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Tenrai Senshi.2017

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Posts posted by Tenrai Senshi.2017

  1. I have to say, Dragonball is a very unattractive activity, but I think the main issue with it is that the achievements themselves foster a very unhealthy set of habits within the player base.

    I've always stuck to the belief that the achievements associated with any particular game mode should never in any way define or enforce how people play in said game mode. For example, if you make an achievement that requires players to pick up a certain power up 10 times, especially when it's a finite resource that only one out of ten players can collect before it disappears on a cooldown, then you're cultivating a scenario where players are distracted from what they're meant to be doing in the game, and encouraging poor play. Instead of playing strategically, and moving according to what's best for the match, players are taking needless risks or exposing themselves to easy kills in favor of the opposing team because they're trying to hover around the power up spawn points in question just so they can get them before anyone else does.

    The same goes for the achievement for healing 8000-and-something% of your maximum life. I've played quite a few matches and I really try to avoid damage, but because I try to avoid damage as much as possible, the amount I've healed for that achievement is still very low. Unless I actively go out of my way to get damaged just to heal more, I cannot foresee myself completing that achievement. Again, its a situation where counter productive play (going out of the way to get damaged) is encouraged. And of course, someone else already mentioned the 'wins' achievement encouraging players to abandon losing matches.

    All-in-all, I think the achievements need to be reworked. Even for those who just want to play Dragon Ball for fun and who don't care about the achievements, they're having their time ruined because of the habits the pursuit of said achievements encourage.

  2. I do think new races can breathe a lot of life into an MMO, there's something exciting about it that just entices people to "give it another spin" so to speak. Other MMO's recognize this, and add new races when and where they can, or when it makes sense.

    That being said, I also think we have to acknowledge the difficulty of adding something like a new race in GW2. It's not like adding mounts, which I think are relatively easy by comparison. Any new character model being implemented would also mean ensuring that every single weapon and armor set fits their frame as well, which could also mean complete reworks to most armor sets or outfits in the case where the new race model is drastically different from any of the current races. This would not only be the case for current sets, but any future sets or outfits added as well. Animations would also have to be taken into account, and if you consider the potential work it would take, both to create a race and then maintain its place in the game once implemented, there's a lot to it.

    With that in mind, I think there are some race prospects that might be more realistically plausible to ask for than others, if we look at the current races we know about. The largos, for example, might be relatively easy to add compared to other prospects. Their model is mostly human-like, aside from their wings, so it wouldn't be hard to imagine that most armor sets would fit them fairly easily with little work done to them. Animations also wouldn't have to change too much unless they wanted to add some unique flavor to them. Tengu, on the other hand, would be a much more complicated affair, and while I think they would be a cool and interesting race to have added to the game, I reckon it would be much more difficult to achieve. Dwarfs (the race you requested) probably sit somewhere in the middle of those two.

    The question for ArenaNet would be "how much time/resources can we expect to expend on this kind of project and what will we gain from that effort?" If the gain justifies the effort involved, then the chances of a new race being added are much more probable. But you don't want a situation where a new race is added, and then after the novelty wears off, most people go back to playing humans anyway. Sometimes the more "funky" or "unique" races also end up being the least popular, and that might be the biggest deterrent for ArenaNet, where they simply cannot foresee an effort of this scale being justified or rewarded from a business perspective.

  3. Hmmm. The poll answers are a bit strange, you give a yes or no option for a question that asks us to choose between two different statements.

    Aside from that, I'd say the obvious answer is that ArenaNet is certainly active in developing the game, and I'd even go as far as to say that its updates are quite substantial and quite frequent for a non-subscription based game. I also think some players underestimate how much work goes into any given task when developing a game, especially when it comes to adding entire new maps with new events, new story content, new mounts, new lines of spoken dialogue, etc, so it would be prudent to assume they're not putting in effort.

    However, I think the more pertinent question would be whether or not you feel they're churning out the right type of content. Stagnation can still occur for players even if they're getting a good amount of content in a case where that content doesn't feel new or fresh, or doesn't align with their preferred play style (for example, PvP players might have a very different view of the game to open world PvE players).

  4. I have no problem with a legendary cape being added to raids, nor would I mind other versions being added to other content like fractals, pvp, wvw, etc. I could say the same for legendary armor or other legendary back items/trinkets, etc. I think giving the option for players to get unique legendary (or other) rewards no matter what content they enjoy is an ideal goal for the devs to pursue, that way we can return to the "play how you want" philosophy that inspired the initial game design so man years ago.

