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Posts posted by Sarie.1630

  1. This morning I got a mail saying that my God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals title had to be removed. Didn’t even know I had it to be honest as I never earned it, but on checking my AP, they had gone down by around 450 because every single one of the HoM rewards including AP and titles have also been removed. 

    I have submitted a support ticket but also posting here as it can only be a mistake but haven’t seen anyone else complaining about it yet. 

    I have had the Flameseeker title on my main since about Day 1. Pretty disappointed. 

  2. 16 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

    You don’t need the buff


    Even if you don't, Erise.5614 is correct in so far as it requires more than an hour of your time.  I actually haven't had a failed run since week 2, but this is only because I get into a map which is actively organising before the next round of Preparations even starts.  One hour before the escorts events start organised groups seem to be filled (at least on EU) and then it's a "cross your fingers and spam join in the hope that a random in the map leaves".  You're therefore in the map in excess of one hour before the main escort events even start.  At best, my DE runs tend to be two hours, which is a massive time investment for someone who doesn't have loads of free time to spend playing.


    I try to to the meta about once a week.  Now I've got my 5 conversations achievement, amongst several others, my willingness to spend 2+ hours doing this on an evening is vastly diminished.  I admit I don't know what the "extra rewards" are which Anet advised in their 29th March patch notes for EoD metas, but based on my run of Echovald meta this morning, I saw no discernable difference to loot there.  The Antique summoning stone daily is nice but it's not worth me using up an entire evening on it; I'd rather passively collect them over months.


    I'm not complaining about this meta too much I think.  I regret I don't have the time to devote to the game that I used to - that's life.  If you could somehow marry up the current difficulty with not having to organise a group so early in the event cycle I think I would have a lot more staying power with it; but I don't really think that's possible the way things are.  #shrug

    • Like 9
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  3. @Jilora.9524 said:It is tedious. And a lot don't know or waste the time. A weekly added would encourage way more accounts to get that free key each week and anet would lose sales. Unless of course the weekly was as or more tedious

    Make the weekly such that you get a key reward every Tuesday if you completed all 7 “daily completionist” achievements in the preceding 7 days.

    Other than that, I’m pretty satisfied with key acquisition. You have Lvl 10, 30, 60 story, one in Season 2 story, one in HoT story, chance on map completion and random drops. Another weekly key would be a nice cherry on top but not absolutely necessary.

  4. @Healix.5819 said:That said, the servers generally rotate after each patch, so the odds of only a specific map being affected every time is rather unlikely.I'm by no means very knowledgeable on this topic, but I presume that this means that maps such as Thunderhead Peaks, on which the lag has been obscene since around March (for me), means that it's likely not a problem with my connection? I upgraded to full fibre recently and that map still gives me the same 5-10 second lagspikes with great frequency.

    @Ayrilana.1396 said:The issue isn’t affecting all players or at least on the NA side.The cynics among us who reside outside of NA suspect that this is the reason for it not seeming to be very high up ArenaNet's to-do list.

  5. The Dominion of Winds could open up as part of the Living World prior to us heading to Cantha. I could see this happening as an "Epilogue" episode to close down the Saga story arc and set up hints at the new Campaign. I could also completely see a Tengu, at some point, joining Dragon's Watch; this could help ease the guild into forming alliances within Cantha, provided there are any Tengu remaining there... of course the story could just have us ally with Canthan humans because Kasmeer is there to assist in Diplomacy for the Queen. Don't forget that the Dominion of Winds has been historically harassed to an unknown degree by Destroyers (see: Kessex Hills), and Primordus is still on the table, so this could give an additional story-based reason to visit the area; perhaps Destroyers have been becoming more pervasive...

  6. @"SeikeNz.3526" said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

    i renember my first time at hot with my bad gears, the game felt way more alive and fun

    Not saying that the game isn't too easy once you're all kitted out but over lockdown I completed 2.5 full world completions. My experience of the population on the old maps was that there were people playing pretty much everywhere. Genuinely surprising numbers of people completing hearts and banding together to do the big events; frankly, everything I hoped the core game would be eight years down the line. I could probably count on one hand the number of times I found myself in an area of the game where there weren't other people doing their own thing.

