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Posts posted by Ivarian.9018

  1. 9 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

    If you go stand near the ffa and pay attention to who is wearing plat+ badges next to their name, 9 out of 10 of them are Elementalists.

    That is actually happening this 2v2 season.


    Wait this whole thread and hate on Ele is justified by its supposed performance in 2v2? A game mode that is pure meme and that nobody takes seriously except maybe new players.

    I'm sorry but you've lost all credibility here.

    • Like 4
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  2. On 6/12/2022 at 4:23 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

    Check this clip for literally 5 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N65LuZsxcjo&t=185s

    In this 5 seconds clip, the Priest uses a fear effect on the DK. To break this effect, the DK uses Lichborne, which temporarily gives him the "Undead" status. Noticing that the DK is now considered Undead, the Priest casts "Shackle undead" - a form of CC which can only be used on Undead. Quickly reacting, the DK manually removes "Lichborne" before it expires, thereby losing the undead status and preventing the Priests' CC effect from landing.


    I miss this kind of stuff every day. Few games have as much niche interactions and outplay potential as WoW. 

    This is a good example of what makes WoW PVP not appealing to me. Combat looks so static and so PVE. Exactly as you describe it. The fact that mobility and positioning are core elements to GW2 combat and must be actively controlled if you want to be successful is what makes it shine.

    I will always remember back in the days a well known skilled player streaming its first attempt at weaver and landing a sword fire 2 using lighting flash on a thief the second after he shadowstepped  to leave the combat. He got him downed with this move.

  3. 11 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

    DuoQ because anyone can queue with anyone to artificially lower a lot of those averages.

    I was not paying much attention to match manipulation honestly as I am not particularly high ranked and do not have the objective to be in the top 250. But this season, I started playing regularly ranked games every Sunday morning and last Sunday has been a particularly  horrible experience.


    I started looking at the players in my team and the enemy team to realize that on several occasions my team was against top leaderboard players duoQing with some other player. I am talking top 10 or top 25. Those games were obviously the kind of 500-100 losses. The queue was not taking longer than 2 to 3min and I am a gold 2 player (no decay). We are talking 400 rank points difference with those players in the enemy team.  In one particular instance, a top 10 player spent the whole game literally jumping around while zerging us with his team the whole match like he was having fun! My team tried all game and I got top damage and offense stat when I was 1358!

    • Like 2
  4. This topic about how matchmaking work is discussed regularly. The point today I believe is more about why matchmaking does not work.


    It comes down to duoQ being considered as 2 soloQ and low population affecting the "refresh" of players in your team or he enemy team. The effect of having a low population playing PVP currently plays a big role into one player being confronted to many unbalanced games in a row. This is even more true for gold players and to some extent up to plat 1 where skill & experience disparity is greater, without talking that these players are also the ones usually the most impacted by match manipulation from leaderboard players.

    • Like 2
  5. It is unfortunately too late for GW2 PVP to get rezzed and I don't believe the expac will change anything. Maybe it will bring a bunch of busted new classes to force people to purchase it but I don't believe Anet will suddenly bring proper balance to this game mode with even more classes. The best we can hope is that they will destroy all previous classes and focus on balancing the new ones only.


    Anyway, a good indicator of the PVP population rn was the start of this new season. It took 3 days to fill the 250 seats of the leaderboard in EU with the lowest rating being in the bronze level...

    • Like 2
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  6. 13 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. At Plat+ level, the majority of people play Glass Cannon, even Ele. The bunker meta is probably only at Gold and below. Maybe consider playing more glass if you want to rank up?

    100% true. Unless you play bunker yourself, you won't bring much to your team if you do not prioritize your DPS. This is a consequence of the 2020 February patch.

  7. Weaver has a very high skill ceiling. I would dare saying the highest of all other specs. You can really push the spec to perform very well  by pushing its mechanics and synergies more and more. Even after months and even years of practice you will still discover ways to unlock additional potential and pushing your game a little bit further, reacting faster, anticipating the most effective skill rotation to a situation, etc. S/F Fire weaver is a good entry build but it sill requires a lot of dedication and experience to push it to a good level.  After if you don't mind suffering to have immense fun while testing your limit, you will try Sword LR berserker.

  8. 5 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

    That would only affect your overall rating across many matches over a season.


    Within a specific match, being in a duo is irrelevant.


