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Posts posted by Stajan.4581

  1. Not sure if this is where I should put this but I will put it here and see what happens. 

    For the last 41 hrs 21 Min I have been working on a world completion with no deaths to pay homage to the old GW1 achievement of Legendary Survivor for the 10th year of GW2.  I can say that after 6 attempts that I was able to complete this, as my other attempts failed for various reasons, some of them Anets...like putting a vista in the middle of a jumping puzzle. But I have completed the core Tyria world map completion, but that is not enough for me, for you see I will be going onto the other maps to complete those as well. 

    So here is my suggestion make achievements for such a task that players can attempt ( yes I understand that in a MMO that ppl assisting you will make it super easy). Put a stipulation on the achievements that no parties no squads and that you have to have x percent of the hearts. 

    This again pays homage to the old legendary survivor title form GW1. 


    There could be three tiers to this 

    First Tier: Nulla Mors :  Completing Tyria world Completion 

    Second Tier Nulla Mors Summum For completing the full world Every single map 

    Third Tier: Domine non est mors: Full world all maps no deaths no downed. 

    Can only be completed once on an account 


    I think this would add a very intense game play for players trying to achieve all three. Make these Achievements Titles once completed and give out some grand reward if all three are achieved. Something like 7 black lion keys as an example. 


    I would have added a screen shot of the completion but I am unable to but please think this over and if you do bring these achievements in please Grandfather me in as I will not be doing this again. 

    Thank you for your time 

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  2. 1 minute ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    without gift of battle WvW is pretty much dead anyway. All these macho people are preying on pve casual who is trying to get gift of battle.

    They run like their back is on fire as soon as they get some competition from competent player.

    I am that PVE player trying to get 1 gifts of battle and 2 conflux. I get swarmed all the time because i solo run and do not run with a zerg because I am I do not need a zerg I know how to play the game. I just need other players to stop thinking WvW is paying their bills

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  3. 20 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    And why don't you do raids for the pve legendaries if pve is all you want to do?

    And question two,. would you be happy earning the tickets at half the rate per week with no pvp involved?

    Having two different ones is the goal not 2 of the same ones


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  4. 17 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Yeah lets cater to the pve players in the pvp mode, better yet we might as well delete wvw and just put optional warmode on for pve zones(kash will love you long long time for that), because we need to make sure pve is happy above everyone else in this game after all, they don't already get the most content, most rewards, most focus in the game. I mean why even go through that trouble, lets just make it so you can earn tickets afk in cities, no one wants to do pvp for the pvp rewards.

    Or maybe they can suck it up and figure out they don't actually need wvw rewards to function in the game.

    Also the three founders of arenanet that came from blizzard, aren't even with the company anymore. Get informed.

    It is not needing it it is just wanting to clear up space and the legendary armoury has done that. A simple click of a button to put you into a non combat roll would be super easy and would not change WvW that much


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  5. 7 minutes ago, Yellow Rainbow.6142 said:

    yeah, we are sandwitched between Maguma on left and blackgate on right this week. It's definitely not fun. You fight 1 and 10 comes from woodwork rightaway. Then, they chase you all the way to south pole.

    I can not wait till I am done with Conflux and never have to go back to WvW again. The fact that Anet put crafting materials....(gift of battle) and one of the legendary rings in WvW is total crap. They really did nto think this through.

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  6. You also need to fix the MECH it is way to over powered with its auto attack and the rocket fists from the mech. There are MECHs every were......Necros and Eles need a reveal, that is in the utility skills ot traits and not hidden behind a master level skill. All other classes have it why not them



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  7. WvW is not paying your bills and camping outside of spawn is harassment.   Hey ANET, you said that other players can not effect your drop rates well, you are 100% wrong. If a server is camping out side the areas that you leave your spawn points that is 10000000000000000000000000000000000000% effecting players spawn rate. I am there for conflux and conflux only and these players that think this is going to pay their bills are preventing myself and others from doing anything at all. You need to fix this some how some way with only 83 tickets left I do not want to be in the worst format of game play any longer than I have to. Please do something about this, I know I am not the only one that feels this way but I am the only one who is brave enough to speak up. 


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  8. 18 hours ago, Zepoolpe.9217 said:

    So you want WvW without the PvP element, just fighting NPCs? It exist: it's called PvE events. You have all what you are looking for: you run around without fighting other players, you have lots of capture the flag type situation, specially in meta-events and you have rewards.

    I know it sounds revolutionary, but i think you should try it, it's available on... well... basically every PvE maps...

