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Posts posted by Shiro.2158

  1. Hi, I don't know if this is a topic that matters or not... I just was wondering why the Black lion Vouchers don't update at all and makes me regret buying the 2k gem packs inorder to obtain them.

    Like I saw the vouchers and I'm like, "that's cool, buy"... and now I have 5 of them in my bank that I cant use because I already bought the skins that are linked too them.     I don't know if this was the original poupous of the tickets or not but their value feels rather... worthless now... like I just wasted a ton of cash.  [2 Black Lion Weapons Vouchers][Black Lion Outfit Voucher][Black Lion Backpack and Glider Voucher][Black Lion Chair Voucher]  


    So here is my question.
     - "Why do the black lion vouchers not updated with the new items that come out?"


    Why does this matter?

    - Well It gives these items some massive value for everyone, even if the new skin you drop is worth less then the Voucher it is still exciting to be like "I HAVE A THING FOR THAT!!" and my skrit brain goes "ooo obtained! boy am I glad I bought that Package deal."
    I've bought 4 such deals before so about 8k gems... but now I don't feel any incentive to purchase them in the future so for me at least those have lost a customer in their current state.   Not sure if anyone else feels this way or if its just me...


    Thanks for listening to my useless rambling, have a nice day!

    • Like 2
    • Confused 3
  2. On 12/3/2021 at 6:24 PM, Lacdanon.1483 said:

    i guess my question would be why am i pulled into a match with players so far above my skill level?


    okey.. so! Basically it tries to create an overall "even" match for both teams... so Say theres only 2 1700's Qing    Then the game will be like oh... well we gotta even this out so it will put 3 1200 on their team with them and 5 1400's on the other team and then the balance gods say "Balance achieved." since both teams equal 7000 total rating.     The other reason this happens is due to how parties work... If your 2000, and your friend is 1000 it Q's you both as 1500. Dispite both of you having the skill level of 2000 and 1 person just being on an alt. 



    In summary, there's no real way to fix this, just gonna get random horrible matches sorry >.< 

  3. Understandable, Well The big thing about d/p thief or ... thief in general is.. if they cant stealth they just die ^^So lets go over a few ways you can just meme their face lol


    1. The DH route 😄
    Gold thiefs instant die every time to [Dragon's Maw][Procession of Blades][Test of Faith] combow.   But against all thiefs as a rule as long as you land your DH f1 [Spear of Justice] and reveal them, you just won that fight nothing they can do about it.


    2. Core Necro Route 😛

    Less fun.. but honestly if your fighting someone in gold and a thief pops up 90% of the time they just die passively to your condi aoes without you even attacking them >.> just cause your necro shroud 5 [Tainted Shackles] reveals everyone in the area and that skill alone usually kills them tbh.


    3. Ranger Enjoyers >.>

    [sickem]  Thats all ima say.. ...


    4. Just.. kite on the no ports, long as a daredevil d/p meta build cant backstab you, their only option is short bow 2... So if you are on anything ranged that trades with Equal damage, you win the interaction since they have 11-15k hp max and no deffence.



    (Overall holo, dh, ranger, war, and core nec absolutely body d/p thief especially if your in an equal skill level)  But Thiefs can be extremely annoying so I hope this helps!!! Sorry if its a bit long >.< 

  4. Um.. not sure if this helps... but if you run boosters you should be able to half the time, and then just run core mesmer  https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mesmer_-_Blurring_Inspiration  .... The only reason to pick core Mesmer is cause you just head to a node and afk there while watching tv ^^... This should be the easiest method. But remember to use snowflake gobbler, for +25% boost to reward track gain, xp booster for 50% boost, and Black lion booster(costs 1 statue) to get another 25% boost.... then you can also toss a celebration booster(birthday) if you care about the extra 10% boost.... also your guild bar, gives another 10% boost... so you can make it go 120% faster then normal. 


    Overall once you have your boosters set, just spam unranked with friends on offmeta weird builds that all of you find fun.   The time flys when your having fun after all!! ^^ GL and have fun out there!

    • Thanks 3
  5. THIS MONTHS FESTIVAL OF LEGENDS!!!!(Hosted by AL(Absolute Legends NA Guild, All times are Central Standard time, and all on NA servers Thank you!)

    1v1 tourney from 6:30-8 central - Rules, single elimination, all on asura arena, Prizes 1st place - One month seat in the Hall of Olympus, 50g, Absolute legend rank,2nd place 25g and absolute legend rank,3rd Place 15g, Legend rank,4th-10th- random Improvised weapon skins

    Quaggan Tonic Showdown! 8-8:30 in guild hall! Rules, Enter the ring First person to get a lil crown wins!we will do 3 rounds, each round grants the victor Random Weapon skins/dyes, and Legend rank(if you wanna join the guild!)

    Pvp JUMPING PUZZLE! 8:30-9:00 ... good luck.....Rules- Enter with the Free for all Coordinator and begin a no holds bard trolling of hellVictor will get Absolute legend rank, a War Gods Greatsword Skin, Having your monument placed in the Trophy Room for this month!

