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ItsAdamParker.5192's Achievements

  1. I think everything was really exciting, minus the legendaries. The legendaries are just straight up lazy and are a glorified Black Lion Chest. Incredibly disappointing that they aren't making these unique and pulling on Canthan lore for these. There could be so much space for creativity here, and they've completely cut corners on that. Not motivated to get a legendary at all in this expansion. Another comment I had about the livestream -- why include the voice actors with absolutely no context of their characters? Seemed totally bizarre and gave us no info.
  2. Hey guys - I've been playing this game since it came out, and I'm just now getting major issues with my FPS and ping. I was only between 3-7 FPS the past two days, and averaging over 1000 ping.I got a new computer a few months ago, but haven't had any problems until today. I uninstalled and re-installed, and it made no difference. Also have set my GFX to low and made no difference either. Restarted my router and it made no difference... hah. Any suggestions?
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