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Posts posted by Reverielle.3972

  1. 8 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:


    on the other hand maybe some people only have fun while checking off lists



    Oh absolutely, I'm glad you agree. Just don't become a slave to it as I said above.

    Keep a sensible perspective. Too many become obsessed with it. Just do what you can and don't worry about that which you can't, for there is almost certainly bound to be something. 

  2. It happened to so many players over the years; focusing too much on completing achievements is a path to unhappiness. I think they're best used as a guide to what's available; what the game/event/activity/festival/etc. has to offer (achievements window has morphed roughly a quest/journal window these days). Sure work on fulfilling all their requirements, but it's not the end of the world if you don't. It's a computer game.


    Cliché cliché sure, but it's so true it's worth repeating: Play the game for fun and focus on what you can do and enjoy, not what you can't or what others have and you don't, and you'll 'win' every single day (after all GW2's just something to enjoy doing in our spare time).



    • Like 3
  3. Firstly, I think warriors need to be able to move whilst channeling the skill. It has such a small hit range, that often the slightest movement from enemies away (or back behind your character due to the enemy thinking your character isn't where you see them on your screen due to the inherent problems of playing online) and suddenly half of your hits don't land.

  4. On 8/26/2022 at 5:49 AM, Gorem.8104 said:

    Looks like it, as it wasn't adjusted and everything else was, its a dps loss if the last hit doesn't connect. And then you avoid the self root and long cast time. So even if its a slight dps gain with the last hit, it'll always be better to not use it so you can move out of the bad ground or dodge roll. There is really not much point to use it anymore besides aesthetics.


    It would be great if we could move whilst using it, and maybe it could (have a chance to) destroy projectiles. Both, wouldn't give the skill more dps but certainly some more utility.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  5. Even though it has been adjusted for difficulty over the years, Heart of Thorns is still primarily a group-centric expansion. So do not feel bad - or think yourself a 'bad' player - for not being able to solo a lot of that content. Dragons Stand inparticular is basically one big long group event, which you will need to be a part of an organised map to reach some of the hero challenge points in the south of it.

    The easiest way to join a meta map group in Dragons Stand is to keep an eye on the Official Wiki event timer (found here or type "/wiki et" in you chat bar in-game) and when the meta is soon to begin use the in-game looking for group tool to see if any active Dragon Stand assaults are forming. Then join one, join the map, follow the event prompts, and you'll be all set!

    This will also hold true for trying to complete the cartography of that map; as some areas for completion can only be accessed as part of the meta attempt to defeat the Mouth of Mordremoth.

  6. @Vavume.8065 said:

    @Reverielle.3972 said:In a weeks time when we're use to it it will not be a problem at all.

    In 2 weeks time when you press compact by mistake come back and say its not a problem.

    I'm actually use to it already, we have it as a visual queue everytime, it's not hard to pay attention.It's a very simple change. If any of us can't get use to it, the fault lies entirely with us.

    But please people, continue to complain about any and everything, it wouldn't be the GW2 forums otherwise. We fear change.

  7. We tried for a while completing the mechanics, but it didn't prove very successful. This was mainly due to players simply not bothering to help with any mechanics even though that's what we were trying to do. In the end we had two good healers and decided just to fight it without worrying about the torches at all, and slew it fine. Which on the whole was a little disappointing, as it juts makes the fight like 95% of others in the game.

    If Strike missions are supposed to be an introduction to raiding, I can't help but feel the balance is still a little off. In the Boneskinner's case, I believe the fight needs fewer mechanics, but those mechanics should be more lethal. But most of all it needs to be enjoyable, not just the 'zerg with some heals and forget mechanics' style of approach.

  8. True, like most things it depends a lot on player skill. Those are good points about the Axemaster. You likely know this already @Ficus.7156 but each night champion in the canopy requires some sort of jungle mastery to be effective. Basic mastery needed:

    • Legendary Matriach Wyvern: Gliding -> Gliding Basics.
    • Champions Cotoni and Huetzi: Itzel Lore -> Mushroom Bouncing.
    • Champion Axemaster Gwyllion: Nuhoch Lore -> Nuhoch Stealth Detection.
    • Tetrad Champions (and legendary Spellmaster Mascen thereafter): Itzel Lore -> Bouncing Mushrooms.
    • Legendary Patriach Wyvern: Gliding -> Updraft Use.
  9. @"Ayalin.6059" said:After 2 hours trying to fight, multiple build changes and now a pain in my hand from doing this for so long. this has to be the WORST boss fight ever. The heal rate to the drain he does on any player below 20K health which is the average Health pool for a player in my arena. The rate spills means you will never regain enough health before the next life steal... That is beyond slack!There is flatly no way I can be strong enough to fight this boss. I just got back into guild wars and enjoying it up until this. I dont need to be crying and on the verge of a panic attack because of a bloody fight. Its not that it takes forever. Its the fact you have made the player completely doubt themselves to want to play, let alone finish it.

    It does indeed sound like you may be having problems with the Defiance Bar. The official GW2 Wiki has a great overview of the Defiance Bar. I highly recommended it.