  5. Honestly speaking, I hope Taimi doesn't die. We all have our opinions on the matter, but I kinda got used to her being around, chatting to me over a communication device, blabbering on about useful or useless information and keeping me company when there weren't any other characters around to accompany me through the story. She's one of my favorite characters at the moment, and one of the few I feel were properly fleshed out. Besides, the story needs one of those nerdy types of characters that goes out of their way to explain all the scientific jargon, and honestly an Asura character seems like the most suitable to fit that role.

    If anything, I'd say ANet is sometimes over-eager when it comes to killing characters. Character deaths if done right can add a lot of emotion to a story, or give it a certain amount of weight, but killing off interesting characters just because you're trying to create an impact can often do more harm than good. Killing off a character just because some people don't like them is the worst choice out of the lot, because you can never please everyone and there will always be someone hating something.

    SPOILER ALERT On that note, I was also kinda triggered by the idea that Blish might have died, mostly because he's also a very interesting character whose story I felt we didn't explore properly yet. He's also a very unique character given his unusual circumstances, and added another dimension that I felt has not been explored among the rest of the commander's companions. That being said, I have this strange feeling that Blish didn't really die. We never actually got confirmation that he did, and it stands to reason that if his personality was uploaded to a golem, there might be back-up copies, or he might have transmitted his personality to another host before we lost contact with him (there are various possibilities when it comes to what essentially amounts to magical software). I'm kinda hoping he's still alive, otherwise it will just be another case of killing off an interesting character for the sake of shock value, which might not be to the benefit of the story.

  6. @guest.9472 said:The thing is no other player in the world has gone 384 consecutive high stakes wager duels undefeated. I am the most hated individual in the game. Ive been report abused by hundreds, already received three temp bans this season. No team would tolerate my behavior. I do admit Im quite corrosive to team cohesion. But is 1v1 skill completely dismissed as a category to be rewarded? Because if so, Ive perfected the art of outnumbered combat. How can someone be better than I am if I can take them one in a 1v2?

    Whelp, I guess you won 1st place for modesty. XD

  7. @samo.1054 said:Uhm. If you hide your armor shoulderpads the outfit shoulders should disappear. Atleast that's how it works with helmets...

    Turning off other pieces (such as gloves) does actually work for some of the earlier outfits, however, iterations of outfits since then do not benefit from this feature for some reason, and only allow you to turn off the helmet. I can understand why in cases where the individual pieces are more streamlined or look like they are connected, but I'm not sure why they don't allow you to turn off the shoulders in cases where they are clearly detached and separate from the rest of the outfit.

  8. One solution to the request for dueling, which wouldn't cause issues for players who don't want to duel, is to introduce an arena in one of the main cities. In fact, you could even use the Queen's Gauntlet arena, which is an asset in the game which has not been utilized for a long time, and that is currently going to waste. Just make it so players can go to the arena to duel, and challenge each other, while other players can spectate. Because it's also a specific, separate location, it also means you won't be harassed for duels in other areas if you don't want to be.

    Also, with multiple small arenas to utilize in the case of using the Queen's Gauntlet arena (or any other similar arena implemented), it would give a space in which players can duel without outside interference (I.E. other players giving you boons, blocking your view, etc).

  9. @"Arathor.5819" said:Okay... just as a side note to this thread, some people here are really condescending to others. This is an extremely difficult fight depending on build. When I was Sw/D weaver it was literally impossible.

    If a player doesn't know they can switch weapons by right clicking their weapon in their hero menu, they wouldn't be able to do literally anything. As soon as I switched to staff it was super easy, but without access to inventory, some players might not know how to switch. I guarantee you if you did not have the proper build to fight this it would be quite literally impossible.

    Some people can beat this while practically afk, others require a feat of Olympian strength.

    No one is impressed how easily you beat this. "Learn to play" without any other input isn't helpful to anyone and really is not welcome.

    That resurrection though.... XD

    Well, this is an old thread, but I'll answer anyway. Calling something "literally impossible" is basically little more than sensationalism. I understand some people might find this encounter difficult and may not grasp the mechanics of the battle right away, but you do yourself no favors by writing something off as 'impossible', even if just for certain builds, simply because you failed to complete it on your first attempts. All you're doing is giving yourself an excuse to give up and blame the game for your shortcomings, rather than trying to problem solve and overcome a challenge yourself. Ironically enough, despite mentioning how players can be condescending towards others, I don't think you realize how condescending or self defeating players can be towards themselves when they underestimate their own capacity to overcome a challenge.

