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Everything posted by Fenom.9457

  1. I wasn't saying be totally mindless, just unapologetically evil. Like if Eparch was a cunning manipulator for his own gain, and at the end there wasn't a 'but I'm helping our people, you don't know' bit. Mindless monsters can be refreshing if it's never been done in the franchise maybe, but I'd agree it's not too gripping. But demons that absolutely have minds and yet are savage monsters, feeding on emotions and killing without mercy, would've been a more fun take than fleshy chicken nuggets begging you to grab them an apple
  2. A big mystery in their lore that's been around since at least GW2's launch if not always is the rumor they're fallen servants of Dwayna; a perfect in for storytelling around them that's never been taken. I'd also point out the spellbreaker harpies in PoF are the first to use magic, I don't think anything in the core enemies' abilities was so that does suggest more intelligence than people might think? That said as much as I want depth they don't have to stop being evil. I know after the Kryptis we're tired of evil monsters becoming sympathetic, but if they fell for reasons beyond their choices to become monsters, well that would deserve pity IMO. But that doesn't mean the modern race of them has to be redeemed fully.
  3. Imo that would make ending her more upsetting and weighty than if she'd magically become nice only now. Not that anet needs to kill anyone this expac I think we've had plenty of ncps deaths over the years, more than enough, but this could serve a lore purpose
  4. If they can't stop doing this can we at least get an option to stop/mute specifically dialogue through the communicator or past a certain distance threshold
  5. Being contacted by npcs when willingly doing the story is 100% fine with me but I'm tired of npcs in the map unprompted talking to me over massive distances. It's like if an unknown caller gave you a ring, you couldn't say no, and they start yapping about something you don't understand because you don't know who or even where they are, it starts from so far away. I don't want to be accosted in the open world, it makes it really hard to enjoy the music and ambience of this gorgeous world, which is one of my favorite things. Why can't we just have npcs talking about events through actual proximity, not over communicators, and only triggers if you're at least close enough to see them? Janthir Wilds does this in some places and it's so refreshing... and then they don't in others and I'm not sure why these magic hating Kodan are even accepting being handed devices they have no knowledge of. If I have to hear A HUNTER! GLAD YOU'RE HERE, I AM! one more time while trying to enjoy the majesty and outstanding music of these new zones I am going to invest in rope for myself.
  6. You get schematics from vendors? I was wondering where all the recipes were supposed to be unlocked and thought that was what the thread was asking lol
  7. I just imagine the first Charr expansion to be in the blood legion lands we know due to familiarity and geographic proximity to mapped regions, but all of what you're saying makes for exciting lore too... maybe even more exciting given it involves all new lands! If they wanted to place the location of historical Khan-Ur trials in the southern reaches of the original charr homelands, we could have a Dzalana expansion and then that right next to it, I'd love expansions for once to stick close by and have maps connected at least in art if not by portal. Going from one new region to another right next to it would be incredible. Also, of course it's charr lands now in the places we saw in GW1 but maybe east of the blood legion - a grawl expansion could be nice! I'm really liking how JW puts the focus on Kodan like that, any race has enough lore for at least one mini expansion if you ask me
  8. Is it just me or is anyone else satisfied getting anything, many games give nothing or a gift that's so useless it's like an insult. We get skins and all kinds of neat stuff
  9. They laid so many hints out and I absolutely loved it, but as for what's next it seems to be one of two imo: a Charr focus or Dzalana. The Charr being sooner than later I primarily say because there are imminent time sensitive events coming up: Talk of a Khan-Ur, and Bangar's trial. Not to mention their history with Titans so if anything is to be done there it must be before we move on from them. I could see the trial, structure of society changing, and then suddenly their false gods return could all coalesce to cause another civil war, so they can do a fully completed version this time. They left Bangar alive for a reason. Blood Legion Homelands would also serve as a wonderful expansion area, been wanting it forever and getting only one map there just made me want the rest all the more. All the political drama plus the threat of Titans and maybe sprinkling the Foefire plot's conclusion in if that's not bloating things, seems like plenty of material for an expansion. Dzalana is not tied to the titans so if they remain relevant after JW, then Charr is a near certainty. It just seemed like the talk around this region had more details and specifics talked about extensively than all the other races, which would imply to me it's imminently in development, not a few expansions out. Things like 'the Pale Tree has been slowly dying for a decade' or 'We kinda wanna check out the ruins of our old homes up north' can wait 3-4 years feasibly and still be relevant, but 'we are already actively searching this area and furthermore the Heket here could be a prime candidate for our new alliance' feels a lot more this is happening now type talk. That and the gemstore skin, usually I'd agree that's meaningless but it's a nice cherry on top of the other information. Not to mention unlike other conspiracies about the gemstore being a hint this one actually adds *new* lore by tacking Expanse onto Dzalana - either a more descriptive two word name for the whole region, or a name for a specific map where roller beetles reside? I wouldn't be shocked to see the beetle get a focus in an expansion the way skyscale and warclaw just did. The OG PoF mounts may not work (because aside from the two basic ones if you resell them all will people be mad PoF technically has no exclusive masteries?), but the roller beetle is the most in need of an alternate acquisition method if you ask me. It all just seems to fit together nicely. That said, they hinted at like 5 other ways it could go and there's a couple more things they didnt even mention that seem like prime material to me (for example visiting the deldrimor front because the dwarves returning and integrating into the world should be a huge story, and Lyhr seems to have abundant personal development that could interact with this as well).
