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Posts posted by Kyraios.8954

  1. The Canthan Noble Skyscales have insanely tiny wings. They're roughly half the size of the original skyscale? I've found a few posts online about this bug, but is this the bug they are talking about or is this how it was intended? The Auspicious Pixiu Skyscale Skin has the same animation as the canthan noble skyscales, but its wings are relatively normal in comparison. 

  2. It would be a buff to spvp, but that game mode is 75% bots lol 


    In pve & wvw, removing the energy mechanic would be sooo convenient. I wouldnt have to hit mobs before going into an actual fight just so I can get enough energy to use the spheres at the start of combat. 


    They'd also have to rework the trait that gives you energy when swapping attunement.

  3. Hello,


    Hammer feels extremely weak, not because of the damage, but because of how easy it is to kite. Here are the reasons why I think it's weak:


    1. It requires setup. Unlike dagger/scepter/focus that have instant access to auras, hammer only gain aura's when using a combo field, and we don't get a combo field until we've already been in combat. This means that as soon as the game starts, dagger/scepter/focus is already better than hammer.

    2. Gap close+mobility. Hammer only has 1 gap close ability built in, and that's on water 4.. which is also our heal skill... It has a relatively high cooldown, and covers a short distance.

    3. Easily kited. The combination of a lack of cc, lack of mobility, and extremely short range makes it hilariously easy to kite.  

    4. Hammer 3 skill. This skill's buffs only last 8 seconds, forcing us to constantly swap and use it in a different attunement. 



    increase the duration of hammer 3 buffs from 8 to 10/12

    increase air hammer 1 range from 600-900

    increase hammer 3 (grand finale) projectile range from 600-900 & increase projectile speed

    lower the cd or increase the aoe of earth hammer 5

    give us an aura only on the first hammer 3 skill we cast. Aura will be based on attunement.


    Augment suggestions:

    Relentless fire + shattering ice need to be instant cast like invigorating air. 


    On another note, why is lightning flash a discount mesmer blink? Longer cooldown, shorter distance, and no stun break..? all for a measly 800 damage if it crits? 


    I am also accepting tips on how to better play hammer catalyst. As of now, hammer seems like its only meant for pve. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  4. On 6/9/2022 at 11:29 AM, The Ghost.3087 said:

    I have to say that I totally support OP on this one and also the posts where it mentions that Elementalist summons disappears when mounted. Absolute BS if you ask me. They should be either permanent summon that is tapped at 3. I do get the idea behind the larger Elemental Summon because it is like an Ultimate skill but lesser elementals should be permanent, they are in many other games where Elementals can summon elements. 

    And for god sake, please change the design on the elementals disappearing when mounted. If you can do it for the glide you should do it for the mounts and the boat in the other two expansions. Especially in PVE. It is such an important QoL improvement that it should have been upgraded by now or fixed or w/e.

    This!!! 3 years later and we're still asking for the SAME THING! 

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  5. 6 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

    "We have heard you loud and clear and agree that staff is underperforming. That is why we decided to buff shatterstone to bring staff on par with other weapons."

    Isnt shatterstone a scepter skill??

  6. They dont care about elementalist. This is just further proven when they were announcing catalyst elite spec and said "we have no idea why we gave ele hammer".


    Then staff gets nerfed instead of reworked.. and now we're forced to go melee for all game modes. 

    • Like 3
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    • Confused 1
  7. Catalyst this time around is in a better spot than before. But as it is right now.. theres no reason to use hammer. Too much maintenance on the hammer 3 skills because the duration is insanely low (hammer 3 skills should last 15 seconds). Low damage on most of the hammer skills. Lack of range in the entire kit. Slow and clunky animations.


    Water and earth need some ranged skill. The utilities, while decent, feel like they were made last minute.


    To be honest, the whole kit feels lazy... and boring. Not to mention that the vfx fall flat. Especially compared to vindicator and the rev spec. because of how boring the spec is, ill probably just stick to weaver even after it comes out. 

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

    Let us know what you think about the catalyst! What do you really like? What needs to be improved or adjusted?

    Found a bug? Let us know in the bug thread.

    Some feedback so far -


    It feels a little clunky, so here are a few suggestions:


    1. When swapping attunement, remove the 1 sec cooldown on f5

    2. Remove the cast time for augments & hammer 3 skills (i would love to be able to use these while casting skills or mid animation)

    3. Either make the jade tech spheres follow us or allow us to recast f5 to bring it to us. 


    • Like 4
  9. Some suggestions for elementals-


    Needed changes:

    1.  Make them last indefinitely, with a max of 4 lesser Elementals.

    2. Make them re appear when mounting


    Would be nice:

    3. Have lesser Elementals pulse out boons relative to their attribute. 

    4. Give the earth elemental(ultimate version) a taunt that it uses automatically when attacking


    Would absolutely love it:

    5. Rework a traitline and dedicate it to elementals and conjures

    6. If you spec into that traitline, the elementals summoned take on a new stronger and cooler form with different/stronger abilities. 



     That is all

    • Like 9
  10. @Yggranya.5201 said:

    @"MrAmputatoes.6031" said:I literally deleted my male norn a couple weeks ago. Fully equipped with Ascended armor... and I deleted him. I got so mad at trying to find a good armor combination but everything was so much more warped than on my Asuran Rev it just made me mad.

    Male norn don't need to look more human, just less ape like. I get that their lore was devolved into " angry drunkard" but that doesnt mean the model needs to look like an angry drunkard made it.

    Maybe all the males are secretly channeling the gorilla?

    I don't recall ape being a spirit they can channel :P

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