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Posts posted by brokenrabbit.6538

  1. @Maultrace.5761 said:I had 8gb, the game itself runs fine, aside from some meta events, the more people there are, the more lag there will be, if your ram reaches a limit, the game will crash(some games just lag more instead).As you can understand, you may forget about watching youtube or run anything other than game with 8gb.Now i have 16gb, i can run game with anything else i might need, including youtube, browser tabs with other sites, and sometimes music player.As far as i'm conserned, 16gb is the perfect amount for now, 24 is way overkill, even 10-12gb would be enough, even with browser my ram never reached 10gb mark.

    Yeah I don't seem to have any issues beyond that single-thread constraint with 16GB. I'm wondering if someone just added 16GB RAM + 8GB VRAM because 24GB is an oddly specific number.

  2. @Dante.1763 said:

    @"brokenrabbit.6538" said:Hunh. I just now noticed it was gone. Now I'm not going to able to un-see it.

    I remember at launch wondering why the moon was in different phases when I went from one map to another. Then I started thinking about the painterly boarders and was like "I get it, each map is a different artistic interpretation".

    Oh, well. Don't suppose a 'bring muh boarders back' campaign would amount to much.

    i mean, i want them to remove the borders from the Bjora ice thing...a toggle would be great, but eh.

    Meh, it's no big deal. I was just looking at some old shots and realized 'hey wait'. If it was a toggle I'd turn it back on, but if it's gone, I guess it's gone.

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