  10. I've been wondering, are there four now? Is the bloodstone scattered around Janthir Syntri from a full size bloodstone, *NOT* pieces and bits from the Bloodstone Fen one? Am I wrong or is the revelation the White Mantle had access to TWO bloodstones new, and also how big is a full size one that hasn't been cut up or exploded? There seems to be less bloodstone overall in Syntri than all of what we see in Fen and across the season 3 story. The wiki says the one in Janthir is another, but I'm a bit confused here. If so, that leaves only 3 unvisited (seeing a door to bloodstone caves right on the edge of a fogged area doesn't count as being visited imo, we cannot see any actual bloodstone), so that could be a fantastic story for an expansion someday
  11. Did I assume that? I never said people wouldn't ask for it but the wide ranger of players in this game encompasses both greedy and stupid people, such that we ALREADY have people asking for that anyway... what harm would it do to toss out an extra spear every now and then?
  12. Bit of a shame considering that was one of the most exciting prospects in terms of getting me off my kitten to make more legendaries and such... I guess it's just more time to do it but we all know that means being lazy until a week before they ship
  13. This is smart since that would be hundreds of spears so I'm not saying they need to reverse that on a global scale but you know, it would be nice if we got the occasional spear added to an old set. For example adding one to a lion weapons set would cause problems with the collection achievements presumably, but a festival is a great place to just toss one in, they need as much content as possible to keep people repeating dailies and such.
  14. Fenom.9457


    I don't think the game NEEDS them, but I also dislike the idea that GW2 needs to avoid classics just because they're classics and this game MUST ALWAYS innovate. One because some things are classic for a reason and the game need not reinvent the wheel every time, and two because, when this game DOES add "boring" or standard things it just makes them be even more unique. Dwarves, but made of stone! They made a 'bog standard' race different from any other series I know of. Same goes for game features, GW2 mounts have become a legendary innovation redefining the standard. So no we don't need orcs or anything but people would do well to recall how the game has handled classic tropes or creatures in the past before shouting no
  15. Isles of Janthir would be awesome, I'm very excited to see where future expansions take us. But I've seen a theory said by a few people about the next couple expansions being loosely tied together by the presence of one or more Astral Ward characters. It's possible if that's true that the demon story would conclude with big Mursaat lore and a Janthir expansion since Mabon was a major part of SOTO. We could also get that area and lore even without the demons being a link through expansions idea coming true
  16. Yes, that is correct. The last time I tried, I tagged 6 of the sniper mechs with the event rifle and got zero credit. I did score several killing blows if it turns out you have to be the one to *finish* them, and we are all fighting each other because we can't share credit like everything else in this game. I killed some alone (very hard because they one shot you quickly) and it still didnt count
  17. I've had this trouble too. Lots and lots and lots and LOTS of waiting around/trying to push events? Because maybe that helps? It's extremely unclear, but doing other events and waypointing back constantly trying not to miss it. And after all that, usually I don't see it at all but when I do, it doesn't count. I hit all the mechs I can and get no progress after they've all died
  18. Most infuriating thing in the new patch for sure, gonna leave again cause of this garbage man. Perfectly good day and then classic anet broken crap. I hit over half a dozen of the kitten mechs and got zero progress. What's even the point of all this man
  19. I care about the skins more than anything else but I appreciate the advice :)
  20. Agreed. I looked at the cost for the dragon variants today and even as an 8 year vet with plenty of gold and a willingness to grind, I couldn’t help but say ‘this isn’t worth it’ and go back to my other goals. For that price I’d rather make a few more full on legendaries
  21. Wow. Well… thanks anet. As a non-Mech main, it was fun for a while but I appreciate having anything else be a valid choice too
  22. wait fr? It was the most busted OP thing ever for many months after EOD and anet basically said yeah we want it to be easy for casuals. I never read about any nerfs and when I play it, I still face roll for everything easily …
  23. I’m not saying anything about *right now*, I don’t know what they’ve done with the most recent balance
  24. Is this some kinda joke? The title mentions a bias AGAINST ele, and then the post is all about how great it is for you. but to answer the title question, as an ele main of 8 years, lately it’s been getting to me and yes it does feel like it. They crush catalyst builds that come out OP only for top level experts and yet they leave Mech as… I mean, look at it! They explicitly said they WANTED a high power easy to play option for people, they literally build a spec to be faceroll easy. But when ele hits the same numbers it gets slammed down into the ground again. Poor kid keeps standing up, us ele players should just stay down
  25. I think you all know the certain types of mods some people would be using…
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