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Posts posted by Sorra.1735

  1. I wanna see who will want to take a druid into a raid comp after this nerf as the only thing its useful atm is the 10man 25might and the not so great spirits that a soulbeast can take also. The healing is also not as great as the other healers so i can see that ppl will rather take a hfb as it will do everything that druid basically does but better and can spam stab and aegis. 

    • Like 1
  2. im in love with the harbringer, i love the playstyle with the pistol and the traits are very well done (shame the willbender doesnt have at least a similar traits like harbringer in terms of choosing what you wanna do condi/direct dmg or support) the movement in shroud is refreshing and gives the class a very fun playstyle.  i like the thought of reducing the hp and elixirs tho you could have beet a little more creative and make different shapes for them cuz engi has nice icons.

    what bothers me is that you have a very strong sustain in pvp, with this setup https://imgur.com/a/ao8U19T i was almost unkillable, which is weird when you had in mind high risk for having lower hp. with carrion amulet i still had around 15k hp while having 25 stacks of blight. i dare say i have better sustain with that build on harbringer than on scourge. the problem comes with the healing while not in shroud while the healing skill gives life force. every time i got under 50% hp i just went out of shroud and used the heal skill and the life force healed me nicely while kiting the enemy. the damage is also something that should be nerfed i think, and im talking about the torment dmg from harbringer. maybe lower the duration for the tormend that the pistol and shroud applies? i could stack up to 30 stacks of tomerment without a single problem (with the trait) overall the condi side of this spec feels veeeery OP. 

    • Haha 2
    • Confused 2
  3. the willbender feels like a no no go in pvp, even a firebrand is stronger than WB in pvp. 
    first of all: all the mobility skills feel very underwhelming, harbringer travels more with his 2 leaps in shroud than a WB with all his virtues together. also almost every skill that it has is mobility but nothing else. one cc that does nothing more? harbringer has cc on pistol and does more that WBs cc. Id say any class has a better cc than a guard but thats another thing.  the off hand sword skills are so useless that id rather take a focus with the block thats not so great either. hell even a torch for damage or shield for the one knock (that does nothing more) is better than the off hand skills of the sword.
    traits: what game mode did you have in mind while making the first tier of traits for WB? cuz like, for sure a support would not take the concentration or healing, maybe a selfish tank or i dont even know in which game mode any1 would take it becuase tankls are played as a support. the power one is like, sure get more power but lose toughness, kay, now as a guard with 11k base hp you gotta take toughness to compensate cuz im pretty sure no1 in their right mind would take that trait into pvp without taking toughness which will be a must have with that trait otherwise youll just melt like a chocolate in a hot summer day.  for pve okay but for pvp or wvw theres nothing to choose in that first tier.

    the second tier feels like the only thing you can take is the CD shortening tho it looks like its bugged or i have no idea how it should work cuz the only think that gets the "faster cd" is f1 skill. the trait with boons on f3 has to be paired with the concentration on cuz otherwise you get 3s of boons that will do basically nothing in pvp compared to an engi and his boon output or a scourge that strips the boons for himself. the healing one might be useful when there are many enemy but otherwise it wont do much. 

    for the last tier of traits id say that the last one is so freaking useless, like, kay, cant be downed but hello? ill have 1hp and ill just die cuz literally any class will catch up to me or one condi will kill me after. 

    im just so dissapointed by this spec that i just lost all motivation to write anything else :/ 
    any willbender i faced with harbringer died horribly. look at twitch, nobody is playing it cuz it just does nothing. in every game the willbender dies fastest if he wants to join fight. he cant even do a decent 1v1 and does nothing in team fights so for pvp im not gonna touch it again until theres something that the spec will be able to do.  cant see a real use for it in wvw either so lets hope it has something to offer in pve but with all the skills being mobility and useless stuff it wont have more dps than a dragonhunter.


    that being said, i just feel sadness now :( 


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  4. i got issues with the infusion also, it does not work when you have legendary skins (tried only with heavy armor from pve). when you enter combat or just draw your weapons the infusion covers only the skin of the character. looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/efcfwiNnot sure if its intentional, if yes then its a shame imo, i was looking forward to having the whole armor turned to stone ^^ (my armor is black and red, also tried it with another set thats white and blue, did not cover any part of it)edit: just saw the comment from another person pointing this issue with lege armor out ^^;

  5. at the moment the temp is aropund 50°C for cpu (have chrome, discrod and gw2 launcher open) gpu is at 45°C. im not sure what temp is good and what is bad. Last time i cleaned the pc from dust was in august this year xD tho i dont have much dust there. Must admit i do not trust the softwares like CCcleaner and others cuz they look kinda.. not professional, dunno how to explain it. so im afraid to use them but i do delete old stuff from my pc, tho i guess that does not help much. i did reinstall the game and so far nothing happened, but im afraid there will be problems after some time again. will clean the pc today just to be sure.thanks for the advice tho

  6. update: reinstalled the game, look ok so farHello, i couldnt find anything similar to my problem, wanted to ask if any1 knows what might be the problem:

    after some time my game started to do weird things like all of the text dissapearing both in UI, options skills achievs even what i wrote in chat. After that usually the whole esc menu dissapears and i cant close the game, when i want to end the process in task manager whole computer freezes and i have to restart. this happened at least 3 times already in the past 2 weeks. Before i thought it might be connected to graphic driver update, so i did update it, every time a new update popped up. i thought it was okay after that but that was like 3 weeks ago, did one update yday also and its still happening. the game doesnt even take screenshots when it happens. could it be a problem within my pc? like my cpu or ram ? gpu is always okay when playing gw2 and no other game does this, just gw2. my last hope is reinstalling the game or repairing the client but the repair almost never works for me, so i usually just reinstall.any thoughts what might be my problem?

    my pc specs:win10 pro (not sure if this is needed but sometimes the pro version is a pain in the butt)intel core i5 74000 3ghzram 8gbnvidia geforce gtx 1060 3gb

  7. @Khalisto.5780 said:nope, if I have a chance to get one of those leaderboards title is with the current leaderboards, using the same exploits

    are you saying you wanna ruin the game for other players just to get a title that is pretty much useless and means nothing when people wintrade and have those titles and still you can see that they play badly even when they have one of the titles form top 250? :D and then there are decent players that wont exploit the current system and will never have those top 25 etc titles cuz they wont ruin the matches for other ppl. there arent many players that play the pvp in this game and yet there are those that will keep ruining the experience for others...

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