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Posts posted by TGDM.5908

  1. On 3/2/2022 at 10:24 AM, Malkavian Speedskull.6198 said:

    Hey, i tested:


    J A D E,   

    1 2 3 4


    S U N E ( Which gives you another achievement)


    S U N E  didn't give me the hidden achievement you're referencing here. Must be something else to it. Post above mine has the solution for the real one.


    For anyone else coming to this thread: This is in the room upstairs on the south east. You must access the terminal before smashing the container next to it.


    First menu options:

    S 1 Q X J

    Second menu options:
    L A U 2 T

    Third menu options:

    D I N C 3

    Fourth menu options:

    4 T ! G E


    Solution for the hidden achievement:


    S U N G gave me the hidden achievement


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  2. In regards to using Strikes as stepping stone to Raids:

    • Have you guys considered adding a currency/token system for Strikes to help gear players up for raids? Both Fractals and Raids have RNG gear acquisition from completion and guaranteed tokens which can be used to acquire more gear as well. Strikes don't exactly pay out much for rewards in terms of raw gold or gear (aside from very rare cosmetic exotic rarity drops).
    • How will Strikes funnel players into raids in general? There doesn't seem to be any connection between the two or a call to action to enter the raids in general until a new wing comes out and players receive an in-game mail. What serves as the call to action?
  3. How will legendary gear work within these limitations?

    I saw a post by Anet's PaulS on the subreddit that equipment chat codes will not be available meaning there's no backup option for those who crafted legendary weapons/armor/trinkets/backs/runes/sigils for variety stat swapping. The character I invested so much into to obtain all of those legendary items feel fantastic with the current solution offered by ArcDPS with the ability to swap between as many builds as I create, but with what we know about this upcoming official feature it feels like I would be better off just stacking ascended gear for easier swapping once I pass the template limit. It also feels like it's not worth investing that much into a character as opposed to having 10 of the same class.

    Will there be a way to get more than the shown 6 equipment templates to accommodate players who optimize their characters across different game modes and group compositions? I feel like 6 isn't enough just to cover the variations I go through for condi builds with rune/infusion/stat combinations .

  4. @Lich King.1524 said:It would be nice to have a feedback from Arenanet that they are aware about the BUG.

    For what it's worth an Anet employee responded to my ticket and linked a bunch of these threads + reaffirmed the 70s cd issue is known.

    As to when to expect a fix? I don't know. Maybe we just need to keep getting more weavers to post in this thread. Tell your friends, post it on your GW2 discords, w/e it takes to make the bug go away :V

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