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Posts posted by Faline.8795

  1. 5 hours ago, Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

    Can you explain this in more details ? I mean FF XIV at least from external sources it seems to be played much more https://mmo-population.com/activity .

    mmo-population is about as useful as a Magic 8 Ball.  Their "methodology" is laughable.


    I mean, they still think Wildstar has players!


    5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    On one side, FF XIV has population that is significantly bigger than GW2 ever had (they've announced recently that they've just passed 22 millions of active subs, and the population still seems growing).

    "Active subs," no.  FF14 does not have 22 million people paying a sub.  Account, yes.  Not active.


    On 5/8/2021 at 2:34 AM, Lord of the Fire.6870 said:

    The difference between Gw 2 and WoW you can also see in numbers WoW lost 6 out of 7 players , Gw 2 lost half of it .

    Where did you get these numbers from?  Unless you're talking from peak times?

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Flapjackson.1596 said:
    1. Guilds are pretty dead and there needs to be more of a push to get people playing together and interacting together

    If I was good at playing with others, I wouldn't be spending my time in a video game, so goes the argument.


    I just don't want to see GW2 become another World of Warcraft where we are forced to play a certain way, channeled toward a certain content.


    So no, I don't want to see a "push" to get people playing together.  Let it be optional, and let single players continue to be included in the reward structure.

  3. 19 hours ago, Tatwi.3562 said:

    I've always played the game with the idea that converting gold to gems and buying something useful was my "end game content". So from that perspective, every item sold with gems is "unlockable in game".


    Oh my gosh, that is actually a really good idea!  I never thought of that!


    I've always stayed away from the store because I didn't want to spend money.  But yours is a really smashing idea!


    Now I just have to figure out how to make gold in this game...

  4. 1 hour ago, LucianDK.8615 said:


    Housing is something that will not be worthwhile for new players, simply not a strong bullet point to attract players with a new expansion.  Its a waste of dev resources that needs to be focused on making proper story and game content, over meaningless fluff content.   Gw2 is an action roleplaying game at its core.

    Will a new raid attract new players?  No.  Will a new Living Story?  No.


    Will housing?  Eh, probably not.  Will it keep players?  Ah, maybe.  Will it make money for ANet?  Sure.  I can see the store aflush with stuff to stick in a house.


    Is it a resource that ANet wants to spend money on?  Maybe.  In the beginning, it will cost a lot.  But once the infrastructure is there, continuing to support housing with new trinkets will be a whole lot cheaper than designing a new raid.


    1 hour ago, LucianDK.8615 said:


    Considering GW2 already suffers from poor advertising, this would help doom it to mediocrity if End of Dragons does not present major features beside housing.

    No one is asking for housing to be the main selling point of Dragons.  Just something else to add to it.


    And going back to your question about new players: Maybe.  After all, GW2 is B2P.  Maybe a no-sub game with housing is something that will bring at least a few in.  Certainly housing is a subject at ESO, and that is B2P (albeit with a predatory cash shop).  And housing is quite the rage in FF14, despite it being poorly implemented.


    So yeah, housing is indeed interesting to quite a lot of people.

    • Like 2
  5. Easy part first.  Yes to housing.  Long overdue, greatly needed.


    Now, on to endgame, the bugagboo of Guild Wars 2.


    I know some feel it is collecting different skins, and some high-end fractals.


    But far too many people ask "What is the end game in Guild Wars 2?"


    I've always struggled with that.


    For me -- and this is just a personal opinion -- I'd like to see something to continually reach for.  Not ever-increasing gear since that is evil to people here.  But something to continue chasing.  Almost like skill points, but one that just keeps going.  But it can't make your character stronger.  Just something to brag about.


    Maybe like Hero points, but you keep doing them, each time gets harder and harder.  "I have 500 Hero points".  "I have 600 Hero points".  Etc.


    Something for the soloist to chase that doesn't have an end.

    • Like 11
    • Confused 2
    • Sad 1
  6. I am going to agree with the OP, even though he finds paragraphs to also be a high learning curve. lol /hug

    Professions still confuse me. Having to guess what mats to use... I shouldn't have to refer to an outside source to avoid frustration.

    SO MANY BUILDS! And if you pick the wrong build, forget getting into a group.

    Way too many stats. Could use some trimming.

    But of course I realize I am speaking for myself. There are a lot of people who like that stuff. I think it can end up chasing some away.

  7. @Senteliks.2360 said:

    Edit: Also, it puzzles me. Give how you are returning player and I assume you own expansions. most of LS, why exactly don't you jump in and check for yourself will thegame sink or not?

    Because I have to re-download it. It isn't on my computer anymore.

    And because I internet by satellite (rural America. Beautiful, but very limited internet), I have MASSIVE data limits. So it is a monumental effort to download a game like this.

