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Everything posted by Ardrachan.9532

  1. Hi,during Living Story Season 1 we got the chance to vote vor Ellen Kiel or Evon Gnashblade. With the winner Ellen Kiel we got later the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal. We learned how it got destroied and about Ley-Lines, that go throw Tyria and is pure magic and they cross in many points.What would we have learned in the Abbadon Fractal?The Abbadon Fractal was intended to release much later. Maybe it come, maybe don´t, but i am curious about the lore. In Season 4 Episode 4 Blish sacrified himself to empower the locater. In Episode 6 we got into Kralkatorik.Kralkatorik was pure magic in him and the locater seems to still function.Couldn´t he "survived" it? The raids have a lore, but it is not realy tied to the main story.Would some of you like to have the option for the main story that a villian would be fought in a raid like scenario? When the team get the chance to write a side story with a new map.Where would we go? Joko needed to die, so that Aurene can resurrect herself. Some friends loved Joko and he got eaten and Braham makes jokes about it, which they found unfitting.Could their be a other way to gain the power or was it a needed death just like Aurene`s?
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