 exotic, and many hundreds of the rare backpack (w/ 920% MF). So I would expect about 1 every 10 stacks or so, maxing your MF...

    The droobert turn-in is about 8/5 better coin for the trash, but that would have taken me literally hours of mindless grinding (instead of about 15 minutes opening, plus another ~30 minutes maxing MF to 920% in Silverwastes[sW]). I still have another 120 stacks to go...

  3. @"Luthan.5236" said:Might be a network of bots then. I doubt a single (or a few) players would do that. There is probably a lot more interesting stuff to do in the game and if they already had that much money they wouldn't try to manipulate anything.

    I was completely with you here - why play the game, if all you do is 'game' the BLTC and don't even have to login... but that part about, "if they already had that much money" didn't float - not at all.

    But maybe bots/farmers that want to make legendaries and later selling them at the TP are trying to order huge amounts of coins now? It surely should be investigated by ArenaNet ... considering that that many happened in such a short time and that a lot of money is needed to place those orders.

    Nah - they just set up MM (necro minion) farming bots with bells (have to reply to text messages) - why bother going through the RIGORAMAUL of crafting a leg. Gimme a break.

  4. With the kind of resourses involved here, it sure does smell like the typical Chinese sweatshop gold farmer outfit I remember oh-so-well, back from my WoW daze 10 years ago. However, it certainly could be some API widget coder kid, who only interfaces to the BLTC, and can massively query and statistically analyze, and thus buy/sell max market style (much like front running/naked shorting/high frequency). What a fun way to play GW2 - you never even have to login - just check your GUI API widget interface for automated results!!!

  5. @DeanBB.4268 said:...or search the forum to find the weekly post about this. I still don't understand why people care/get upset/bother with this.

    Oh come on, I remember the MM campers farming charged lodestones AFK in Malchor's Leap back 4-5 years ago - so I know they don't get banned, as long as they have a 'bell' on their side that alerts them, when they get messaged by a GM/whatever.

    Granted, I never really saw anything like NE Kourna B4 - it's liek they all had their lands staked out, with some sort of claim?!... I mean, to me it just looked so obvious, and should be shut down immediately by any sane/competent GM.

    To be completely honest, I was rLy moar interested in what 'phat lewtz' they pharmin' there?!? Dust?!?

  6. Right now, there is a 300,000 order for mystic coins at 1.8g. It obviously has to be from the same person - I mean, who would order a mere 50 or 100 coins, on the end of a 300k fifo queue (they'd bid it up 1c). If I calculate correctly, that's at least 3 different accounts with the gold capped at 200k. I guess it could be some sort of guild team that's doing it...

  7. It's failing for me since the Amazon servers came online - packet loss/lag spikes/general lag have been getting worse and worse. And it seems worst for the latest members joining a zone, as if there's higher priority for those that have been in the map the longest... Annoying in WvW, watching everything going on around you, while every command is ignored for over a minute (even respawning at WP).

  8. Same with me - opened box, selected armor, then tried to salvage it - but NOT salvageable - so I deleted them. It's redundant to have the box and the armor as part of the achievement, and the item should have been account bound anyways when you opened the box. I almost believe this was done intentionally, just to piss off people like us, and try to entice us into grinding those low level areas for hours... I spent about 1.5 hours grinding lowbie areas, not a single drop (need 3 armors). Not worth the 10AP/rewards to me - I was hoping to get my daily 10-krait grind to be in a lvl10 area, but alas all the ones I went to were lvl11 areas...

    EDIT - my preview didn't have the word kitten in it, kinda lame preview (it was urine)

  9. The rewards for this event are truly appalling. Best I can figure, is that it nets you about 1.5g/hour (assuming you get about 2.5 tokens/hour, and that a token is worth roughly 0.6g (envelopes sell for 1.5g). The ONLY reason to do this event is for dailies and for AP (2.5AP/hour), PERIOD. They could have given it a competitive hourly gold return rate, with some RND for gaming gamblers (DUH), and it could have also been a bit less mind-numbing... I still don't understand why you don't simply get a token EVERY FRIGGIN' RUN - I mean, come on - 60s for 10-15 minutes isn't some huge score (I know lots of places where you have interesting content and get 15-25g/hour, or mindless grinds that can top 30g/hour).

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