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Posts posted by Dadnir.5038

  1. 59 minutes ago, Trejgon.9367 said:

    "few more lines" that did no comparision, just more of broad statements on how you feel the class is like. Nothing to fit criteria of what Bastrii was specifically asking about.

    Ah! A white knight... The thread is 4 months old mister white knight. In 4 month a lot of thing can change, some profession rise in the meta, other fall and surprisingly ranger both rose for a time and then fell not so long ago. Still something didn't change, the truth of the statement that Bastrii deny.

    In this thread, my very first post list a very long list of defensive tools that the ranger have access to. A list so long that it put to shame most other professions. The second post, to which they answer I point out to necromancer. My 3rd post have a comparison between reaper shroud and ranger's Hammer. My 4th post is the post you're answering to. Like I said they just had to read before "taunting", I'll extend this invitation to you as well.

  2. 1 hour ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Do you know how ridiculous that sounds. So the way they will go about this is to only nerf down boon strips one per patch, over the course of 3 years, until they think that's "balanced", then proceed to nerf down boon applications? But if they nerf down boon strips to the point they think it's balanced..... why would they need to go nerf down boon applications after? because if you nerf down boon applications afterwards, they will then unbalance the boon strips....

    Does anyone realize that boon applications and strips go hand in hand? nerfing just one side of the equation is going to tip it over to the other side. You don't "balance" by just nerfing one side and then the other, you do them both at the same time if the intention is to bring them both down, then you make minor adjustments.

    This all sounds like the person is charge is purposely taking the slow road to milk the job duration out. They could have done all the boon strip nerfs in one patch, you know like the mass damage reduction they did, and then proceed from there, instead it's ongoing for 3 years, and what another 3 years before they finish balancing boons while they continue to release more unbalancing mechanics and boon applications through expansions? I suppose we should expect that from anet given they've taken 8 years to finally bring out world restructuring to replace links. CMC needs to read his spreadsheets a little faster.

    To be fair, the devs have many ambitious "projects" that they fail to follow through. Ultimately, players either forget those projects or realise that they were just a mean to sell arguable points on a balance patch.

    The reality is that the devs are confortable with the heavy boon meta (well, they aren't very confortable with quickness and alacrity in competitive modes but they are already working on removing the ability to share those in these gamemodes).

    Boon removal on another hand is a thorn on their side. It's a mechanism that can be very strong in competitive modes yet is mostly "weak" in PvE. It make it difficult to properly manage the power budget of the professions/e-specs that have access to boon removal which is why it's more convenient for them to minimize their impact instead of increasing it.

    Don't expect big changes to the statu quo. The devs' focus is all over the content of the next x-pac which will bring it's own impact on the balance in every gamemode.

  3. Just now, Bastrii.3047 said:

    "Packed full of defensive tools"

    Oh no, please, go on. Compare our defensive tools to any other profession. I'm waiting.

    I already did, you just had to read a few more lines.

    • Like 1
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  4. 11 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    If there is no longer a charge mechanic, there is no longer a reason for dragon trigger. It just is one more button press to access your burst skills (which roots you in place and is easily canceled by accidentally moving). It would therefore make more sense to "cut out the middle man" and have DS skills directly available.

    And if there is no self-rooting DT, there is no need for trigger guard or flicker step (in their current iterations). Bladesworn's utilities, however, are pretty lack-luster, and this would be a good opportunity to revise the bad ones into something more appealing.

    So it all fits together, is what I'm trying to say.

    Like I said, I'm fine with the middleman and the utilities. The only thing that bother me is that I can't get the benefit of the numerous burst traits if I don't spend time charging the various dragon slash.

    Heck, I might even have been to ambitious asking for 3 bursts via trait, I'd be fine with just Trigger guard or Flicker step being transformed by a trait into a skill that spend flow without "charging" allowing me to get full benefit from the various core traits. I don't care if it result in a skill that do no damage, I just want a single option that give me my adrenal health, my cleansing ire, my berserker's power, my building momentum, my burst precision... etc. when I need it not 1.5 to 2.5 second after I need it.

    You want to change way to many things on Bladesworn, it isn't something realistic to expect. Make it simple. Don't try to calculate whether something is needed after the change or not. Just a simple fix to a painful desing issue is more than enough.

