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Mass Pandemic.3517

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Everything posted by Mass Pandemic.3517

  1. Exactly ! The devs underestimated the bugs they were/are facing and thus didn't told us/still not telling us is the patch going to be launched soon. People don't care if it's going to be soon or not. They care about not waiting and expecting. I would imagine that at this point they would be aware if it wasn't coming out today, i'm very confident it will be out very soon as they haven't said anything to make us think otherwise.Speak of the devil, it's up now. You guys can all calm down.
  2. Exactly ! The devs underestimated the bugs they were/are facing and thus didn't told us/still not telling us is the patch going to be launched soon. People don't care if it's going to be soon or not. They care about not waiting and expecting. I would imagine that at this point they would be aware if it wasn't coming out today, i'm very confident it will be out very soon as they haven't said anything to make us think otherwise.
  3. There is literally no reason you couldn't have watched a movie while waiting.....you have only yourself to blame.
  4. I usually don't comment on forums these days for any game or anything really, but i have to say. It's very irritating to see how many people will complain like entitled children in any scenario, weather it's on time and has some bugs or they take time to eliminate bugs. As someone who has made some mods before for some of the games i love, people underestimate the amount of time it takes to make sure everything works as intended and i'm pretty confident that with their layoffs it has hurt their ability in some form to test.If you care about the game in any way and want the saga's to start off on the right foot, let the devs do their jobs and give us something we all can be proud of , not just give you instant gratification that seems to plague today's society.
  5. To this I'd like to add the request to make more new dungeons. I enjoy most aspects of the game, including the dungeons, which sadly were made defunct some years ago. It's clear why they ditched dungeons, because they took longer to make . I know this might come off a little harsh and i'm not saying any devs or anyone is lazy, but it seems like anet always has something really great and then says you know what we can do something similar without as much work. Fractals are cool and all, but..... this game is heavily reliant on it's open world content. Which is great to have don't get me wrong, but MMO's thrive off off instanced content a lot of the time. Raids are cool, but most of this games population is extremely casual players once again anet failing to read the room. This game already has a drastically different combat system to a typical mmo because of not having a usual holy trinity system which is a positive and a negative. Lets look at 3 other mmo's wow, ffxiv, and eso all of them have excellent instanced group content, some of which can be easily accessed by casual players and content for people that are more dedicated and want a bigger challenge. This is where gw2 and anet always fail. It's always a one sided thing. Not to mention there is never direct good rewards for doing things, it's always some crafting material you need to grind for or something along those lines. I would love for a meta to have a low drop chance of a mount skin, even if it was just a reskin.
  6. I think overall we will eventually get to Cantha and the Deep Sea Dragon. They can't do every thing at once. Jormag was overdue. Brahm cracked the tooth in an earlier episode and we heard nothing since the time he emoed off to kill Jormag. We heard nothing of what happened to those who followed him. So they need to wrap up everything in north Tyria first. Player housing - please no. Had enough of that in LOTRO. Not really necessary in GW2. What are you talking about everything at once, every other mmo is able to balance content patches with expansions, nobody ever asked them to do it all at once, we just want to know there is a more exciting and substantial future to the game besides piece meal updates mixed with mostly gem store garbage. This game and every other MMO like this suffers greatly from not having a reliable income without having to develop "micro transactions" they are easily the worst thing to happen to the games industry in my opinion. The 9 times out of 10 dictate the design of a game usually for the worse.
  7. More like since March. I really do not understand Anet. Do they really think people care that much about the story? If I rate content in GW2 in terms of quality: Open world PvE + great combat systemPvPInstanced PvEStory Story is the GW2 weakest content. Open world is some what tied to story, but story does not carry it. And open world quality too a nose dive with PoF. LWS4 had some improvement, but it is far from what it used to be. I think you underestimate how many people play this game solely for the story , i'm not one of these people, but a lot of people are heavily invested into guild wars lore/story. Arenanet has all kinds of data on how people play, if it wasn't that popular or desired they wouldn't be focusing on it as much and if pvp was most of the community's focus like any good business they would do what they would believe would net the most income for them. Why do you think the game is very casual friendly in a lot of it's design? Oh I agree... LS is there go to moneypit for sure and to me that is fine, I enjoy it quite alot and consider the story writing to be top notch and made all the more richer by the quality music, VA and art.But GW2 needs more than LS. Gemstore and grindfest mechanics will only last for so long before even the most diehard of players grow tired of it all and imo I Think we may be reached, if not over reached that point already.Servers have lost their identity, competitive gameplay feels like it is on life spport and the whole ebb and flow of the game has been reduced to trickle of it's former greatness. Aside from a few hours of new predominantly single player content every 3 or 4 months the biggest features of release are new skins in the gemstore.The game needed this announcement to push new or at least reignite old passions for investing in GW2... for me it failed to either.Sure the new LS sounds intriguing and fun, I expect nothing less but the game as a whole needed this to offer more, much more imo but it didn't so it is no sprise to that many players are asking... what was the point of yesterday, what was there that they couldn't of done on a live stream back at HQ considering it was mostly old news with a small piece of new talking points that clearly aren't even close to being in a state of readiness to talk about in any detail. Heck if strike forces are the next big thing to co.e out of their flagship content then it absolutely should of been given much more air time than it got and it should of been at a point there was actually somethi g to show and talk about, but it wasn't imo.Trust me i agree , i wast expecting an expansion announcement, but at least if one was coming at some point or if they were stopping them for whatever reason. I hate to be overly dramatic , but it seems to be gw2 is on it's last legs so to speak. Which is very sad , because it's possible for games to be very successful for much longer (WOW is a perfect example of this). I want to wait to pass full judgement until the ice brood saga at least gets a full episode, but i can't say i'm very excited for the future because they haven't given me a reason to be. The announcement unfortunately was exactly what i was thinking was going to happen, but was hoping they had something more surprising and substantial. For the people who are generally excited about this whole thing, i'm very happy for them , i wish i could be as happy as well, it just doesn't seem to me at least that the game is in a healthy place and the announcement just seemed like a desperate attempt to make us believe otherwise. I am curious though, if we get just a prologue on the 17th how much longer do we have to wait for the offical episode , because i heard them say in the coming "months" which depending on the size of the prologue could be one of the worse droughts gw2 has had in a long time.