    I can pretty much guarantee that if I used a Sword/Dagger weaver, I'd be able to do the battle quite easily. This isn't because I'm a superior player though, rather it's just because once you figure out the mechanics of the battle, if actually becomes very simple. I'll post my earlier post in this thread below, where I actually gave feedback on how to approach the fight:

    @Tenrai Senshi.2017 said:Perhaps I am late to the party here, but this fight is actually very easy once you understand its mechanics. I think what most people would struggle with is the mechanic where the boss drains your life and replenishes itself, but it's actually very simple to stop it from doing that.

    All you do, is fight it as per usual, either in melee or range, and when you see an orange aoe circle, it means it's about to leap at you and then start using a channeled life drain attack. When you see the circle, just dodge away from the boss, and keep running away from it. As long as you keep a reasonable distance, the attack will not cause any damage, nor give the boss any life. Once it has finished, it will perform another AoE attack that does high damage in the area around itself, after which you can jump back in again and resume damage.

    I've done this fight with multiple characters, a Revenant, a Guardian and a Thief, and I never had to adjust builds or swap weapons or anything. I used melee most of the time and just went ranged where needed. I also did the instance with a friend playing a weaver and when I explained the mechanics to him, he completed the boss easily on the first try. Sometimes people just need to look at a situation and evaluate it properly, to find a solution. Once the solution is clear, the task becomes simple.

    If the battle did one thing wrong, perhaps it would be that it didn't highlight these mechanics clearly enough for some players, but honestly, I actually like that some battles require you to figure them out to progress, rather than just feeding you with a silver spoon.

    As a final note, I will agree that some players can be very short or blunt with their feedback, and it can be frustrating, but maybe they are also just frustrated because people always complain at every little hurdle they face, and undue complaints often lead to the unnecessary toning down of content.

  10. This is why I am glad I have Meteorlogicus, if for no other reason than the fact that it replaces the "cotton ball" projectiles with something that looks a lot better in my opinion. Meteorlogicus projectiles actually suit the guardian's aesthetics quite nicely. XD

    But yes, it would be nice if they updated the effects of the base projectiles, and not only that, but the sound as well (it's a very noisy auto attack and the sound can get a bit grating after a while). In fact, there are a lot of old skills and animations that just aren't up to par anymore, if you compare them to newer weapon animations or skills from elite specs.

  11. @Zedek.8932 said:I actually like there is some premium stuff here and there where people with gold and/or money can buy themselves some nifty stuff; GW2 this is not socialism/communism after all where all players are forced to be equally poor.

    It's not about being rich or poor, it's about how much value you see in a purchase. If someone tries to sell me a City Golf at the price of a Ferrari, I'm going to raise an eyebrow regardless of whether I'm a millionaire or not. And I'm sure as hell not going to buy it just because someone is trying to shove the idea down my throat that it's somehow a 'premium' item just because it has a big price tag. Lol.

    For some people, it's hard to justify 25 dollars for a mount when some games sell entire seasons passes or expansions for that price, with vastly superior quality or bang for their buck. For you to pass that off as them simply being poor is a very shallow way of looking at things.

  12. I agree, the prices are way too high for single skins, even if they are unique. Charging the equivalent of 25 dollars for a single skins, when you can buy the entire expac for 29.99 just doesn't make sense at all. For my part, I'll simply vote with my wallet. If I see reasonable prices and nice skins, I will buy them, but otherwise, I won't. If others do the same, that will send a message more loud than any forum post could.

  13. @EMTDJ.9042 said:To those complaining about the mount skins being RNG, yet were perfectly ok with Pokémon, Yugioh, Magic, Baseball cards, and all other forms of collectable games being RNG, you have no place to complain. People go and spend 25, 50, 100's of dollars at a time, with no real guarantee on what you will get unless the one you need is outside the package or fearured, on these collectable games with packs and tins and no one complains.

    You know, here's an crazy thought, but maybe the people who are complaining about RNG in GW2, also avoid other games that involve RNG, like card games, Pokemon or other similar titles. Perhaps you didn't consider that possibility?

    But hey, at least with those games you know what you're getting into. If people enjoy the thrill of the luck of the draw, so to speak, then by all means they are welcome to enjoy it. People aren't necessarily arguing against that. What many people are arguing against is that for those who don't like RNG, there's no alternatives to acquiring those skins.

  14. @Raeysa Penrose.8450 said:EDIT: Also, I see that if they do change mount pricing/RNG it will turn into a price range making reskins like 400 gems and the legendary ones 2,000. Is this what you really want?

