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Posts posted by Noz.4650

  1. 15 minutes ago, Baseraver.7241 said:

    cDPS Berserker benched 37.5k before this patch with 106s spent in fight with the golem.

    A cap means, you cant extend berserk almost inifinitely anymore, meaning I assumed the cap you were talking about to be less than 106s. But if it is lets say 50s, then we will lose berserk at least once in the rotation, nerfing its DPS, because berserk mode is just stronger than having it down, obviously.

    And if the cap would be big enough so we can stay in berserk for 106s (or whatever a full golem benchmark needs) then the cap almost lost its meaning. Thats why I think a cap doesnt really help.

    I have smoll smooth brain so help me understand the math. If there's let's say a cap of 20s on berserk but a full rotation with Last Blaze and 4 rage skills give you 23s of berserk, does it not work the same or what is my smooth brain missing? Wouldn't it mean that you had a 3s window to extend your cap?

    • Haha 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Baseraver.7241 said:

    A cap would hurt Condi DPS Berserker, though. I dont think a cap would be a good thing in general. It would be beneficial to a full bench if we did not lose berserk at all on power (currently we lose it once without stab and twice with stab).


    Anyway, the [Headbutt --> Outrage] synergy is so obvious and natural, that I dont really see it as anything forced, and its quite easy to nail the combo, especially if the debuff would last for 1s after headbutt hits.


    You could go and say Outrage now gives 3s or 4s of Berserk Duration per cast, independant of if it broke a stun or not. But we would still use Headbutt in this case mid-rotation tbh xD

    How would it hurt cdps? The idea would be that you could get 100% uptime with rage skills and Last Blaze by slotting enough rage skills, but I added the duration cap part in case its balanced around let's say 3 rage skills and a full 5 would get you like 30s. You know way more than me about this so I'd refer to you if the math makes any sense on that.

    • Thanks 1
  3. All they had to do is make gunsaber like holo forge to replace your burst instead of whatever dragon trigger is supposed to be. Replace flow with something like initiative or rev energy system instead of slightly different adrenaline, rework gunsaber to be a bit more impactful on its own to compensate for no dragon trigger, give us back weapon swap.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, ens.9854 said:

    Premise is off, WvW in fact revolves around having near permanent access to (almost) all boons.

    The point is you cannot play the game mode without stability, like a LOT of stability.


    12 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    I can play without stability, problem just is that my all cc skills are totally useless because other players have stability on 24/7. It's kind of stupid have weapons like warrior hammer in game where you can be immune to cc whole time. 

    If you play in any average 25+ squad, you cannot play without stability as getting CCd once means you either die or have to expend a lot of resources and hope that you do get stability shortly after.

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  5. With the recent mantra nerf concerns, people have rightfully expressed that stab sources need to be spread a bit more evenly. But is the real issue more deeply-seated? Why does a WHOLE game mode revolve around having near permanent access to this ONE boon, so much that you cannot play it if you don't? Is the reliance on supports too great? Maybe the way players interact with CCs and vice versa needs to be fundamentally changed in WvW. Giving individuals more universal, WvW specific tools to mitigate CC like some special action key, or adding diminishing returns on CCs, considering CC is balanced the same whether it's a 1v1 or map queue vs map queue.

    As long as stability is this centralizing, how do you get away from having to run the best-in-slot stab source in every party, whether it's firebrand or something else? Not having to worry as much about competing with [insert best stab source] would let off-supports like tempest, vindicator or specter shine more. Some of them have useful unique tools like aura share but lose exponential value in a larger squad. 

    Do people agree somewhat with this or am I off the mark here?

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

    Facet banners would change that, but ofc anet decides to give us near well-like abilities that are like bad gyros. 

    What good is it to reduce the radius so much and give 1 stack of aegis kek? 

    Just throw banner and walk away! 

    So basically not a support cause Support SpB cant function without shouts and Core will not be played. 


    The other issue I have with the "drop it and forget it" design is tactics gives superspeed and pulses resistance, but in WvW you use superspeed for when your squad is making movements so you either get no value out of the resistance if you're moving or no value out of the superspeed if you're staying in one spot.

  7. They're definitely trying to push support spellbreaker in WvW and PvP. The issue in WvW is Break Enchantments + Balanced Stance is non-negotiable so slotting in more than 1 banner will feel very bad. The damage banners + leg specialist/no escape synergy is cool but tactics banner completely overshadows the other banners so I think you still run tactics even on dps spb.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:


    As for the topic at hand, I don't lie when outside of normal threads all those pages of feedback in the pinned thread more orless include everything that could make BsW better and exist there since last year lol.

    You can tell ANet went through a lot of restructuring over the last few years when an expac releases with this many head-scratching design decisions and inconsistencies. Like some specs having their entire mechanic heavily tied to their new weapon for example. Just weird.