    It's very simple:


    Team 1: 1620, 1600, 1580, 1560, 1540

    Team 2: 1615, 1605, 1585, 1555, 1540


    These teams are well balanced. Now lets say the 1600 and 1580 in T1 are part of a duo. Does that suddenly mean the match is not balanced? No, it does not.


    To put it another way, there are 3 outcomes when you queue:


    1) Easy-mode matchup where your team is stacked

    2) Balanced game, could be win or lose, all players relatively even

    3) Unwinnable matchup, your team are clueless or do not work together


    Being in a duo does reduce (but not eliminate) the risk of getting scenario 3). It reduces the chance of getting a potato on your team by 25%.


    However, if the matchup you get is scenario 2), then being in a duo does NOT increase your likelihood of winning this matchup.


    And your argument for MMR being calibrated for soloQ actually works against you. If players who routinely duo-Q are having their rating artificially inflated by duo-ing, then they will end up being placed in harder matches where they're expected to carry more frequently. In the scenario above, if the 1600 and 1580 from T1 in a duo should have a "real" rating of 1550 and 1530, then they're dragging their team down.


    But it's okay, I'm just posting this for my own amusement. I know nothing will change the mindset of players who just want to blame "the system" for their failing.

    As I read it, you are just saying that DuoQ improves your chance of a favorable outcome. And regarding players having their rating inflated because they duoQ (from the perspective it offers an advantage) they will not end up in harder matches... unless they soloQ.

    And by the way, the OP had a genuine question that was not about blaming the system. To answer the OP, from my experience the MMS is still designed around individual rank and team comp as to not pile up the same class more than twice. The only influence that DuoQ as over the MMS is that the MMS will consider the 2 individuals as being linked when forming 2 teams for a match. That's why you can face 2 duoQs as a full pug team.

    • Like 2
  9. 8 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

    What's up with people still unable to grasp that being in a duo doesn't magically make you stronger.

    From a match perspective yes it does as you remove the RNG factor of one of your teammate without talking of all the other benefits that come with it because the MMS is calibrated for soloQ.

    • Like 2
  10. I am also in favor of the downstate for the same reason as the OP but making rez mechanics and rez tools as strong as it is today is really an issue that makes "losing is winning" a strategy that is too strong currently.

    Today,  the game  wants you to lose if you manage to win an outnumbered fight that is as simple as that. For those who say that it should not be allowed to outplay opponents when you are outnumbered, well outplaying opponents should be within reach if you are good enough and if the game hands over crutch to players to make sure they can't be outplayed... hey, isn't what we are talking about?

    Oups, I did not see the Scourge video posted by Trevor Boyer. Let me say that my perspective is that of a main weaver 🙂

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, razaelll.8324 said:



    Man you need a break in my opinion. Instead of crying for necro to be deleted in every single thread, just take a small break and relax.


    Necro will not be deleted and you know it. Also asking for a entire class to be deleted is not okay so if it frustrate you so much just take a brake.


    Don't worry, people are going to take a break in 2 or 3 months to try some refreshing PVP experience when these new MMO's will be released this summer in the West. Then sadly, the only discussion we will be left with in this forum is how Anet missed on capitalizing on the massive PVP potential their game had for years with 0 competition.

    • Like 2
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  12. Lol, yes let's implement some permanent dumb game mode such as 2v2 or 3v3 and a dedicated leaderboard of course. Now that Anet boosted cheese PVP builds to become predominant, it will be the perfect conclusion to GW2 sPVP. We could be proud to have supported the first game that fought discrimination against bots.

    I'll see myself out.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  13. I can share my story why I decided to stay away from ranked during off-peak hours this season. I am sure the same happened to a lot of us.

    First of all, I am not a particularly good player (plat 1). Few weeks ago, I was playing ranked in the afternoon before prime time when I faced a Top 10 duo in 2 consecutive matches. I was gold 3 at that time.

    The first game, I was against them and while I was expecting to have strong teammates and their team to have mostly golds or silvers, it wasn't the case and I could not recognize any name apart this duo. I was playing a side noder role and I spent most of the game engaged in 1V2 fights on sides. Well, we were being run over by this duo. Literally crushed! Like nothing was stopping them and my team was just going mid and dying all game. Still, we lost with a score like 250 vs 500.