    I think it is therefore misleading to imply that "old maps are empty because it's too easy".

    I play on EU and I don't know if that makes a difference. Perhaps NA servers are genuinely desolate.

  7. A Whisper in the Ice, first half of Bjora Marshes, simply because I'm a sucker for feels, and that map feels amazing. From the ambient sound, to the low hum of the music, to the dark foreboding feeling, to the occasional whispers and the remote feel; it's got it all for me. The map events don't tick too many boxes for me, but the map more than makes up for that.

  8. In terms of the "next new map" rather than "next episode" I'm tempted to think back to the Saga trailer. I recall a section whereby Centaur were whipping their human slaves and wonder if, given the proximity to Drizzlewood, the next map would be somewhere north of Harathi Hinterlands. Will we get to see some Icebrood Centaur perhaps? Centaur have so far seemed to escape the clutches of all elder dragons - I wonder what their secret is.

  9. @zealex.9410 said:

    @Mewcifer.5198 said:Currently the icebrood saga requires 43 mastery points to have completed while there is only 50 available points.

    The wiki is missing some points. I have 9 spare points. From what I can tell, the wiki does not account for multiple mastery points being available from the same achievements track. Case in point: the Moral Breaker achievement, which goes up to 50 completions of the Cold War strike, rewards 2 mastery points, 1 at first completion and another at 10. This is not accounted for in the wiki. Not sure which other achievement is missing.

    The spare and total amount of mastery points have steadily been increasing with the release of more episodes. Making it easier to acquire sufficient mastery points as the Season/Saga progresses. If memory serves me right, after the first Episode, there was only 1 spare mastery point, after the previous episode it was 6, now it's 9.

    This is likely to not make mastery points meaningless to early.

    You are ring that as a season/saga goes on the number of spare points increase. I just don't remember the last living stories feeling like this. It seems like with the increase in the ratio they are also increasing how grindy the achievements that give the masteries feel.

    Maybe it's just me though. I work more hours now. So having less time to play makes grinding a lot more frustrating.

    I mean achievements in general have gotten more grindy but thats unrelated to how tight or not the mastery points have been, you could have the same tightness and the achievements be less grindy.

    Right now I think the tight feeling is closely tied with the fact that I have played on the maps enough to have more than enough XP but I am still chasing those points.

    I even spent a good amount of gold getting the points that are locked behind the early tiers of the weapon collections.

    Im still chasing masteries, im nowhere near capped. I prefer it over it just sorta being drowned in mp and it feeling worthless.

    I agree with this. I don’t mind that it takes a bit more time to work through the masteries - the effort alone makes them feel better paced than just getting everything super quick like we had with HoT

    This is also true, however:

    @coso.9173 said:i partiularly dislike mastery points being given as a reward for doing the same event 15 to 20 times. i just loathe that kind of line of thought. specially when the event is in itself a meta event that takes a long time.

    I would prefer the points to be gained from doing things that were more about proving mastery than just following an owl dude around for 10 mins.

  10. @Dvantaman.3617 said:

    @"Ototo.3214" said:

    Well technically we don't have gen2 underwater weapons so it isn't complete, but i don't see those happening without a huge underwater revamp

    Fair point. But iirc they confirmed that in the gen2 there will be no underwater weapons,but with the addition to the skimmer being "maybe" a hint to underwater revamp it would be nice if we can get gen 2 underwater leg weapons too!

    Yes, this is exactly it. I was referring to the underwater weapons. I hope that what you say is right, that ArenaNet are aligning themselves to some real underwater content with the skimmer addition. I hope that the ability to use skimmer underwater, however, will not mean that an underwater mount is entirely off the table. I feel like there's so much potential in Underwater Content with an expansion sized revamp budget...but I'm not sure we will ever get there. That's off topic for this thread anyway, I'm just dreaming.

