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Posts posted by nagr.1593

  1. @Gargoyle First of all it was a typical pug, with no healer or condi cleanse, so I figured it was each man for himself. To clarify by playing bad I meant being lazy on rotations and downing more oft than others cos of carelessness; not trying purposefully to die every chance I got. I don't see how that's an issue, as I have carried worse players on say swamp t4, where a guy continuously dies to bloom no matter what we do. In this scenario I might trash talk the inept player and refuse to res him along with others, but would not randomly call kicks without stating a reason beforehand.

    The issue about players kicking me on sight arises prevalently in raids, where holding long-standing personal grudges is commonplace enough to be a staple for pugs. This is an instanced content separate from fractals, as the atmosphere is more tense and strained in general. If you play bad here, you can expect to be replaced without warning. The thing of it is also that you might also be kicked on join from someone whom you never play with before, simply for showing up with your nametag. This is what I believe you mean when you say an individual is 'kicked on sight' also. The issue here or the reason it's unfair, is that it's textbook example of labeling and predetermination bias, for example backbiting and inferring from rumors.

    tl;dr fractals in t4 and raids are not the same thing at all, so I'm not sure where you drew the comparison.

  2. @"Esprit Dumort.3109" said:To add on to this, it also made it a lot easier for the party leader to arbitrarily kick someone they did not like, wanted to replace with a friend/guildmate, or they simply thought were not skilled enough. By making it more of a democracy, it decreased a lot of party griefing/abuse. It still exists, but a lot less now.

    I would say it exists even more in abundance then before. Since raids replaced dungeons as pve endgame, this behavior is arguably even worse with squads bc of how much control one person has over their squad. The last thing i would say of a raid environment is that it is a democracy.. i don't think anyone would say that tbh.

    In terms of such behavior happening before hot though, it happened but rarely i would say. I had it happen a few times at last boss, didn't bother me much though. I remember once we were doing TA dungeon and there was a heated argument between me and one other person.. the atmosphere was pretty tense come last boss. Then something unexpected came, when boss was at 1% the person said something like 'thanks for the dps!" and vote kicked me. I would assume it was a friend or a guild run group, bc the kick happened instantaneously.

    I actually glad this not happen a lot anymore (with fractal/dungeon groups). A few days back I was doing mai trin t4, i was playing bad on purpose cos i didnt feel like trying. one aother guy vote-kicked me halfway thru fight, but no one else accept. after we finish kill boss and we disband he's whisper me like 'you are a terrible warrior, don't play this game again'. I thought it was hilarious lol.. and also glad that i don't get kicked cos of one person opinion in fotm (unless they backed by friends).

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