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Posts posted by Xenic.1387

  1. @"Clyan.1593" said:Remove Zergs:

    • new max squad size is 20
    • Going close to a member of a different squad reduces movement by 80%, debuff called "mist repulsion" (distance has to be tested)
    • By joining a squad armor is dyed to commander's tag color
    • Upon entering WvW you get assigned to the "roamer population", colored white
    • Roaming / playing outside of a squad will downscale your level to 50 to ensure roamer blobs don't work against squads

    If necessary reduce HP of structures to fit new party sizes overall dmg output.

    Now we have more smaller battles around the map and the game mode is less AOE spamming but more individual skill.Roamers can do their thing or - if refusing to join a squad - are useless.

    Overall this will create a more dynamic battlefield, give more space to strategic thinking and coordination among the commanders.Players will also be more spread out on the map, using up all the empty and bare landscape we have right now.

    EDIT:I knew I'd get quite some hate for this post, but let's face it. Alliances won't save this mode, unless it provides additional and significant changes to gameplay.You're delusional if you believe otherwise.The vast majority of people that don't enjoy WvW in the first place all complain about the same thing: That it's dull. They go in only to farm Gift of Battle.One might say that those people don't belong in WvW then, but I would argue against that, especially since this mode is lacking popularity.

    These two changes I like..... the rest, meh. One thing I would say is the squad color armor should be a toggle setting for each person in the menu. You shouldn't force this on everyone.

    By joining a squad armor is dyed to commander's tag colorUpon entering WvW you get assigned to the "roamer population", colored white

  2. Want this trait to be useful? Make the following changes, tweak the numbers as necessary but you get the idea.
    all incoming healing will provide barrier at a 10% ratio. If you receive a burst heal for 5000, then you get 500 barrier.all incoming healing will provide barrier at 5% ratio for members of your group (cap at 5).all self healing skills will provide barrier at 15% ratio for self and 7.5% for group (cap at 5).all life tap skills will provide barrier at 50% ratio for self and members of group (cap at 5).condition and power will suffer a penalty of -200 when this trait is selected.

    I'm coming from a wvw perspective so the numbers may be significantly different for pve / spvp. The goal is to make the GM trait in the support tree actually be a good support mechanic while lowering the damage output some to prevent it from being abused.

  3. I agree with every change except the number of targets for shade. Now you can hit max of 6 targets IF your shades are perfectly placed.... I would have preferred if they reduced the damage of the wells in WvW and kept the shades.

    I don't need to be OP, but I do want to feel like my main class mechanic isn't a waste. And the way the play style is now it's drop 3 wells every 40 seconds, kite kite kite. I could do that without playing scourge.

  4. the issue that i'm seeing with Blood Magic right now is you hurt your dps if you're a power player. Condi you can pull it off (swap out SR or BM), but with the 'meta' builds in power, you'll have to lose either Spite or Curses. Both have their positives and negatives. That's why I see Blood Bank not getting a significant change. It's really good, but you give up a lot to get it.

    I think we need a couple weeks to let the meta mature some and see what changes are made before we go saying you need to run XYZ. Hell I played full Apothecary support last night because we were so short on support classes and I was able to help keep my guys up and contributed a lot to condi clears. Of course damage was low and strips were low, but there's a trade off that you have to make.

  5. @TwoGhosts.6790 said:

    @Xenic.1387 said:yeah they said on stream that they had a few oversights (number of targets affected with shades, well cd in wvw, etc...) that would be hotfixed about a week after launch. The reason given was this was the first patch release that they did since transitioning to working from home and they just missed this. In the office it would have had more eyes checking it. They also said that there's a lot of changes that impact WvW that weren't mentioned. Like Siege damage vs players being nerfed. dragon banner nerf, no more warclaw stomp, etc...

    It's good that they acknowledged this and are correcting it.

    Fair enough, I didn't see that.Still beggars belief that changes like the shade and well cd were not spotted - it's not like there were
    many changes in the patch.Good to hear about the dragon banner nerf (finally!)... and no more warclaw stomp!? Wow, warclaw is so useful now - well worth introducing XD

    yeah from what they said on the stream, the patch notes were just a highlight. Apparently this is one of the biggest changes they have ever done and just 2nd behind the mega patch.

  6. yeah they said on stream that they had a few oversights (number of targets affected with shades, well cd in wvw, etc...) that would be hotfixed about a week after launch. The reason given was this was the first patch release that they did since transitioning to working from home and they just missed this. In the office it would have had more eyes checking it. They also said that there's a lot of changes that impact WvW that weren't mentioned. Like Siege damage vs players being nerfed. dragon banner nerf, no more warclaw stomp, etc...

    It's good that they acknowledged this and are correcting it.

  7. @silent killer.5732 said:

    @Xenic.1387 said:stupid question, but is power scourge viable? I honestly don't know. I haven't done enough fractals recently to say if it is or not. I know that it's very strong in wvw (yes I know thats different) so I'm wondering if you can tweak the build to work in PVE?

    Saying stupid question while not playing fractals is plain stupidity.Do the adjustments and purchase the needed ar and see for yourself how piece of shiit the necro is at the highest level

    You cant be a healerYou cant be a dps juggernautYou cant run condi because it’s slower than any low tier power dps.

    So good luck trying to compete.

    I used to fractal every day and I ran plaguedoctor up until I hit T4, then I just ran vipers. I had no issues. I never tried power, and I see that power scourge is popular, so I asked.

  8. @Anchoku.8142 said:

    @"Xenic.1387" said:I did another round of wvw (zerg v zerg) as condi last night and it just wasn't good. Sure I could get kills here and there and there would be lots of pretty looking damage numbers, but the truth is that you can't survive long enough in those types of fights unless you have an absurd amount of support. I swapped over to my normal healing build and got the same amount of kills but now we won fights instead of losing them. It's crazy how strong blood magic is right now.