  11. @Sir Alric.5078 said:

    I wonder if it's all gearing up to Efram being appointed as Khan-Ur. Whenever there's leading to be done, it's invariably Efram up-front

    Bangar is a puppet on display, Ryland is now a Champion of Jormag, Smodur is dead, Efram seems like a good guy but he leads the Flame legion which was the enemy until not too long ago, so i don't think they will choose him. Plus he's now the only dude among an all female leadership. I get the feeling that they are going to pick Crecia for the job, but we shall see.

    I replayed the episode the other day and was struck, second time around, by a lot of the language used by Malice. Malice diplomatically sidesteps important questions. I got the feeling that perhaps Malice's Ash agents working behind enemy lines assisted in contacting Ryland, and orchestrating the attack on Smodur. I'm very intrigued to find out what Malice's motives are in this Saga which are currently being downplayed and hinted at, at low level. Can't work out if this supports my previous theory about Efram or not, now... perhaps Malice is trying to get Efram into a position where he can be Khan-Ur, and therefore needed Smodur out of the way as he is high ranking enough to potentially challenge the position. Not sure why Malice would want Efram in the post, though... my thought process has stalled a bit now, but it's interesting to consider.

    I don't think Malice is working for, or in league with Jormag... at least for the time being... but I do think she may have some interesting motives and goals lurking in the background.

  12. @"Ayrilana.1396" said:In most games, DLC’s are typically not included unless explicitly stated.

    But for a full story experience I would definitely advocate a "complete package" being available to buy at the outset and maybe more explicit marketing from ArenaNet. No-one likes to feel like they have bought the whole thing only to find out that they haven't. I don't disagree with the model of "paying more for Living World seasons after their free period" but think it should be clearer to new players.

  13. I don't have a problem with the way Smodur died. Ryland had a score to settle and he didn't muck about, he didn't monologue just long enough until we could rescue Smodur, he just went straight for him as payback and I think echoes how brutal the Charr are supposed to be. I take slight issue in the way Ryland just seemed to be able to teleport straight into the cave with his backup but eh, after Scarlet's god-like abilities, that's nothing.

    I have problems with this release like everyone but when it comes to Smodur specifically, I'm sorry to see him go, but appreciate the way it was done. I wonder if it's all gearing up to Efram being appointed as Khan-Ur. Whenever there's leading to be done, it's invariably Efram up-front.

  14. @lokh.2695 said:Nah, the game doesn't need PvP in PvE. It has PvP in PvP and PvP in WvW. If you want to gank people there are so many other games for you that have fully realised your idea.

    I think you misunderstand what Sovereign is suggesting... and I sympathise, because it's taken me three forum pages to work it out!

    I think the idea is a PvE map, on a rotating basis, of which there is a PvP version which you can opt into. The PvE version of the map would still be there and PvE players who can't be doing with PvP would be safeguarded and not forced into anything they don't want to do. This would just allow WvWer's to have a different arena to fight in with PvE mechanics; understandably some may be bored by the same old few maps that WvW has.

    I'm not against that idea in principle, but my stance on this is the same as my stance on player housing, that being that I don't want to see Dev time wasted on something when they could be developing things of more interest to me. Selfish viewpoint, sure, but there it is.

  15. Actually, a mixture. I like a whole-map meta, but I don't want it on every map... I enjoyed the PoF maps, especially Desert Highlands and Crystal Oasis.

    If we have a Kaineng City map I wouldn't want that to just be one big meta where there's a total lack of detail on anything that's not part of the "battle against the Jade Brotherhood" map meta event, for example. I'm not just talking about items you can interract with and points of interest you can recognise, I like small voice acted events which help to flesh out the rest of the world; they don't even need to have anything to do with the main story. PoF was better for that than HoT was and is partly why I enjoy PoF maps. HoT sucked at telling the story about any thing that wasn't the Meta, really.