    Then, the next match, I ended up in their team! I thought it is going to be an easy game and I'll be able to see top players in action and how they managed snowballing our team in the last match. My mistake here was not to better check who we were facing because guess what? We lost 400 vs 500. They played passively all match long, contributing to nothing just roaming here and there! I earned most of the stats of this game while I had to defend home 1Vx most of the game. That was just crazy and because the same thing happened the same week in 3 consecutive games (I was plat then 🙂) against a top 10 player queuing with a gold player to the point you know the game is lost from start. I decided to never again play ranked except in prime time.


    By the way, I am surprised nobody is talking about the drama going on in NA with a streamer being carried to Top 10 and his duo being accused of account sharing, alting and asking for wins. His line of defense is he did not engage in wintrading directly but happened to just play with a very strong duo which is perfectly allowed... When is DuoQ be removed from ranked or made into a separate league, when? Anet do whatever you want but come with a solution that does not put SoloQ players to such a disadvantage in Ranked against players you let play the system. We are going to leave that's the only thing you will get if you do nothing.

    • Like 6
  14. Good luck trying to climb and stay in the top 250 playing SoloQ. The MMS can simply not manage balanced teams with the low population and Duo and Solo players queuing together.

    It is even worth than that. When you will start climbing plat+, the MMS will put you against top DuoQ players used to play together for their rank. You are in fact being utilized by the MMS just to balance the average rank between the 2 teams and entertain DuoQ with games won / lost from start. This is how you get farmed as SoloQ if you dare not playing at peak times.

    When we had a higher pop, the odds were more even of playing with or against DuoQ as a SoloQ player. This is not the case anymore if you are Plat+.

    In everything Anet has done wrong regarding PvP, personally the one aspect that will make me quit the game is them letting a system in place they have implemented that utilizes players who SoloQ or can't play at peak times to entertain other players.

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  15. I don't know. I am playing a dualist role most of the time and in fact I prefer not having nec in my team. Being able to rotate fast and snowball is key. Nec are easy to kite and you can outrotate them quite easily.

  16. @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:I don't get why people were opposed to the removal of those amulets. They were busted and resulted in a stale meta. Outgoing healing is definitely the way to go as it's less selfish and more selfless of an option. It will encourage teamwork among players. We can also see Ventari support coming back? :flushed:

    Having to remove amulets with +1000 healing because they suddenly became unhealthy (xD) when amulets with +1000 power, precision, condition damage, vitality are fine, well it says that there is something broken somewhere.

    The poor execution of February patch broke some fundamental balance that will only keep deteriorating moving from one unhealthy meta to the other where the only option is to keep removing what works too well because the only other alternative would be to go reverse and fix such a number of things (and growing), it is almost impossible to do.

    Let's give it a few weeks until another overperforming build start driving the whole meta.

  17. @Filip.7463 said:

    @Fueki.4753 said:They should actually do the opposite and disable character swap at the start.

    If you queue with one character, you should also play with it.

    Whats the benefit of multiclassing then?

    This season you can see players queuing as core thief and swapping to bunker guard 1 second before the match starts. I suppose this is the benefit of multiclassing you are looking for.

  18. To that end, we’re looking at removing Mender and Marshal amulets

    That will really be disappointing. Of course killing build diversity is an easy shortcut to balancing but it is the wrong thing to do.

    By not addressing the underlying balancing issue, you will just hide the problem and make the whole balancing between class & specs a big mess where the only option left to address further balance issues will be to delete even more things because trying to balance traits and utilities will require massive resources.

    I am even asking myself if you are not already in that situation which is why envisaging to remove further amulets seems to be the natural option explored now.

  19. I came to GW2 2 years ago to play PVE essentially but the the story is such a chore while it is blatant PVE only scratch the surface of the combat mechanics that I decided to try PVP on my way out. Today, I am still an active GW2 player but I never set foot in PVE and never will I.WvW never caught my attention. Takes too much of your time for not enough interesting fights where you can have an impact.

  20. I'd say both. The most fun I have is when I have to switch to tryhard mode to win a match or a fight because the enemy team is worth it (as long it is not a one-sided game). In fact, it is really what I am looking for both in unranked and ranked. Unfortunately ranked is so much about ...well...rank and playing the system that it is less fun overall.

  21. I made few placement matches soloq until ending up against high ranked players premade support tempest + burn DH + support guard staying packed under all circumstances. They would taunt, telling your team could win easy if you focus on more damage. We switched to support, they died eventually at the end of the map countdown because we secured the center of the map early.It is so obvious that the point of this game mode is for premade team to take advantage of soloq and the current horrendous braindead meta that I decided to stop this game mode after 5 placement matches and will wait until the new season starts.

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