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Posts posted by elvenswordsmen.3975

  1. A few impressions:

    • I wasn't sure about mounts going in, but they're hands down the best implementation I've seen in an MMO. Awesome job.
    • Story difficulty felt right (engaging but not brutal). Also enjoyed the variety of the mission mechanics (i.e. gathering a pack of awakened)
    • Masteries are significantly less grindy than HoT. I'm undecided if I think it was over adjusted or not, but it's definitely better.
    • I love the little (and not so little) things hidden around the maps to reward exploration. Special call-out to whoever thought of the runestone keys in the dwarven ruins.
    • The story itself seemed like it was missing some plot development. I felt like we needed an arc research HOW to kill a god rather than just trying again and expecting different results. I know that was the role Sohothin was supposed to play, but it needed more development.

    Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised by the PoF. I feel like you all are continuously improving on your content delivery, and it really shows. Keep up the good work.

  2. @Healix.5819 said:Except this auto logout script only activates after leaving the page open with no activity, which is currently set for 24 hours. If they actually wanted to limit the session duration, they would do so. The old forums had sessions expire after 24 hours, whereas for these ones, I haven't had to login for 3 days and counting.

    You know, that's an excellent point. Having to have the tab open for the it to kick you for inactivity is a large hole in the auto-logout logic, regardless of which reason(s) they're limiting it. I wouldn't be surprised if that's on their bug tracker; probably should be if it isn't.

    @Inculpatus cedo.9234 It probably still works that way. What I meant was, you use the same credentials to log in to the forums as you do GW2, and you don't have to create a separate account. Thus, on some level, they must be related/linked.

  3. @Cyprien.4208 said:It's a joke that it's for "security reasons". 95% of users would be using their own computers so unless stolen this isn't really a issue and I only see this an issue on places like china which have gaming places where people go to play on other computers. Sure, places like that are everywhere but very few exist outside of china. Even then it's the risk of the user to sign out of their own stuff.

    The unsecured/public computer thing isn't actually the only reason to have an auto-logout. Session Hijacking is unfortunately a thing, which is basically when someone somehow gets your (valid) session key. The way to combat it is to encrypt packets so that even if the attacker gets the key it has to be decrypted before being used, and to enforce changing/expiring session keys quicker than the attacker can decrypt any keys they've managed to get. Thus, auto-logouts are an inconvenient but necessary security measure; especially since the forum accounts are connected to players' actual game accounts.

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