  10. There has been good advice given to you.

    Just to add what others have said; all the night bosses (perhaps excluding the Tetrad, in the north-west) can be confidently be completed with 3-5 players (generally speaking) so if you have some friends that are in a similar situation, get together and slay multiple night bosses, increasing your chances for a chest box with each one. Goodluck.

  11. I've actually grown to thoroughly enjoy the Casino Blitz. It's something a little different, a little less serious or involved, and a little less stressful. Yet I can still be rewarded with something I feel is significant (Amalgamated Gemstone). Sure, players can just hang about waiting for the Pinata to appear if they like, I don't really mind personally, I just go about my business collecting coins and other things I see along the way. Players can afk in almost all metas in the game and still be rewarded, I can't control that, only what I do.

  12. @Randulf.7614 said:Arent you meant to build up your mastery and use that to break it? I mean regular cc isnt enough - I bring tons of hard cc and it barely registers on it on any size group. I assumed it then needed the relevant stacked t2 mastery skill. Same as the strike missions need the skill. Bringing cc isn't the full story

    You don't need it, per se, but yes Spirit Nova (the mastery skill we get to use on the Boneskinner once defeating enough Fallen enemies) does a lot of CC, seemingly more than it's tooltip would suggest (I think reading the tooltip you'd expect around 300 CC points from memory?). I think you're right, it was development's intent to use the essence mastery skill against the Boneskinner, and I'm sure if everyone had the skill to use you wouldn't need any other CC to break it's bar.

    In the Aberrant Forest the ruins there are filled with Fallen enemies, right next to where the Boneskinner appears. In addition in those ruins there is the 'Close the Portals' event that appears to occur often for even more Fallen to slay. Two great ways to work towards your Spirit Nova skill.

  13. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @"Jimbru.6014" said:Now if only the General Population would read this thread instead of people constantly griping about nobody CCing on the Boneskinner fight. We ARE CCing. The problem is the Boneskinner is tougher than normal and you really need the attunements to break it reliably.

    That's true, but if only 2 or 3 out of 25 to 30 people are doing
    to the defiance bar, one has to wonder. ;)

    Yes, literally this is the problem. If more than just a portion of a handful of players would actively work on the defiance bar to break it, no one would have a problem. It's not that hard to break it, it's just people don't seem to care. There is nothing difficult about Defiance Bar mechanics.

    It really is time something was seriously done by development to
    players to learn about the defiance bar, because sadly we're at a stage where we're actively encouraging players not to join these events (or at least asking those around not to communicate map-wide that the Boneskinner event is active so fewer players come), because if players do join there is a high chance they'll not attempt to break the bar when it's teal/active, which in turn increases the chances of a failed event, which leads to negative game-play. And that goes against one of the cornerstones of social interaction that development were very vocal about regarding GW2 and these open world events and player-player interaction.

    You are not entirely wrong but ANet is also leaning too hard on defiance bars as "mechanic". It is okay for some enemies to have "break defiance bar" as their mechanic but when everything is that it is very boring.

    Yes, they do. But I guess in Anet's case you work with what you've got. However saying that, look at many of the misleading responses in this thread - and complaints in-game - about the Boneskinner and it's defiance bar. They clearly highlight that many players still have no idea about defiance bars. I think there needs to be some enemies that have Defiance Bars, and if we don't break them when they become active, everyone (players) dies. Make the consequences more significant, then people will learn. Those that can't be bothered to learn about the game it's mechanics don't really have any basis for complaint and should be struggling with content.

    At the end of the day the fault lies with no one but ourselves (the players). CCing really is very easy, and there is a great overview of it and how it works on the official wiki. It's not that hard to equip a CC utility/weapon or two on your bar for situations that warrant its use. It's baffling really why players just can't be bothered to do that, but can be bothered to come here to the forums and complain about it; something that takes a lot more effort.

  14. @Ashantara.8731 said:

    @Jimbru.6014 said:Now if only the General Population would read this thread instead of people constantly griping about nobody CCing on the Boneskinner fight. We ARE CCing. The problem is the Boneskinner is tougher than normal and you really need the attunements to break it reliably.

    That's true, but if only 2 or 3 out of 25 to 30 people are doing
    to the defiance bar, one has to wonder. ;)

    Yes, literally this is the problem. If more than just a portion of a handful of players would actively work on the defiance bar to break it, no one would have a problem. It's not that hard to break it, it's just people don't seem to care. There is nothing difficult about Defiance Bar mechanics.

    It really is time something was seriously done by development to force players to learn about the defiance bar, because sadly we're at a stage where we're actively encouraging players not to join these events (or at least asking those around not to communicate map-wide that the Boneskinner event is active so fewer players come), because if players do join there is a high chance they'll not attempt to break the bar when it's teal/active, which in turn increases the chances of a failed event, which leads to negative game-play. And that goes against one of the cornerstones of social interaction that development were very vocal about regarding GW2 and these open world events and player-player interaction.

  15. All racial utilities/elites should be useful. We need to stop making excuses for development or otherwise by complaining they would somehow become super overpowered and game-breaking (e.g. the raid argument is not grounded in any sort of reality).

