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  1. Hello, This upcoming patch, we're seeing quick catalyst and quick berserker both getting some love to their boon generation for boons that are not their "primary boon". We saw willbender get this sort of recently as well. In fact, it's getting to the point where most boon DPS builds have access to at least some might in addition to their primary boon.' I know that power boon chrono isn't the only boon DPS support class with "boon issues", but I want to focus on it since I see this as an easy thing to fix. Right now, Well of Action gives 8 might at nearly 100% uptime (and slightly more after a continuum split), however that might is delayed something like 6 seconds into a perfect opener because it happens at the very end of the well and you want to get your phantasms out first and enter CS asap. This means it doesn't help with might ramp at all and puts the entire opening burst of your subgroup's might in the hands of other players...meaning its value is pretty diminished before you're even looking at quantity. This is power boon chrono's only realistic option for might. Looking directly at well of action, I've found it weird that it gives the damage bonus(might) after it does its damage. So my initial thought was to suggest flipping it. What if well of action gave might on the first three pulses and did damage at the end? That would help ramp and even out the application so it's less likely someone in the subgroup just gets straight up zero might from you for 15 seconds. You could probably go as far as 4 might per pulse for 12 total since it would reduce the damage of the skill by quite a bit even if you gave it the higher well of calamity coefficient on the final pulse...but I'd opt to go with 3 might per pulse in combination with my second suggestion if I were to choose: Well of Action: Now gives 3 stacks of might on the first three pulses and 2.1 power coefficient strike on the final pulse. ______________ All's Well That Ends Well is redundant now that Chrono has access to rifle. Heal Chrono historically had issue with healing and now has some of the best healing output in the game and best boon generation tied to rifle+inspiration+chaos. So what this means to me: All's Well That Ends Well could be "removed" and Heal Chrono wouldn't notice since that heal is not really something heal chrono relies on. In truth, the best heal chronos don't even take a well anymore. Orrrrr it could be tweaked so that it has value to other builds. So where I'm going with this: All's Well That Ends Well: Now gives 1 stack of might for the first 3 pulses and 1 second of protection on the final pulse instead of the previous effects. This would come at a little dps cost from the shatter modifier(which COULD be buffed to further differentiate boon support from full dps chronos) for some nice boonage. It would still be beneficial for heal chrono, perhaps even moreso depending on how you're looking at it. _______________ Tl;dr: Anet is helping some boon supports thrive a bit more in the herald-dominated meta. Help power boon chrono thrive a bit more too. Give it some reliable might too 🙂
  2. I think it would be a good thing if spear was fully compatible with fencer's finesse stacks so that you could effectively run spear+GS, even if its damage had to be nerfed to compensate. It's kinda sad to always be pigeonholed into sword on any power mesmer build.
  3. I'd like to think this same logic can be applied to other areas, I just don't play other game modes so I don't know what else experiences the same issue
  4. Shameless bump, don't really want this to get buried. Free the Homestead
  5. Okay so alt parking in maps like Aerodrome and Mistlock Sanctuary has been the norm for instanced content and easy character swaps for a lot of us. Homesteads kind of puts a bit of pressure on us to park those alts in the Homestead instead. In most cases, this would add a single loading screen because you'd have to log into the Homestead, then exit to last map. You cannot enter the Homestead from Aerodrome or Mistlock Sanctuary. This means you have yet another loading screen to get to the Raid/Fractal lobby. Homestead>Lion's Arch>Aerdrome>Raid Instance = 4 loading screens to swap characters. Even if you let us enter directly to/from Aerodrome via portal scroll or something, it's still 3 loading screens. So, my ideas: Let us build portals to each raid wing/strike instance/fractal lobby directly inside of our Homestead. These could require certain levels of completion/currencies from the places you get them and could serve as additional rewards from the content they are for. Let us use squads while in our home instance, just treat us like we're in a solo party when doing so. This would be important for letting LFG continue to function while in our homes. Whether or not we get portals, I think this is important. That 9/10 group often fills before you're even able to load out of your homestead to click join. I think the Homestead is a wonderful addition and I think making it really work with all the facets of GW2 is important for it to be successful.
  6. Maybe it's on the table, maybe it's not. A gen 3 spear, especially, would be amazing. The particle effects and all materials already exist right? It would allow all kinds of fashion mix/matching. I just really would like to see it as an option.
  7. It's so that you can use 2 then weapon swap and when you come back to spear, you will have clarity for your first skill. It's actually very good design and leaves a lot of room for skill expression.
  8. What do you mean? Is this a wvw change or something? That sounds horrible but my internet is down lol
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUiJb844yFQ Yaa.
  10. Just play mirage greatsword if you want lootstick... Spear being truly melee in this case is amazing. Mesmer doesn't have a melee two handed weapon prior to this and its melee one handed weapons aren't all that great with power right now. This fills a hole that exists in mesmer's kit.
  11. Editing the post with my feedback I put in the pinned feedback thread. Weapon is good, doesn't (currently) need blade tooltips. It's quite effective and I think quite possibly stronger than greatsword though it'll take some cooking to fully optimize. If the spear does get nerfed for some reason, it would probably be a good idea to give it blade tooltips, but I would definitely argue it should not get buffed yet.
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