  8. Lmao they announced the stream as a living world stream from day one, they did the most with the countdown but still the players are also responsible for this. I kept seeing posts like "omg elite specs", "maybe new expac soon" and I thought why on earth would you think that? You mean they made a regular blog post that they do for every LS patch seem to be bigger than it actually was? There i fixed your whole response for you. Please tell me, when was the last time anet annouced anything at a public gaming convention, the last thing i can think of was HOT. With that being said, i didn't expect an expansion reveal, but i did expect something , anything bigger and justified for all the trouble they went through trying to convince us to be excited to be announced. Not even an answer to if we will ever get another expansion or more elite specs , arguably what most of the community wants to know the most. They don't need to reveal or announce a date for any of it, just an answer if it's still a thing going forward of it this is going to be the game for the rest of it's days or not. For you not to see why the community is let down a bit is either you fanboying or just not really understanding what people like and want out of this game.
  9. More like since March. I really do not understand Anet. Do they really think people care that much about the story? If I rate content in GW2 in terms of quality: Open world PvE + great combat systemPvPInstanced PvEStory Story is the GW2 weakest content. Open world is some what tied to story, but story does not carry it. And open world quality too a nose dive with PoF. LWS4 had some improvement, but it is far from what it used to be. I think you underestimate how many people play this game solely for the story , i'm not one of these people, but a lot of people are heavily invested into guild wars lore/story. Arenanet has all kinds of data on how people play, if it wasn't that popular or desired they wouldn't be focusing on it as much and if pvp was most of the community's focus like any good business they would do what they would believe would net the most income for them. Why do you think the game is very casual friendly in a lot of it's design?
  10. My thoughts exactly. I quit 6 months ago, came back to see what the announcement would be and was "SHOCKED" with the gemstore content, merch. But hey, At least PvPs getting a new armor set right? For that 1 pvp fan in the back. I love this game, but i have to say it's a shame to see the game seem so mismanaged and under supported. Yeah they give us free content, but all the content that keeps people engaged long term in most games is always put into the gem store and that's why so many people leave guild wars 2 at least the people i've spoke to and played with. The pvp in this game is extremely fun and one of the best parts of the game , it's a shame the dev team or at least management doesn't seem to believe in it's potential.
  11. Because other MMO's don't have to if they have a healthy player base. I'm fine with them giving HOT away for free it's a good move and maybe it's because they plan to add/iterate on content in the zones there. They made a huge mistake making this announcement seem like it was going to be bigger and more impactful than it actually was. It seems like a desperate attempt to get eyes on the game, they would have done themselves more of a favor at least acknowledging there is an expansion coming at some point. Doesn't matter when , just saying one is being worked on , because they haven't said a word about a new one even existing or if there will ever be another. Everything just seems off, anet usually doesn't do announcements like this since HOT and to do it for something we already knew was coming with minimal new things coming just seems really strange for them to do out of nowhere.
  12. Every time i get to the cut scene with aurene and kralk (don't want to be too specific here for respect of people who might not have gotten this far yet), the cut-scene will play but at the end of it it kicks me back to the character select screen every time saying the game lost connection to the server.
  13. OR they clearly said it was going to take a long time to implement and happen and that other stuff would be a priority first. I would rather them take their time on something make sure its built the best it can be and with longevity in mind then rushed out to please someone who is just going to complain about the first hiccup the see with it anyways.
  14. At what will probably be the same cap as a guild. Which is why we are saying it doesnt matter. 500 man guild (possible right now) or 500 man alliance, its the same thing. Transfer cost hasnt stopped anyone before. Making it free for guilds to reorganize after an 8 week season changes nothing. Alliances will stack as good as a 500 man guild can stack, guilds thinking they are hardcore and want to go their separate way because they are a fight guild and everyone else is a ppt kitten will still exist. Guilds rising and falling with a single commander will still be a thing. Players getting shunned and taking half an alliance with them to a new alliance will no doubt happen. Alliances just adds another layer on GW2 guild and server drama scene. Someone has hurt you haven't they ? I feel like someone hurt your feelings badly in this game for some reason.
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