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Everything posted by jehrakal.4517

  1. Hey! Im looking for a active guild on EU side to do endgame content with like fractals, strikes, raids and so on. I am a returning player not that experienced but I know the basics of the game. Im social and like to do all kind of stuff ingame and im 39 years and from sweden. Add me on discord Hyde#8616 Thanks for reading 🙂
  2. Hey id love to raid every week 😄 I learned sometime ago that raids are needed to craft legendary gear which I wnt to do in the future as well. I tryed to add you ingame but says this doesent work MsSpecialEd.4127 Can I get a invite please? 🙂
  3. Hey as the title says im looking for not to big guild to start to raid with and do that weekly. I want to do fractals and strikes as well. Im quite new to the game still after one month or smth playing.
  4. Hey as the title says im a new player and im looking for a EU based guild who likes voice chat over just guildchat. I hit 80 the other day and im farming HP atm to fill my elite spec and get build going. Id like to do endgame content sutch as Raids, fractals, strikes and so on instnaced pve and sometimes just chill grind for achieves depends on energy levels 😄 But I need some help as im new but im a fast learner. Oh and id like to learn the pvp part of the game as well 😄 So abit of everything ingame. If you got a suiting guild for me that uses voice please add me on Discord: Hyde#8616
  5. Hey! Im returning player who played for a little bit in the past but I dont know mutch about the game. I just bought myself end of dragons which means I got all expansions now and id really like to get back into the game and do all endgame content if possible in the future. I dont know yet what class to play but I got a max level mesmer but its abit too hard for me tbh... Im looking for a guild that is active and uses voice and hangs in it and ofc when doing stuff togheter. Im 38 years old. Add me on discord if you got a spot for me in a guild where I can learn the ropes. Hyde#8616
  6. Hey! Can I join? I played little bit of gw2 in the past got a max level mesmer but its too hard for me 😄 I just bought end of dragons and gonna roll some other class but dont know yet what. Im 38 and from sweden. My discord is Hyde#8616
  7. Hi! I would like to join. Im returning player and im not that experienced. I did a few fractals endgame and thats about it when I played like 6 months ago. I got a lvl 80 character and would like to join and learn the ropes of the game like dungeons, fractals and raids. Dont know how to message you. Hope I can join.
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