  5. 1 hour ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    Agreed. That's what the OP achieves.

    More accurately, that's what point 2 try to achieve, but there are 6 points. I'm fine with dragon trigger, DS skills and the utilities, I see no real need for change there.

    I'd be fine with just a major trait saying: "Dragon slash" skills are replaced with "Dragon burst" skills. And then they would proceed to create 3 bursts that do not requiert any charging time to replace DS force, boost and reach.

  6. I'll be honest, I don't need more F key or whatever, I just need an option to proc all strike of adrenaline for trait's purpose without the need to "charge".

    For me Bladesworn's issue lie there:


    Spending 1-4 charges counts as spending 1 bar of Adrenaline, 4-9 counts as spending 2 bars, and a full 10 charges counts as 3 bars of Adrenaline.


  7. So... Feedback time (only 1 point per profession).

    Elementalist: 300 vitality on a trait is a nice addition on elementalist, however, 300 vitality on a support trait in a support traitline isn't a wise addition.

    Engineer: Elixir X giving a chance to transform into a Lich... The game need less randomness and less Lich form, not the opposite.

    Guardian: If you really want to reduce "Save yourself!" CD to 25s, you should also reduce the boon duration accordingly.

    Mesmer: Buffing sources of invisibility in PvE... Nice but pointless. Time warp on another hand really have a dire need for a buff in PvE, yet it see no buff...

    Necromancer: Harbinger don't need any damage reduction while entering shroud, in fact, in some areas of the game it already have way to much survivability.

    Ranger: If you're gonna make a trait tied to a Longbow skill don't ever tye this trait to PBS! Tye it to hunter's shot! Seriously, don't create toxicity.

    Revenant: Why the heck do you introduce a trait that convert damage into self-sustain?

    Thief: %age of "spalsh effectiveness"... Why is there even a %age for such a thing? Less randomness!

    Warrior: Making it recharge soldier's focus on weapon swap is nice, it would be better if the trait granted stability instead of quickness in competitive modes.

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  8. I vote for "other" simply because there is a variety of teleport abilities.

    Skill that are 2 steps teleport shouldn't need LoS while skills that are single step teleport definitely need it. In other word, any skill that need you to "mark" a foe or an area before porting your character shouldn't need LoS for the subsequent teleport/shadow step (This include: the various portals, thief's shadow return skill which is the follow up of the deception skill shadowstep, Necromancer's Necrotic traversal, Dark pursuit and Spectral recall or, if such skills were to exist, any skill that would port a character to their familiar (or the familiar to his master).

  9. 10 hours ago, mirage.8046 said:

    Terror's damage does happen when the target has resistance, but no aegis and stability. I've seen fear deal damage to my health bar even when I had resistance, and vice versa to enemies. So there is a very niche counterplay to resistance! Fear Necro though gets countered by blocks, unless you are using wail of doom or spectral ring. Reaper however can use 'nothing can save you!' to create unblockable fears, but ofc the fear won't go off if targets have stability. Staff 5 with soul marks trait could also work, but I don't use the trait a lot.

    This. Terror still do damage on targets that are under the effect of resistance. Resistance only block the "control" part of the condition.


  10. 6 hours ago, Langeball.9351 said:

    You only ever played warrior because of Bladesworn.

    Woah! That's one hell of an opening line... For competitive modes, Bladesworn was a dead end from the moment the concept was chosen as an elite spec to be.

    I get that some players could have wanted to RP as their favourite anime character but RP isn't something that's done in competitive modes (even in PvE, the role play is barely accepted).

    3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    According to the balance patch, warrior is 100% fine everywhere and doesnt need changes.

    I get it's fine for RP.

  11. I really don't get the devs... Ideally, we would want a support to be squishy as a trade off and yet, they seem to enjoy buffing support's survivability.

    Sure, Elementalist can afford 300 extra point of survivability but those points shouldn't be part of the "support" traitline. I believe the earth magic traitline was a lot more fitting for such an effect than the water magic traitline.

    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, latlat.4516 said:

    is it possible to have more details about this ? I'm not too sure about tightly coupling a whole trait to not a only a weapon, but a specific skill of this weapon.