    Just as an edited sidenote, in case Devs do read people's opinions, I would hope that Kaineng City is large enough to not be condensed down to one map, like the Desolation or Vabbi.

  16. @kharmin.7683 said:Underwater combat vs. Cantha. I'm not sure that Anet would do both in a single expansion.

    I used to like the idea of an underwater-focused XPac, which would force a complete revision and addition to current underwater gameplay and mechanics. Since then I feel like an entire XPac budget on that would be excessive. I think that, depending on how ArenaNet approach it, the Jade Sea may provide a discrete area of Cantha which could be used to provide some meaningful, expansive and improved underwater areas. Clearly, the story may be engineered to retain the sea as Jade and only time will tell.

    I feel like if a sole underwater focused XPac was announced then it would be a turn-off to a lot of players who can't imagine how that area of the game's combat and gameplay could be improved, whereas implementing one area within an XPac to focus heavily on underwater content could be a good middle ground. Would there be enough in the XPac budget to revise UW gameplay and make it more interesting and engaging, on top of development of all the new land-based zones?... not sure on that.

    More on-topic, I'd love to see the Gen2 set truly completed and really hope that this will be done sometime during Icebrood Saga or the next Expansion...

  17. @Etria.3642 said:They do have a waypoint thing in the gemstore...so I doubt this would ever be a thing.

    Notwithstanding this, I wouldn't want to see waypoints be available account wide because it would further de-incentivise exploration, and therefore further reduce population on existing maps. I think Players need the lure of being able to waypoint to anywhere as a reason to explore and unlock waypoints, if they don't want to pay for the unlock packs. With mounts now, it's really not that onerous anyway.

  18. My wish list for what is assumed to be a Cantha expansion are as follows:-

    • A return to "Cities", or rather one city in particular. I would very much like Kaineng Centre to be implemented similar to the curent Lion's Arch. I would appreciate a city in Cantha with no combat or enemies, and instead, packed with lore and non-combat achievements. I would also appreciate this being a centre for crafting, trading post, bank, guild services and all other services typically associated with such cities.
    • Underwater combat overhaul. A proper one, with underwater masteries and a mount. I'd also like to see an underwater build which you automatically swap to when diving underwater which changes one of your land-based trait lines to an underwater-specific trait line. I think in the case of Revenant this would involve including an underwater spirit to channel which could be amazing. The UW trait lines would not necessarily be elite specialisations, but perhaps could be. I think that the Jade Sea provides a perfect opportunity to include a large amount of underwater combat, but not so much that the entire expansion is underwater focused.
    • Tengu as a playable race, but with a caveat. My proposal is you'd have to level one of the existing races up to 80 in order to unlock Tengu. Tengus would be able to play through the pre-Cantha story, but as an optional thing, and would have to play as a "standard commander model", so as to avoid having to go back and re-record all story voice acting with a Tengu voice actor. Once starting as a Tengu you would be given the option to level up from scratch in existing core regions (with their home city being the Dominion of Winds), or to jump to level 60 and play through the new Shing Jea levelling map, comprising two maps (60-70 and 70-80), before joining Core races in the Cantha Story at L80, in Kaineng Center. I think a lvl 60 jump wouldn't be adopted as this would mean less incentive for players to buy instant-80 boosts (but who is buying these outside of new players anyway, who would potentially buy one to get around having to level a core race to 80 before being allowed to play Tengu?)
    • I would like the city to not be "condensed" down into one zone, as happened with the Desolation and Vabbi. Cantha's city area is so sprawling and complex that I don't think this can or should be condensed into one map.
    • I'd like to see a mixture of map types; some large zones with hearts, standard events and interesting features and a couple of smaller zones with whole-map meta events
    • Underwater legendary weapons to complete the Gen 2 set.
    • New land-based elite specialisations, in addition to underwater specialisations as previously discussed.

    I also don't understand the obsession with Fishing and Player Housing. Happy for these to be excluded from the next XPac, whatever it ends up being.

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