    Heal scaling was changed within the last year. It starts lower and ends higher, iirc. The result was a nerf to damage to get better barriers. You can still tag, though.

    Blood Magic is not "crazy" strong and costs dps, as does the healing equipment. A Druid, Ele, or others can provide better heals. Your zerg may not have had enough support if a single heal-Scourge made that much of a difference.

    I'm not saying I made the difference and was some kind of super hero or something lol. No one person wins a zerg fight.

    I'm just saying that as a dps I would get melted super quick and not live long enough to do much. Support I was able to stay alive longer, boon strip, pressure the other side, cleanse, res downed quickly, and drop in barrier when I could. In essence I was able to do my job and contribute to our team winning fights. When I was straight damage, I wasn't able to stay alive long enough to use my superior damage.

    Now in a smaller scale fight, say 20v20 and not 50v50v50, I would likely stay dps.

    Oh and I disagree, Blood Magic is really strong. The ability to res your team in fights can change the swing of a fight

  9. I did another round of wvw (zerg v zerg) as condi last night and it just wasn't good. Sure I could get kills here and there and there would be lots of pretty looking damage numbers, but the truth is that you can't survive long enough in those types of fights unless you have an absurd amount of support. I swapped over to my normal healing build and got the same amount of kills but now we won fights instead of losing them. It's crazy how strong blood magic is right now.

  10. @"KrHome.1920" said:There is no point in playing DPS Scourge. Necro looks like this now:

    • Core - Bunker (useless in PvE)
    • Reaper - DPS (only 31k DPS but very forgiving)
    • Scourge - Support (one of the best supporters available: tons of healing, barrier, condi cleanse and might generation for the team)

    Healing Scourge:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwEYCNssBGEDkpxMxU/S7VB-zxIYwo+vMSsqqOV15kEK/B-e

    hey, try Rune of the Monk. I think you'll like it.

  11. I've been playing full condi in fractals and it's ok but im definitely not as strong as other classes. My problem is that I don't believe I can play full heal build and be able to solo heal T4. I'm tempted to go back to Teapot's Plaguedoctor build because my dps won't drop that much more than what it is now and I'll get more utility by using blood magic line.

    In WvW, no question, support scourge. I play full apothecary and adjust my utilities based on the group I'm in. I don't typically roam solo or even duo.

    Openworld pve (solo or small group) I reaper because things won't die fast enough with condi

    sPVP it's core all the way.

  12. @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:Been gone for 6+ months and started playing gw2 and my scourge necro again. I vaguely remembered that when I entered desert shroud that my character would "pulse" instantly along with my sand shade, just as if my character was another sand shade. It definitely wasn't the delayed explosion from Harbinger. That instant pulse doesn't seem to happen anymore. Was that an ability that was nerfed or provided by a build trait?


    Yeah that was changed. now you have the option, put a shade on the ground and have it pulse there or don't cast one and have the effects pulse on you.

  13. @Helly.2597 said:

    @Helly.2597 said:I'd still take soulreaping over curses. Soulreaping is too value in scourge since it effects all f abilities. And with healing scourge you can get +10% healing from it. For scourge, I still recommend taking the lower punishment cd over barrier on shade use since it really makes a difference. In blood magic if you're using transfusion take the rez well trait (first tier top) since it allows you to rez pretty much anyone. I would use a second stunbreak over the snake ability for skills as well. I don't know what runes are best, but I suspect that monk or mercy are better than scourge runes and should be relatively cheap.

    I was going back and forth between Soulreaping and Curses. I couldn't decide lol. I was going to try the snake for the extra barrier.

    Based off your recommendations, I think this would be my next starting point

    Soul reaping wins out almost exclusive on scourge cause it lowers the CDs for everything so much. I would take dhummfire over eternal life, since it procs on f uses and on the shade placement. They nerfed the duration but it's still a good chunk of dmg. I would keep the scourge heal over the well heal (sorry if I wasn't clear).

    OH I thought in order to make good use of transfusion you needed well of blood. That was the main reason I didn't take it in my original build. I didn't think a stationary heal would be smart for these types of fights.

    I wasn't sure on dhummfire either. I never know if I'm actually using it right when I scourge. Does it proc off every press of F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 or only F1?I know there's an ICD. Just wasn't sure which F key proc'd it because it says only shroud skill 1.

  14. @"Helly.2597" said:I'd still take soulreaping over curses. Soulreaping is too value in scourge since it effects all f abilities. And with healing scourge you can get +10% healing from it. For scourge, I still recommend taking the lower punishment cd over barrier on shade use since it really makes a difference. In blood magic if you're using transfusion take the rez well trait (first tier top) since it allows you to rez pretty much anyone. I would use a second stunbreak over the snake ability for skills as well. I don't know what runes are best, but I suspect that monk or mercy are better than scourge runes and should be relatively cheap.

    I was going back and forth between Soulreaping and Curses. I couldn't decide lol. I was going to try the snake for the extra barrier.

    Based off your recommendations, I think this would be my next starting point http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PSwAYt/lZwQYPMPmJm6XavMA-zRhYMJxQUiU7gLpgqCjMIwjAY0nXHA-e

  15. Thanks for the feedback. I think for our groups I would likely be playing in more of a support role, so I'm probably going to go scourge / Soul Reaping / Blood Magic. I just crafted a set of Dire gear and I'll work on Apothecary next. Until I have Apothecary ready, I can swap in a few pieces of Magi just to get some healing power.

    Which Apothecary pieces should I use and which Dire? I was thinking Dire Helm, Chest, Pants. Apoth Shoulders Gloves Boots. Does that sound right?

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