  9. -Gunsaber does nothing in PvE and in PvP was designed to be an all-purpose weapon to make up for losing weapon swap (ends up just being spammy because ammo), so get rid of gunsaber and give weapon swap back

    -Redesign all 5 dragon trigger skills to be less centralizing for PvE (not so high risk, high reward) and less spammy for PvP (off cd spam dragon slash with unyielding dragon)

    -Get rid of any kind of self-rooting associated with dragon trigger

    -Replace flow with either initiative or a photon forge/rev energy hybrid

    Bladesworn is now fun to play change my mind and thanks for coming to my ted talk.

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  10. When I first tried the skill, every time I popped the secondary effect it would give me my charge back which I thought might be a bug in itself. Came back later to try it again and now the secondary effect doesn't even trigger, it just does the main effect even when I have stacks on. Am I stupid or is this giga bugged?

  11. 6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    There are some amazing fights there though.

    You can engage in +2min long duels with no care for match timers that are things of epic songs sung by the skalds where the victor is only decided by whoever slips in their timing first.

    I don't understand where people find good duels in WvW. It's 80% running around trying to find someone alone then you fight 30s and then a whole group shows up and you have to dip, and you're lucky if it was a decent fight to begin with. I can get over how broken gear and buffs are in WvW if the small scale content was at least good.

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  12. 11 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    I...it's not spammable.

    cd is 8 seconds, assuming you pay the flow cost, plus up to 5 additional seconds just to charge it.That's already worse than, say, arcing slice. 

    It's more spammable in the sense that it's usable in more situations, whereas with arcing slice you have to be in melee and susceptible to getting kited if you don't have a CC or miss one.

    • Confused 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

    Its burst is a relinquishing of all combat pressure though. The strike may be unblocksble and ignore blind, but it has the most visible telegraph in the game, and has to hit before traits tied to landing burst are enabled. 

    It's very spammable and you can mindgame people by holding it longer, or even bait a reaction dodge by doing the teleport first.

    • Confused 1
  14. 24 minutes ago, anbujackson.9564 said:

    Sorry to be that guy:

    - more chase = 1 new 450 range in break step? I hope you dont include your 300 range teleport on F2 in this, since ,well, you cant move in that situation.

    - there is a difference between midrange and range. Ds3 and gunsaber 3, did I miss something here? Not to mention the amazing hitbox of your burst projectile which makes every class wet their pants.

    - The gunsaber damage skills are laughably weak, not like any class gives a kitten if they get poked for a quarter of their health after bladesworn unloaded everything.

    - Good damage on dragonslash in competitive? Literally 90+% of the community says otherwise, even non warrior players. Also the already mentioned hitbox issues. Do you enjoy people jumping your unblockable attacks?

    - Ah yes, assuming you always play strength/tactics with fgj and sio (for max healing with shouts). So whats your sustain without (its just core stuff, nothing from bladesworn except your elite)? Great variety next to the strength/discipline spb I must say. I leave it at that.

    - Really? Like what? 

    - I disagree, see points above about range and chase.

    And just how long are you planning to fight that thief? A few minutes?

    I mean I envy your optimism but dont be satisfied with a kit that gets delivered mostly because it looks decent.

    -Chasing isn't just about range.

    -Gunsaber 4 is also range, and axe/pistol works really well so that's additional range.

    -Gunsaber 3 will easily crit for 3-4k per hit, if you also run axe it's some pretty kitten good range pressure. Gunsaber 4 in melee hits very hard too.

    -Dragonslash absolutely does very acceptable damage for an ability that you can spam this much that stuns, is unblockable, ignores blind and closes gap. With the charge time buff you can squeeze even more damage out of it. I guarantee you 90% of the community has no idea how to play this spec or barely tried it.

    -Sustain is more than pure healing or blocks or invulns. Being able to trade more efficiently also counts. Bladesworn has an easier time trading damage and not letting the other person get a ton of free pressure before you can. You have to consider how the kit plays as a whole.

    -Dragonslash allows you to ignore a lot of defenses that would cause problems for other warrior specs like blinds and aegis. Warrior isn't actually very good at trading in melee range without landing a CC. In melee, guard can passively blind and block while pressuring you, thief can blind spam and stay on top of you, holo and rev outtrade you. Bladesworn has a few things that really help with that, very few things will trade with pistol 4 + 5 because it does massive damage and gives a free block, the multihits counter blind spam and the pushback gets you out of their melee pressure. Gunsaber 2 does something similar but lower damage. You get more range pressure which means people can't kite you for free and the gap close on dragonslash is really hard to deal with.

    -It's not about how long you fight the thief, it's that thief won't be able to farm you.

    I'm not completely satisfied with the kit at all and while it solves some problems, it exacerbates others. Like the reliance on discipline and strength but also not running tactics is a ton of value lost. It's just clear that the community judges things without proper testing or without knowing what they're talking about. If you ask actual good players they'll tell you how bladesworn is actually one of the better beta spec in PvP.

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