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  1. Pretty much what I ended up doing! Just swap from race to race as it feels... 😉
  2. Ditto to the post above! I run the SC raid pqHarb for OW with swords and spear (was GS) and it pumps. You have to pay attention as no afk shroudness for you but yea, its fun! 😉
  3. https://snowcrows.com/builds/open-world/necromancer
  4. Hizen has one http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PejAoqlZw6YSsJGKWqT6vdA-DyIY1oh%2FMCUBUoEQhHDChgqvPNQg0AipNQFA-e
  5. yea...ah well, was a thought. 😉
  6. Plain and simple, is there such a thing or was there at some point? I am just curious as I saw it mentioned in a few discords and it just got me wondering if it was legit or a meme. Now i am speaking just for OW of course but just trying to mix things up a bit. Cheers!! 😉
  7. That was my first Necro, now just a mule....Human just got so vanilla to me. 😉 And the only reason I go for the little dude is gameplay, i.e. animations and such. haven't done too bad in the fashion end for him and yeah, I agree with you on the others. Thought Norn would work but they just so slow feeling....
  8. Thanks again ALL for all the suggestions and comments. I tried Charr and it just doesnt work. The swishing of the tail and running on all fours just kills it for me (plus i am not a huge cat fan even though we have 2...lol). So sticking with the lil dude for now. trying to make him creepy as since the animations and such are fun to play and holding the big ol scythe is kinda cool! Cheers!!! (plus, I think the spear animations are gonna be sweet as well!) 😉
  9. Nah i meant for GS use only. I think he was just trying to show the scepter since it was "new". Go on the discord and ask, he will share the why and why nots....but yea, scepter is poo poo...lol! 😉
  10. You mmentioned hizen...did you see http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?PmzAEtzlxQmMP6k1RpMOClRSqMCqkn1kfsE-DSIYRUzfGFqCyUKo4vBBIg9wbR%2FRLoC-e?
  11. Well based on the video it "appears" to be ranged and has fire. Now that could be power or condi, who knows, but thus far it does look range. Is that a good thing? 😉
  12. Ok, yea, i know Mech is out there as well but just not a fan of them, not sure what it is. So wanting to crack out Engi again (played way back before Holo) and am curious as to which performs the "best". I usually follow alot of what Hizen has put out but he is not a fan of Scrapper for some reason, but I still think it can be ok for open stuffs. Holo to me is a strong raid spec, and alot of work, lol. But how is it running around? With what we have seen thus far in terms of Engi spears it looks like they might shine with Scrapper, what with fields and such? So let me know what works for you! Cheers! 😉
  13. whats that backpiece with the snakes! cool as...well done! 😉
  14. So far so good! The running bit is growing on me, so yea they are kinda cool! 😉
  15. yea had it dropped from toilet day before they made announcement. Next day sold it for 300g!! 😉
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