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Posts posted by Llethander.3972

  1. On 9/21/2022 at 6:20 AM, Ruufio.1496 said:

    As an update I have now tested XBox One controllers as well as Xbox 360 controllers. Xbox One controllers work just fine with this configuration.😉 This is quite nice because now you have a brand new button on an Xbox One controller to use however you like.



    And as for how capable you can be on a controller:



    That was the highest rank that I got in SPvP all on an xbox controller all solo q. It's unlikely that I would have been able to get much higher than that solo so I got just stopped there and decayed into nothing and went back to real life. I was trying for a title for a while but the stress and constant need to fight decay is too annoying.

    I can't figure out how to get the Xbox button to stop bringing up the steam settings overlay.

    Then again, I can't find your settings at all and trying to use  steam://controllerconfig/guild%20wars%202/2869649109  doesn't work for some reason.

    Steam's new Big Picture Mode makes me sad. It's so bad... I don't know what was wrong with the old one.

  2. The major issue, and I'm sure this has been said before in this thread, is that as the game world grows and new zones are added, old zones become unnecessary for all but new players. There is little incentive to return to old content for anything outside of, maybe, gathering resources but, even then, those who do so are likely focused on gathering and not map events and the like.

    It's a problem that has existed with many games. WoW had the same issue which got progressively worse as each new expansion released. FFXIV has this issue to an ever so slightly lesser degree. Same issue exists in TESO.

    Without a constant influx of new, fresh account players the old world zones will likely feel "dead" simply as a result of the majority of the existing playerbase being well advanced in level and storyline. Heck, I find myself wondering how many veteran players even bother to level 1-80 without using tomes.

    The game is still absolutely worth playing, don't get me wrong. This is just what, in my opinion, is the main cause of the world, specifically old zones, feeling "dead" and why someone might tell you such.

  3. @Ruufio.1496 said:

    @Llethander.3972 said:This is pretty darn awesome. Glad I stumbled across it. Gonna take a while to get used to it but really enjoying it.

    Glad someone found it :)

    I may make a video and edit the steam post or something. I feel like I can possibly make things a little easier to understand from a glance so that no one passes by. I've been becoming less active but it would be a shame to let the keybinds die considering how many hours I put into them. You really wont find better keybinds. If anything is causing issues let me know. Enjoy. :)

    From what I've used of it, still holds up great even a year later. Sometimes I find myself having to refer to this page because I can't remember a particular bind but that's usually only because I've got a terrible memory, haha.

  4. Things are most likely moving much slower due to Covid.

    I had an issue wherein I was completely unable to access my account and it took 14 days for me to receive a response to my ticket. I can only imagine how rough CSR jobs are right now; definitely something I'm glad I'm not doing any more.

  5. @Gehenna.3625 said:

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:There’s plenty of “no enemy space” on all of the maps.No there's not.@Llethander.3972 said:I don't mind it. Feels more realistic.There is nothing realistic about mob spacing and aggro ranges in MMOs. If it feels realistic to you then that's your personal illusion...mind you, that's fair enough, but other people are more concerned with how tedious some things are and for those people, myself included, less tedium is more important than increased realism. It's fantasy game after all and if it's realism you want, we should also start discussing the range on longbows and rifles etc.

    And that's an extremely important point for this topic because if you want the aggro range bigger for realism, then surely ranged weapons should have a much more realistic range as well. Just for comparison, longbows have an effective range of about 180 meters / 200 yards in real life. In GW2 it's about 9 times the range of the range of melee weapons. For example the longbow is 1200 units and an axe 130. That puts the longbow range around 18 meters / 20 yards.

    Really, preferences will differ but to me I'll do almost anything to avoid combat while traveling because it's just boring, makes everything take longer and doesn't really have any benefits. That and its repetitiousness makes it all highly tedious for me and therefore not fun.

    I meant it feels more realistic in that if I can see the enemy they can see me. They're my enemy. Of course they're going to try to kill me.

    Still doesn't bother me.

  6. DH longbow skill #2 got nerfed into the dirt - kinda like what happened to Deadeye Rifle's "sniper" shot - because people whine when they get hit by a single-shot, high-damage skill and take a boat-load of damage even though they've built glass cannon.