    The player base also has to get over this comparison and jealously epidemic we seem to be in; so what if some races have useful skills that others don't? Those other races will have their own useful skills for other situations. They'll just be useful in different ways. It's called variety. No one's 'missing out on anything', it's just different. The whining that saturates the forums of "They have X so I want X too for my race/class" or" We can't give X such and such, because Y won't have access to the exact same function" Is just so unhealthy. This is what happens when the theme of 'balance' is taken far too far, driven by a player-base that wants 'everything' for themselves, all the time.

    Race skills: It's really not that hard to do, just make them all useful.

  16. @Danikat.8537 said:

    Also bear in mind norn and sylvari don't feel the cold, they'd be quite happy wearing thin or revealing clothes in the snow, so it's actually more lore friendly for them not to change into cold weather gear. (The picture above is a sylvari just because I don't have a light armoured human to preview skins on.)

    True, norn being hot-blooded don't feel ill effects from natural colds, However the unnatural icy environment and chills Jormag presents at various time still bite through. I can't remember the location of the norn NPC that says that though, sorry. But yes, some warm armours/furs can even do the norn some good.

    @"Thalimae.3406" said:

    Judging by the cultural armour sets the female Norn sure do like jumping through the cold in battle bikinis. Male Norn though will cover every inch of their delicate body! /snark

    Yes. As we norn say to a curious (or rather disgusted) asura, Graff, at Peeta's Gate in Hoelbrak, "we wear furs to honour the spirits, not to keep warm." He retorts by saying "Yes, I've seen what passes for clothing around here. The Spirits do not require modesty! Or hygiene. Or manner. No offense." Which is all well and good, but sadly Anet were not brave enough to break away from the gender stereotypes that plague MMOs when it comes to armour.

  17. @Khisanth.2948 said:

    @Dawdler.8521 said:Hell, when you
    a boss its easier to CC break them.

    Ain't that the truth, it's why the wyvern broodmother in Verdant Brink and the Vinetooth Prime in Auric Basin are a piece of cake with a small group. In a 5 man party only one or two need to know how to break a bar but once you scale up then the small proportion of players who actually know how to do it are swamped by the mass of people who don't know what they're doing.

    I wonder how many people running around the game today even know what a break bar is?

    It's funny how they put in a tutorial for the rock paper scissors mechanic but still haven't added one for break bars.

    There isn't even anything to learn for the RGB mechanic since you can pick up all colors at the same time and then the special action skills just pop up on their own. About the only thing you really need to learn from it is that the stuff they leave on the ground isn't harmful to you.

    True, though for specific fights one is having trouble with it's still handy to know, what effects what. For example, slaying Fallen and collecting their essence will give you the Spirit Nova attack for use against the Boneskinner. Luckily the ruins in the Aberrant Forest (and the portal closing event) is full of Fallen enemies, so you can easily build up your essence collection before taking on the Boneskinner.

    Another tough one is the Kodan Berserker at Bear Shrine; once you get the passive buff from Svanir that gives you a chance to heal on critical hit against Fallen enemies, that Kodan becomes so much more forgiving (still watch out for the retaliation and portals opening).

  18. I've had my Spirit Essence Ability hit for over 75,000 damage. So that's certainly more than any auto-attack I know of. Consistently it hits for around 50-60% of that value. Additionally they apply might x10 (8 s), Quickness (8 s) or Fury (16 s), for a significant period of time. They also either Launch, Float or Pull up to five enemies, and break a lot of defiance bar (this is probably their greatest asset).

    So it's certainly not under performing to knowledge, you may just be missing seeing the damage number pop up on your screen (in all the battle clutter that's very easy to do, even when looking for it)? I'm not sure exactly. Try on veteran enemies I guess to test, it does a lot of damage to their health (~40-50% usually for myself) so the visual effect on their health bar is quite clear. The availability of it varies as best I can tell. Often when there is a defiance bar to break, but sometimes in other situations too. I'm not entirely sure behind it, basically if I see the action light up I use it.

  19. Practice and you'll get it. Jumping in the game is a skill like anything else, it takes time to master. Practice practice, you'll learn all the subtleties of jumping and what works for you. And not just on the one puzzle you want to do right now, practice on any you come across; such as all the daily jumping puzzles. Don't take those mesmer portals, jump! Soon enough you'll get better and things will be easier for you. Good luck.

  20. @Randulf.7614 said:I'm not wholly against the idea as the principle you are trying to achieve has merit, but as mindcircus says, this is really not going to catch on given the existing, simpler mechanic is a struggle when it's a more punishing breakbar.

    I'd like to see better tutorials and a clearer display on skills about stating hard and soft breakbar damage. Maybe with pretty coloured labels. It might look patronising, but clearer displays and tutorials are what has been needed since the system was introduced

    Absolutely agree with this. Right now our tooltips (nor anything else for that matter in game) has nothing related to defiance bar breaking. We know there are two types of CC, soft and hard. And we know via the wiki how much 'value' certain cc skills give (e.g. 1 second stun is 100 points). Perhaps somewhere in the tooltip of skills/utilities we could have a CC number highlighting such.

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