    Only longbow could go beyond the range treshold anyway... Objectively, you'll have a better access to the boon after the change.

    That said, anything that encourage the player to use PBS as a part of a rotation is a stupidity.

    • Like 4
  13. 4 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

    They say those changes are to clarify that scepter is a power weapon

    That's just the commercial speech... Like when they say that they are against powercreeping the game or things like that.

  14. Mine is sylvari for growth (Sylvari) and decay (Necromancer).

    Still I used to be tempted to make a human one because I once hoped that racial skills could mean something in this game and Reaper of Grenth was striking me as a great concept skill paired with necromancer (the 180s CD for a skill effect that's not even worth a 60s CD simply killed this hope, thought).

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    We will see this Friday on the balance preview stream what WACKY ideas they do this time.......

    On one side you'll see some sPvP nerfs (because when you don't know what they might do, that's a safe bet).

    On another side they will tweak some things that nobody care about. (something like: "Pistol is an unpopular choice for warrior for [insert reason] so we've decided to improve it [insert pointless changes direction that will excite clueless people until they try it live and are thoroughly disappointed]."

  16. 13 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    Giving a class that has a great sword another great sword is a terrible design choice.

    That's so true...

    On topic, yeah, the damage dealth by the dragonslash in sPvP, even at full charge, isn't worth the effort put into using the skill. Using a single AA will do a better job. On another hand, if you chose to not spend any flow and focus on the other skills, the spec isn't that bad. The main issue being that that reduce heavily your choice of traits.

    • Like 2
  17. Just now, ZephyrusSpring.5728 said:

    It’s not relevant to the discussion and I already spent an hour collecting all of that other data that’s why.  You are welcome to explain how the breakdown of the rest of the builds in the game is relevant. 

    How is it irrelevant? You're basically suggesting the introduction of a piece of equipement that would give an edge to the builds that focus on burning and bleed. It mean that build that focus on different combination of condition would lag behind afterward.

    Now, odds are high that even if the devs were to introduce what you suggest people would still stick to trapper runes. There is more value in increasing the duration of all conditions than there is in increasing 1 or 2 specific conditions.

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  18. On 5/14/2024 at 10:21 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

    Say whatever you want but numbers don't lie https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity 

    This site give you a glimpse of what hardcore raiders play as only those players feed such site with data. Said hardcore raiders could probably go through all the raid wings with any profession and any build but mostly chose the simplest option to get rid of the "chore".

    Elementalist simply ask more investment from the player than the other options so it's left out.

    Increasing the base health pool isn't going to reduce the attention requiered by the player when playing elementalist. You could give elementalist 19k base health pool in PvE and it would change nothing to it's popularity in wingman as the one that are dying with 12k hp would still die with 19k hp.

    What the elementalist need to be popular on wingman is a potent build with a simple rotation. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • Like 6
  19. 1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    I would counter that warrior has enough quickness availability through traits, skills, and Offensive Protocols that even in Open World the trait becomes irrelevant.

    Not everybody take all those.

    Let's be honest, playing with dual wielding while alone "feel good". It's not optimal, it doesn't boost your dps to the moon but the attack flow as a warrior really feel nice. Most likely, there are many players oblivious to the various forum that just play the trait for that. Well, in fact, I do. No matter the arguments you could have, I can tell from experience that, once I drop this little QoL, I "feel bad" as a warrior.

    Sometime, you need to look at things from the perspective of the average players instead of always looking from the perspective of the "elite". Most of the players will never enter the instanced PvE end game they will just chill on the various maps of the open world and sometime follow a zerg with their selfish poorly thought out build that somehow work when they are alone.

    • Like 3
  20. 52 minutes ago, Bdecki.7856 said:

    Ridiculous.. I really liked the flavor of the sword and that trait. Why would they bother keeping this trait as is if in the current state of the game it is useless 99% of the time. I thought it was really cool, now I'm just pissed at ANET for yet another thing.

    I'll play the devil's advocate and simply say that for a player that want to play around alone in open world, the quality of life provided by the trait's effect is nice. And, there is most likely more players that enjoy this QoL than players that play in the content that players on this forum deem "relevant".

    Now, this trait definitely deserve some extra effects to fix the fact that it doesn't have any effect when paired with another attack speed buff.

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