  8. I know this question comes up a lot. So I'll add to the noise.

    Haven't played GW2 in a long time. Toying with the idea of coming back, but there is always that old bugaboo of wondering if the game is going to be around.

    With layoffs and people leaving the studio, I wonder if it is worth the time to invest in it.

    Of course, rumours of GW2's death have been around for a loooong time. But it is certainly something that keeps someone like me from coming back or investing in it.

  9. Even though I've had the game for years, I think I'd still be considered a "new player" because I've barely touched it. Haven't even finished the vanilla storyline.

    So let me give you my singular thoughts on what you said re: new players coming in.

    @"Kite.2510" said:I love the game! I'm playing it since launch!But I have a hard time convincing anyone to join, and lets face it, the game has some major flaws. First and foremost is the mistreatment of new players, and I can't exactly lie to them! It's not exactly that they are doing nothing for them. It's just that they completely ignore those who are coming it blind in terms of franchise knowledge and for every positive the game had, it's followed by a big "but".

    • The game doesn't have subscription, but there are some mandatory purchases one has to make!

    I don't really know any "mandatory" purchases anyone has to make. There are certainly optional ones. I don't consider the living story chapters to be "mandatory". For a completionist view, yes. But they aren't "mandatory".

    • The vanila game is free, but it sucks compared to the rest (leaving a bad first impression).

    I actually enjoy the vanilla part. There are other reasons I don't play.

    • The story is very good, but not the initial one! It's very poorly told with your character having wooden dialogue and having you meet your new best friend in each act.

    I don't have a frame of reference, since I've not gotten past the vanilla storyline. But I've enjoyed it.

    • You can buy both existing expansions at the price of one, But you'll have to pay a kitten ton of additional money for the living world content where most story is told.

    Again, skippable unless you need to know the whole story.

    • The game's leveling system keeps old content relevant, but once you learn a mastery, you cannot experience the game without it again!

    Can't you roll a new toon? Or do masteries carry over?

    • All of the game's attributes mater for all classes, but if you are not playing with offensive attributes you are playing it wrong!

    Cookie-cutter builds exist in every game, sadly.

    • The game has Dungeons! but, they are pretty much a joke in terms of balancing, and the devs have abandoned them for newer stuff.

    Yeah, bad them for getting rid of dungeons.

    • The game has guild missions! but they haven't been updated in many years!

    I hate guilds. So don't care. But I know where you are coming from. Most people love guilds.

    • You can follow all the story up to the current patch (after paying) but the season 1 story is lost for good.

    A lot of games have stories you don't get if you miss the time window.

    • Good news! They are adding back season 1 in repayable form... But, they are adding it back at a late story season 5 area as mini dungeons!...

    Good on them.

    • Each expansion offers new gear with new start combinations, but they are much harder to make and have no significant advantage compare to the one you are getting easily in the vanila game.

    That is the problem when you have horizontal levelling.

    So yeah, GW2 is good storywise. There are just other reasons why GW2 isn't attractive to new players.

  10. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @"Faline.8795" said:So with the new expac, are they going to be doing something different, or will it be "more of the same", thus not really bring attractive to new players?

    Let's hope it does ... because it's the 'choir' that pays the bills.

    Yes, that is true. But are they paying the bills enough? Is this new expact GW2's "last chance" to lift itself before ANet gives up?

    And do they really just want to keep what they have? Are they really not going to go for new blood?

  11. @"voltaicbore.8012" said:The sad reality is that the right answer in many of these situations is to either (A) shrink operations to fit what P is capable of bringing in without betraying its core uniqueness, or (B) abandon P in as financially efficient a manner as possible, and move onto the next thing. The layoffs indicate that (A) has already happened for GW2 to a great extent, and some seem to think that (B) is happening behind closed doors as well.

    That certainly is the way it is looking to me. Though I am hesitant on (A). They've brought some people in, so my guess is that someone said "Give us X time and Y funds and give us one last chance to turn this around."

    So what we're seeing today is GW2's last gasp for revival. If this doesn't work, (A) may become the reality.

    The problem is, they are giving us pretty much the same thing they've given us in the past. So why they think the results will be any different, I don't know.

    1) Give me something to chase that I want to chase. (Glam isn't it.)

    2) Give me someone to talk to.

    3) Give me a way to group for content that doesn't make me uncomfortable.

    That will be the win for me.

  12. This is ANet's big problem. I don't know WHAT will make GW2 better. All I know is that what it is isn't working.

    That's a horrible position for a company to be in. How can they fix it when they don't know what the problem exactly is?

    I listed some very generic items. Game is too lonely. Game has limited ability for the shy to participate. (Meaning these people don't like the current group-making system.) No interesting end-game.

    How to address such very generic complaints? idk.

    How do you progress your character when the game is against progression? Find that answer and maybe we'll find the road to a great GW2.

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