    Wrong there is no reward track in PVE for you to get gifts to craft and there is only 1 PVE ring that is in raids and I and many others do nto raid

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  9. 19 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    The reasons you suggest are not why people oppose your suggestions. Your suggestion, this one at least, is opposed because it is awful. Truly terrible. Unbelievably so.

    If you want to suggest a new game mode, go for it. Asking that the entire playerbase of an existing game mode have it taken away from them so that you do not face the possibility of direct conflict with another player in a PvP game mode is disgusting. I normally focus on the suggestion, not the person making it, when I am for or against their idea but you make that difficult. This suggestions says much about the person behind it, and nothing good.

    Than ANET needs to get rid of the timers and anything that goes along with time gating to gain skirmish tickets. People like to craft but they hate WvW and they have to WvW if they want to make legendaries. That is 100000000000000000000000000000000000% total BS


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  10. OK So since no one seems to think what i have said is valid because they either 1 do nothing but WvW or think the GW2 is perfect the way it is ( in which case they are wrong and even the Devs will tell you that).  I have come up with a way the WvW could be gainful to the PVE player. Since it is already a mutant version of capture the flag why mot make a server that is exactly that. All you do is run around and capture the points by taking out guard if you wish, but there is 0 player on player fighting. Every 5 min if a place has been captured it changes to another colour. If there are 2 colours in the same spot the colour with the most ppl in that one spot will capture the point.


    Allow for pip progression for conflux armour and backpack as normal and allow for gift reward track as normal as well. drops from NPCs would be the standard stuff it is now.

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  11. 9 minutes ago, SuavePuppy.2809 said:

    Welcome to the "I want the reward without doing the content" thread #47691

    It is not a I do not want to do content at all it is I do not want to play WvW like it is a gad kitten job. Having to play content that you dislike for 7.1 weeks just to get enough currency to purchase the things you need to make the item you are trying for, is 100% not cool at all......Let me take all the anet employees and put them through military basic training just so they can have the job they have at anet. This is a basic comparison but I promise you this, 90% of them would say screw it and not want the job if that is what it took. This is the exact same idea.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    It would have more sense for WvW to just have their own set of legendary weapons, its own amulet, and have their legendary armor also posess an unique, WvW-specific skin.

    Unique aestethics for different types of content are fine, but functionality should not be so locked. You should always have alternatives.

    This is something I could get behind as well and I agree with that


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  13. OK ANET need to fix what is required to make the legendary ring Conflux, you put it behind the longest waiting map currency in the game. You need a total of 2600 skirmish tickets to make conflux. Well guess what some people do not enjoy playing part of this game like it is a god kitten job, and with all the Rifle Mech crap that is going around on WvW it is impossible to even get close to getting those numbers. At present with the 2600 tickets needed at max chests you will need to full complete 7.1 weeks in a row. This is 1,000,000% unfair to anyone who wants to have conflux but does not enjoy WvW at all. You need to fix this, if you want to keep conflux hidden behind the skirmish tickets than make them so you can sell them on the TP.  The same thing can be said for PvP. Some players just do not like those parts of the game and should not be penalized for not wanting to do them.   Please fix this over sight, and either one make the tickets able to be sold on the TP or give a second currency that can be used to make the ring and either or situation works just as well.......While your at it really really really look hard at the Mech they are all over the place and they need to be fixed the rifle is just WAY to OP.


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  14. OK how about this than...Do not have MF effect loot boxes like the BLC. but how about this.  Put the MF up to 3000% max either by natural or with boosters. 


    1000% basic items no longer drop

    2000% common items no longer drop

    3000% uncommon items no longer drop


    Add into the drop rates Ascended and Legendary items

    at 3000% you have a 33% chance to get a Rare, Ascended item or Legendary

    make the Legendary items account bound and put in a legendary salvage kit.


    This will do three things

    1 will increase people farming for items to increase their MF which will bring more game play

    2 increase the joy of the players to work toward something that will take a very long time to max out.

    3 give players who cannot or do not raid the chance to get top end gear and items.


    With the number of legendary ascended and rare/exotic items in the game, the number of different items you will get, will keep you happy about farming.