    Heaven forbid glass cannon builds should be punished for not having taken any defensive options.

  7. Engi was the class I wanted to play most when GW2 launched, and I did. What interested me the most was the turrets. They were alright; not amazing but not terrible. Then the turret nerf happened... and they never recovered. That, paired with the cancer that is Kits - ie. playing Flight of the Bumblebee on your keyboard (

    ) - with their ridiculous APM (actions per minute) requirement to eke out the same DPS as other classes do one-handed, really killed my interest in playing one. Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of the Engineer; it's interesting from a thematic standpoint. I just don't find it fun to play.

    Perhaps if kits weren't a requirement for entry into high level Fractals/Raiding I would feel more inclined to play one. Unfortunately, without kits the Engi just doesn't do any damage.

  8. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Have you discussed the issue with the Tech CS Team?

    I dealt with the tech support when the issue started for me 7 months ago but none of the troubleshooting steps or recommendations were able to provide any kind alleviation of the disconnection issues I experience in story instances. I actually just, roughly 5 minutes ago, got disconnected at the end of a story mission.

    A quick trace route shows that everything is normal until getting closer to the Anet servers where I start seeing request time-outs returned. It's frustrating but I don't think there's anything that can be done about it, ultimately.


  9. @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:Or this helpful information, offered by Tech Support frequenter, Healix.5819:

    The "connection error, retrying" error on the launcher means you're failing to connect to your nearest patch server. If you were using the -assetsrv option to manually choose a server, the IP probably changed. If you weren't, your DNS is probably outdated.

    To clear your DNS cache, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and enter:ipconfig /flushdns

    You could also setup Google's DNS:

    If you want to try the -assetsrv option, use:-assetsrv

    If it still fails, you can verify your connection by opening the following web page:
    ... which should be a simple text page with an AssetSrv instance on the bottom. If you can see that, you likely have software on your computer that is blocking GW2 from connecting. If you can't, you're failing to connect to Amazon's server period. Try using a VPN.

    Good luck.

    Sadly this doesn't work. I've gone through all of the above steps and still get frequent disconnects from game. It never happens in the open world, dungeons, fractals, or in cities, I only ever get disconnected from the game while in story instances.

  10. Here are my thoughts on this:

    I would love to explore Cantha. I would also like to explore a good many other places both either having been in GW1 or having been mentioned in GW1&2.

    However, that said, I don't think it's a good idea. As it is right now GW2 has too many maps. Even with megaservers many of the existing maps are frequently devoid of player presence. Every time new maps are added to the game it exacerbates this issue, fragmenting the playerbase further as new maps are added and then subsequently completed and ignored. In many cases there are no reasonable incentives in place to reward players for revisiting maps that they have completed.

    I think this is an issue that needs to be addressed as I feel that as more maps are added to the game the current playerbase is going to end up being splintered more and more. We saw it in GW1 with Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, and Eye of the North. We are seeing it now in GW2.

  11. @Myhr.9108 said:You can still do it the old way by limiting yourself, as a challenge, so yeah, I don't see this as a huge priority either.

    Exactly what I was about to say. If you want to do it the hard way because you find it more enjoyable that way then do it the hard way. Some of us have done it so many times we just don't care any more and just want to be done with it quickly. The novelty has worn off and there are other jumping puzzles that are more obnoxious coughChaliceofTearscough for us to work on.

  12. I'm sorry, there is no way I'm willing to spend nearly $10CA for a completely random skin. If I could choose which skin I wanted, that would be a different story.

    I'm actually surprised this wasn't done League of Legends style with basic skin alterations being a low price, more noticeable skin alterations being a somewhat higher price, and "premium" skin alterations being a higher, premium price.

  13. @Goettel.4389 said:I'm on a 1440p display but enabling or disabling scaling doesn't seem to do anything. Am I missing something?

    It's most likely that your DPI settings are set to 100% (ie. "normal") and, therefore, you would not notice a difference. If you were to set your DPI Scaling in your OS settings to 120% and then enable the DPI setting in GW2 you would likely notice a large difference.

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