    No, what we want is the option to buy individual skins at reasonable price points. Why do you speak as if there's only a choice between two extremes? You're ignoring all the other viable alternatives.

  15. RNG is what makes them money, let's get this out of the way.Also people have to remember that a company has to make MONEY they do not get around by paying everyone there with cookies.People should be happy that this is one of the few games were there is 0% PAY TO WIN and is 100% OPTIONAL so don't be greedy by saying that even asking 400 gems for a skin would be to much lol.

    Sorry, but it's perfectly viable to make money without RNG. Plenty of industries do it, in fact. I mean, it's not like you go to the cinema and then draw a lottery for which movie you're going to see. But you mistakenly associate people disliking the idea of RNG with the idea of them not being willing to spend money, when in reality, these two individual points are not necessarily related at all. I'm more than happy to spend 400 or even 600 gems on a new mount skin. I'm not happy to spend it on RNG, however.

    And to put it bluntly, myself and others don't need to be happy with anything we don't want to be happy with, and RNG loot boxes is one of those things many of us are more than willing to speak out against.

  16. To be honest, I'm not happy with this direction at all. I was quite prepared to spend gems on mount skins when they arrived, but I have absolutely no intention of spending those gems on a system governed by RNG. To begin with, I'm interested in very select mount skins from the current pool, and knowing I'd have to sift through many mount skins I either don't like or have no intentions of using at all just to get the ones I want is enough to make me abandon the gem store altogether. It's a shame too, because now I have 4000 gems sitting in my account, which I paid money for, and I have nothing interesting to spend them on. I guess that's the last time I make the mistake of buying an ultimate edition for an expansion in my effort to support the devs, especially considering the devs have thrown the idea of supporting their loyal players out of the window.

    This is honestly the worst thing I've seen implemented by ANet so far. You are adopting very bad, anti-consumer business practices, and it's very disheartening to see. And 2000 gems for one exclusive skin? Wow... just wow...

    I wonder if the feedback in this thread will be heeded or simply overlooked. I'm sure myself and others are tired of being overlooked by now...

  17. Perhaps I am late to the party here, but this fight is actually very easy once you understand its mechanics. I think what most people would struggle with is the mechanic where the boss drains your life and replenishes itself, but it's actually very simple to stop it from doing that.

    All you do, is fight it as per usual, either in melee or range, and when you see an orange aoe circle, it means it's about to leap at you and then start using a channeled life drain attack. When you see the circle, just dodge away from the boss, and keep running away from it. As long as you keep a reasonable distance, the attack will not cause any damage, nor give the boss any life. Once it has finished, it will perform another AoE attack that does high damage in the area around itself, after which you can jump back in again and resume damage.

    I've done this fight with multiple characters, a Revenant, a Guardian and a Thief, and I never had to adjust builds or swap weapons or anything. I used melee most of the time and just went ranged where needed. I also did the instance with a friend playing a weaver and when I explained the mechanics to him, he completed the boss easily on the first try. Sometimes people just need to look at a situation and evaluate it properly, to find a solution. Once the solution is clear, the task becomes simple.

    If the battle did one thing wrong, perhaps it would be that it didn't highlight these mechanics clearly enough for some players, but honestly, I actually like that some battles require you to figure them out to progress, rather than just feeding you with a silver spoon.

  18. Pros:

    • Nice, varied maps that are fun to explore, but not overbearing.
    • Mounts are great (a very big positive).
    • Story quests were very fun, though the experience did feel a bit brief towards the end.
    • It's always good to get new armor sets.
    • The Price. This isn't always discussed but PoF was definitely priced better than HoT.


    • No new dungeons or other small group end game content. Bounties typically require larger groups to complete.
    • ! I wasn't completely thrilled with using an undead army to fight Balthazaar when they had no emotional attachment to the cause. This was a human god, it would have been nice to have a more human element to the final battle. In fact, it would have been nice if the faction you aligned with for an army was determined by your choice of alliance in act 1 or something. Other than that though, the battle was really cool.

    • Aggro on mobs is ridiculously high. It kinda diminishes the enjoyment of using mounts and exploring when you're hit by unavoidable attacks every few meters you move.
    • Wardrobe hasn't been updated with new armor/weapons. It's hard to determine what you want to work towards if you can't even preview it. I have no idea why this limitation was implemented.
    • The new guild hall is nice, but somewhat underwhelming. There's no exploration value and it feels very restricted compared to the other two guild halls.
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