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Posts posted by Azhkanizkael.1406

  1. to poke at the changes made to the guardian shout formerly known as "Retreat!"

    > "Burning Retreat" has been renamed to "Burning Advance" - You may now ground target the direction you wish to use the skill.

  2. On 2/14/2024 at 5:06 AM, DrFlausch.4293 said:

    Is there any reason conjured weapons shouldn't function like engineer kits?
    I feel like conjured weapons don't see any use in pve ever, even though theys have interesting and fun ablities. most of them even have CC on command, wich is a big problem for ele in most pve modes. Also since kits already exist, I feel like that would be an easy change to make.

    I don't play PvP or WvW, so I have no idea if this change would break anything in these modes, maybe some PvP people can give me some insight here.

    Also on a side note: do the devs care about these threads? do they answer/read these?


    100% Conjures should be kits! ANet Please.

  3. Some thoughts from my community:

    Catalyst needs a way to generate energy outside of combat.

    Energy gain should also NOT be stopped while a sphere is out, I can't emphasize enough how annoying it is that the best way to use the sphere is to save up all 30 energy and then spam 3 different spheres down as quickly as possible, then repeat.

    Energized Elements should be a flat "Gain 1 energy per second"

    The fury gain on Energized Elements is useless as there's plenty of other ways to gain fury. Maybe change this to alacrity?

    Staunch Auras should be changed from "Gain stability when you gain an aura."  to "Grant stability when you grant an aura"

    Hammer needs more combo fields and combo finishers.

    It's annoying when you try to queue up a skill after a channeled skill and it just interrupts the channeled skill. Keep the channeled skills going like how Meteor Shower works. Just imagine Meteor Shower stopping immediately if you stopped the channel of it.


    • Like 2
  4. F1 needs to have it's aftercast removed

    F3 need to be instant cast
    Willbender in general needs to have some lessons in accuracy and being able to land hits. Just because you're holding 2 swords, doesn't mean you're finessed in using those 2 swords.
    Willbender needs to gitgud and actually be worth taking over any other guard spec.

    • Like 1
  5. I found this interesting bug when messing around w/ the dyes on the "holo" part of the dragon bash gloves and shoulders.

    If you dye them any darker color such as Bloodstone Dark Indigo, the shoulders will have the vibrant color of the dye and the gloves will just look like they lack all color.



    Then the fun begins with something like Glossy Black. The gloves will appear greenish while the shoulders will appear a purplish color.

  6. @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:Soldier ? At least play it trailblazer.No sensible person will continue to fight a Soldier core necro, or they'll just /sit to prevent capture as you won't deal any damage either.It's a troll build, but far from somewhat useful. Trailblazer is cancer build.

    Sentinel'sYou'd be surprised how many people are stubborn and will think they can 2v1 you. If you know your stuff, you can easily sustain 500k+ worth of damage without dying. As long as you can keep your life transfers from being interrupted you can just auto-attack a lot of people to death or

  7. I like that idea for FGS to become Arcane Greatsword, make it's skills change based on your attunement, but make their cooldowns universal, so if you use Air X, it puts earth, fire, and water X all on cooldown, but that might be a bit much work for ANet to put into fixing the conjures.

    I'm all for Conjures being kits though. And it's a really simple change for ANet to make since the tech is there and exists w/ the engi kits. Minimal work for something to have a higher QoL.

  8. @Henrik.7560 said:It would be great if conjures had a complete rework, and functioned like engi kits.Several skills also need updating, frost bow should act as a healing weapon not a spike damage and cc one, while flame axe, fiery greatsword and lightning hammer should do more dps than primordial stance pulsing dps @ArenaNet

    Definitely on the rework of those weapons, They should primarily be for the skills that they increase while being held. It's almost sad how little usage Flame Axe and Earth Shield get.

  9. @ROMANG.1903 said:That said, the conjuring mechanic really needs to go. It's clunky, unpleasant to play... What if the weapons had like a 30 seconds cooldown and we could keep them for as long as we want? If that's too powerful, maybe make it so that the cooldown only starts refilling when we drop the weapon?

    I'd be down for having a 30s CD start when we're done using the conjured weapon. That would make certain people stop complaining about this being too OP (when it really wouldn't).

  10. Are you tired of other people picking up YOUR conjured weapons? I present you with an idea that will make conjured weapons far more easy to use and maybe actually give some of the unused ones a fun little place to be used. I present you with the idea that Conjure Weapons should be just like Engi Kits where you use them and stow them. You know we would all love it for this to be a thing.


  11. Here's the feedback on ele that I've compiled over a while.

    There's a lot of mechanics that ele simply doesn't have that it could use to make it far less useless outside of pve.

    • Reveal: ele has 0 access to this, maybe add 1 reveal to an existing skill, otherwise I'm going to have to keep using feel the burn to trigger a burn effect on invisible targets to see where they're at.
    • Stealth: ele only has access to this if they're a norn and use the norn racial elite or using a leap through someone else's combo field or using runes for it when you hit 20% hp, I think it could be pretty interesting to give eles a skill that gives them 5 seconds of stealth.
    • Boon Removal: ele has 0 access to this outside of sigils. Please give eles something to remove boons from enemies.
    • Condition Cleanse: this is in a good spot on ele
    • Healing: support tempest is far below par on the healing potential compared to Firebrand, Scourge, Herald, Druid, Scrapper. It could use the application of barrier added to a trait that maybe grants barrier to allies who you grant auras to, and have the barrier start around 1k baseline.
    • Auras: please make them stack in duration up to maybe 3 stacks at most, sometimes it's annoying trying to time your auras just to overwrite them 2-3 seconds in them with and not get the full duration possible.
    • Skills that decrease in damage based on times they hit: why is this even a thing in pvp/wvw? If anything they should increase in damage the more you get hit by it because you're not moving out of the red ring of death, don't make it easier to stand in AoE over time. IE: If you're getting hit my multiple meteors in a meteor shower it should do more damage each hit because you're not moving yourself out of the area of it. Punish people for standing in AoE, don't reward them for standing in it by making it hit them like a wet noodle by the 10th hit.
    • Unblockable: Eles have very little access to unblockable attacks, add unblockable to either the arcane or a glyph that buffs your next X attacks. It would create far more build diversity and make things like Pile Driver potentially useful again with all of the blockable projectile hate.
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