    9:00+Pvp Escort missions and Treb Wars

    Escore Mission - Rules - 1: Held on Spirit watch.2:Have to have Raven capped in your teams favor! in order to get Credit for Carrying orb to middle!3: 10 gold to winning team for Scoring the most points, extra 3 gold for using Orbs 3 skill to slam dunk the orb into middle!

    Treb Wars!! - Rules - 1:Held on Kyhlo.2: 5g to each member of winning team3: 10g Per Treb kill and finish (must down and finish target with treb)4: You will only be allowed to stay on treb for 1 minute, before swapping out with allies.

    (Sign up here!)https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfM4GT_pP0TZIFGgybzNazkq06WQ39D3_EZ1Tb2Wi1porinyw/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Thank you all for your time ^^-Soro

  6. @Leonidrex.5649 said:not to be that guy but first thing you should do is remove the overlay

    Sure overlay is a factor for lag/crashing but if its the overlay he always use's its not a problem is it? If it was the overlay it would have been a problem when he first put on the overlay, this has nothing to do with it, the number of crashes has gone up considerably, as well as the number of full team crashes where 4-5 members of an opposing team DC. This is an ANET problem, not an overlay problem, thank you for your advice however it is flawed.

  7. @"Shao.7236" said:It happened 5 times today on about 8 games, something is clearly wrong. I would hate to lose everything because the game is malfunctioning. This has been happening even on 3v3's as well.

    All I got isolated as what could be the issue is using Jade Winds on a Thief that's in Stealth then re-appearing.

    This has actually been happening a lot more often then ever before, a necro friend of mine was crashing so much that out of an entire AT he only got to play in 1 match, all other matches he was only in for about 2-4 minutes. Even my usual 60-90 ping was at 500-3k when I went into a match today clearly something is wrong.

  8. @Grimjack.8130 said:typical forum user thinks knights is bad because tanky builds can still do damage on knights, not that tanky builds become way too tanky on knights

    I mean... I liked knights, I didn't think it was bad at all, I'm upset that they removed it, I want knights and other amulets in the game.

  9. OK! why was this removed from the game, I mean all removing of amulets from the game is dumb from every view point, like I play berserkers now, to many power builds play berserkers does that mean we lose berserkers?! Take knights amulet, KNIGHTS AMULET WAS FINE! the classes themselves that could still do damage despite being knights, were the problem, not knights! How do you not get that? this confuses me greatly. Now I cant make my knights amulet shadow arts revealed trait side noder thief ;-; because you ruined it! stupid.. just stupid

  10. @zyra.7860 said:

    @FrownyClown.8402 said:You dying is worse than losing node if 1v1. My best advice to you is learn to kite with terrain and use line of sight. What are they gonna do? Perma stealth on node for a decap?

    First they bang bang me from 1500 distance. I go chase. They disappear in stealth. Then i hear sound, BOOOOOOM i got hit from 10k Death Judgement. They are again completely different spot than last time. I go chase again, they dodge and disappear in stealth. BOOOOOOOOM, again 10k dmg. I manage stun them and they shadowstep 1200 range away and dodge stealth.

    Just example why class is completely broken and needs emergency nerf.

    Ya know... I love this post so much, Its gold... its really just complete gold, lets go over why! So hes saying DJ does 10k openers, which is false it does 4-7k openers, and why is this post amazing? he wants a 30%, and if we nerf it 30% from his numbers, then We end up with a deadeye buff XD

  11. For monthly I understand swiss, and its really cool, but every turny of every day requiring you to sit through a full hour of hell because you joined pugs, for 5g or less, is kinda just hell. I've now had 3 teams where some pve main gets upset and leaves the party and then ruins it for the other 4 people, literally forcing us to waste 40 minutes for NOTHING. In swiss if you leave, you should just get the last place rewards at the very minimum, but now you just get nothing and its not even your fault!! For dailies the old AT method was infinitely better as far as time goes, if you put in the time, you need to get the gold out, so either daily AT's give more gold, or they get set back to normal because this is kinda just stupid.

  12. Warrior’s CunningI agree with everything, but this change. I do agree that Warriors cunning needs a nerf, but side noder warrior doesn't need a 25% boost when its foe is at max health, so it would be a wasted trait, the main problem is really just barrier, instead of a 50% boost, it should ignore the barrier, or at least go through 50% of the targets current barrier.

    This way you cant 1 shot people, just because they have 10 barrier, but you can still have fun with builds like rifle warrior that aren't good at pvp, but are still quite fun in lower teirs. What we need is to make it so side noder warrior(warriors main job in all tiers) stays in its place, and doesn't become a god, so if we just make it so this reads as this

    25% damage boost to foes at 100% hpignore barriers/ignores 50% of targets current barrier count

  13. For some reason I can no longer class swap while doing ranked, is this a bug, or a new feature? This needs to be addressed right away being how much this has helped people que in pvp, being that you usually aren't going to get a good build to match your comp so you have to be good at multiple classes and builds.

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