    That does mean that any rare bags that are opened would have a 50/50 shot at a rare or an exotic item. Again the number of items is to grand that you would have to worry about flooding the TP with pre's



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  15. Make the MAX RNG % that you can obtain 50% for all loot boxes. Give a base rating 10% the other 40% would come from maxed out MF and boosters. That is fair you basically get a 50/50 chance to get something from an loot box (any loot box this includes BLC)


    Lets look at the BLC: You get three items from it, these three items are always common items. that is great (most of them are useless once you have some items) Now if you open 1 box and you and a 50/50 chance of getting one of the uncommon, rares or super rare items. This basically breaks down to a 33% chance which is still ok. Now on the table of the Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare you have x items a random number to pick what you get is fine here.  This would 1 allow players better chances at the items they are looking to try and get 2 May increase purchases as players seek out to get what they want (putting them in the gem store to be bought should also be done) 3 it allows players to find that thrill of opening a box and get the drop or the item they have been trying to get for some time.  


    I get what everyone is saying about gambling I am fine with gambling as it is a thrill to get something for as little as you can and everyone loves that feeling even for a short time.



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  16. am writing this post to ask you to please do something about the RNG, I just bought 75 keys and opened 75 chests. Out of those 75 chests I got a grand total of 2 rares and only one that I needed for a collection. That is a 2.67% chance that I would get a rare drop and that number goes down as the number of chests gets less. Players are seeking rare skins and items that are locked behind micro purchases but have no way of increasing the odds of getting any rare or super rare item. As an added bonus to opening those chests, I got Dragon Chests 75 of them. Upon opening the chests i got exactly 0 rare drops and I think those are effected by MF which I have the max amount you can get without cheesing it. Please fix the RNG and make it a more player friendly. The house has won long enough it is time for the players to reap a few rewards. As a loyal player since testing in GW1 I do not want to just give up on the game because of something that can be fixed easily by increasing the RNG and or allowing MF to have effects on all containers. However the fact that MF is capped at 300% raw without all the boosters is a bit of a croc.  Increase the MF to 1000% which is the the amount needed rid of basic items like extractors and hair kits. I feel that the 2.67% is lower than it should have been and the whopping 1.33% out of 150 containers was totally out to lunch. I know other players will so than do not buy keys and this and that, but since the Devs took away the old key farms because you were not getting enough purchases and more and more items are being locked behind these purchases and transactions I think it is about time that ANET stop winning this silly little game and increase the MF % and have MF effect every single container. From a basic loot bag, to Black Lion Chests.  I am totally disappointed at the out come of these and over the years I have never ever seen such a horrible out come from my purchases of keys. Please fix the RNG and if you feel that the numbers I have posted are not within the right areas I would be happy to except 50 golden keys. No matter what the response to the RNG and the request golden keys for being hosed by the system, until there is something official I most likely will not be purchasing keys until something has been fixed with the RNG.  Thank you for taking the time to read over my post and I hope to hear from you about the RNG.

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  17. Just now, mindcircus.1506 said:

    You said you are trying to progress but cannot because you are not playing a Meta build.

    This doesn't happen.

    People call you out when your performance is poor.

    Until then, no one cares.

    Let me ask you a question. Is 1 damage a second DPS ? if the answer is yes than someone is doing damage. Now if you happen to beat a raid boss lets say with 1 DPS a second from one person and the others are doing lets say 100 DPS a second what is the big deal if the boss gets killed. Yes it maybe a little slower but a win is a win is a win.

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  18. Just now, Stajan.4581 said:

    No they complain that the damage is not up as high as other, because of ARC that kitten program. If ppl use it for themselves I have no issue with it is when they start saying not enough damage or what not boot that I have an issue with it.


    They should not ask you to change your gear, maybe ask you to do a different roll but not to change your gear that is just being toxic


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  19. 1 minute ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    How did they know you were not wearing Viper gear in fractals?  Did you volunteer that information or was there an issue with your performance that initiated this conversation?

    In fractals and strikes nobody would know unless you told them and why would anybody care?  I run T4 fractal pickups and fast 5 strikes in full Trailblazer all the time.  It's never been an issue because I perform more than adequately for the role I'm filling in the group.  However, I could not do so in raids because the toughness on my gear will cause the boss to fixate on me in certain encounters where toughness tanking is a thing.  This would be problematic for the group and they would ask me to change my gear.  As they should!

    No they complain that the damage is not up as high as other, because of ARC that kitten program. If ppl use it for themselves I have no issue with it is when they start saying not enough damage or what not boot that I have an issue with it.


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  20. 1 minute ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    Have you tired playing better?

    Have you tried shutting the hell up. I see you are one of those ppl who think they a god at the game and you are only King Shi# of kitten Island. You think that all players should play the same well not all players are the same. Get over yourself there King Shi# because you know what happens to kings most of them fall off their thrones and land on their heads

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