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petespri.6548's Achievements

  1. Ty both for this. I loved the original skyscale and the griffon collections. I had no idea about this Amulet. I would much rather work through this than ascended craft! Any other legendary pieces like this? Backpack perhaps?
  2. Hey all, have a bunch or rings/trinkets/amulets that I bought with laurels. Can they be reforged? Would love some more celestial stats or maybe Marauder or trailblazer or Ritualist? thanks!
  3. I have never tried that, ut wow, that makes sense with rarity bags in shared slots!
  4. I have a ranger, so this link is not wasted :D Still, I like how thief plays, just looking for something more durable...
  5. This is my current set up with one invisible at the bottom. Maybe ill go to an uncompressed view of bags so it is easier to see where that stuff starts
  6. I've considered crafting but dont like focusing on getting the rarer stuff to make ascended and hate the timelock, and the multiple layers of crafting to get ascended components last I checked (I have made a few Ascended things but hate the management of crafting). I go in waves with minor crafting at times... just thinking that more storage may indeed lead to a better flow for item storage and cleaner bags overall across all my characters. *** To everyone: 1. Are there any bags that only have what you put in them and wont get any other stuff? I hate my food/consumable/salvage kits and special items getting junk added in. It seems that even invisible bags will fill up with overflow once everthing else is full. 2. Is it worth having special bags for greens, blues, exotics, etc to help filtering? If so, what is your set up for bags and what is your set up for bags? How many bags do you role? Thank all!
  7. Looking for a couple easy to play, good survivability open workd builds. Would love a couple options, condi, power or celestial; all around, more single target, and aoe focus. thanks!
  8. Ty for that scrapper build! I have not found an engineer that I enjoy and I will give this a try
  9. How About: Ascalonian Army of the Arcane: summon a sword and shield warrior, an arcane archer, and an arcane mage to fight by your side for a short time. All ascalonian blue ghosts of course. Give them stuns, aoe, ans give warrior high toughness to tank mobs
  10. The female charr are less hunched than the male fwiw. For this reason i always go with female, ymmv! edit: oh, just wanted to add that sylvari cultural armor is great for necro
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