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Stee Janz.8126

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  1. Try re-reading the post. That has nothing to do with what the post was about.
  2. I appreciate all the replies and suggestions but have still yet to hear a good reason why it even exists. So many little oversites that completely mess up the players makes it appear that has really poor direction when it comes to quality of life. A couple other examples, making the attack my target a different skill (F1 on most but F6 on Untamed and Engie), or the fact that you can't shut off shift +skill. Of course you can say don't be a clicker or change your key binds but these are small things that can actually make you a worse player in the game. I am a 1/2 clicker and I am left handed so the shift button is a must, especially if you use it to double up keys. So I can't tell you how many times in a fight, I am announcing my skill in chat or starting chat with skill. ends the fight right there. The fact that I can't turn that off is kitten to be honest. The interface should never make me a worse player. Doesn't matter if I am clicker. Now granted I would prefer new content over these fixes but the lack of care is disappointing.
  3. So Ele's have the same problem, now what about the "good reason" why Engie's and Ele's are the only one's to have to deal with this issue?
  4. Engie (possible Ele) weapon swap in sPVP. I got burnt by this again today to where it almost made me lose my $#*!& , so I came straight to forums to complain. I mean to request snarky replies from the rest of you degenerates lurking here to sway me with your vast knowledge of the game or feed the demons of depressions that will drive me back to my personal pit of despair. I have not played my second weapon set in the past week but for some reason when I join the PVP lobby it randomly selects it. Not consistent, just randomly. Didn't notice, joined a match. Watched car video's until the game started, get to my first fight and realize I got the wrong weapon in my hand. The fact that I can't even swap out of combat back in the spawn after getting face planted . I can't even drag the set out of the slot to the bag makes it even dumber. (pretty sure I found that work in 2v2 season to switch to second set) In sPVP, i think Engie's have a pretty solid list of complaints, like more build diversity, turrets, fix mortar #1, to name a few. Yeah, Anet fix Mortar 1. 0.8 second cast with barely more then melee radius (180) that has 20 % chance of projectile finisher. ??? Blast finisher seems like a better fit. I know, I know that means it would actually work with the other skills in the kit instead of maybe getting one project finisher out them. Any way back to the post. Can anyone give one good reason why Engie's can't swap weapons out of combat like they can in other modes?
  5. Hey I can totally concede that my issue maybe my current skill level. I just started playing sPVP again last week and the highest I have been is Gold 2 tier 1 (fell back to gold 1 last night) So pretty much the bottom of the barrel. Haven't gotten anywhere near gold 3(have been into platie in the past though.) But that was the point I was trying to make. The level of play that I see happening in the lower levels doesn't seem right. Seems more advanced, like its easier than it should be which gives some merit to the original post. Not sure the "you just don't understand" is an effective reply to convince me that I am wrong. :)
  6. Hey I realize I need to work on my game. So I can concede that for sure. Yep yep. Been playing GW2 since early access. Original GW1 player here. I get how PVP works even if I am not very good at it and I get position matters all that stuff. The original post was about the Power Creep, which IMO appears to be a problem right now. More than likely its due to the recent changes which I still believe are good but it can still be true there is power creep. I am sitting at tier 1 and 2 of gold so I find really hard to believe that the opposing players are playing at that high of a level. So rather all the higher tier players are mixed with gold or something is off. Either of those being true lends merit to the OP. And not all classes are the same and there is some merit to the original poster about the invulnerability, and stealth capabilities out there for glass cannons. I switched to a more bursting build because that seems to be the way the games are going right now. Does a decent support Engie build even exist? I actually agree with this. I was being a bit of a meathead to make a point. I added more stun breaks to my build just to try to get away but it doesn't work. I feel like I have to bring rocket boots on the build every time just to escape. I am getting dropped when I have my shield up on my engie with slick shoes popped. It's happened quite a few times in seconds. So I am seeing what the OP is talking about. But isn't that really what the OP is getting at. That something needs to be done to change what is happening right now because its not a level playing field. Again, could have worded it differently but just telling people to "get good" seems like your more about defending the game then constructive criticism. Again, comparing it to COD was not the way to get this conversation started. :) I am a lefty so not a lot of choices for me on mouses but I did get the left handed Naga for that very reason. Having said that, there should be builds for clickers that can contribute(not a 100% clicking but moderately), especially in the lower levels. But I would concede they shouldn't be glass cannons playing at a high level. Right now and for some time now, its seems to be much harder to play a tankie build than the glass cannon. Yes, I am looking in the mirror here. I am 51 and my reflexes ain't what they used to be so if I can play decently as burst, I definitely think something is off. :) I actually disagree with this statement in the context of the original post. I would agree that games going the distance because the didn't reach 500 points, makes for more boring play. However, the original post was about death within seconds not minutes. Come on, you know you enjoy the couple minute, 1 on 1 battles where you come out victorious over the other guy after dancing with the for a bit, over the I just nuked the poor guy in 3-4 seconds. I think the original OP was about dealing with that. I will also concede that I assume the OP is a seasoned PVP player, that they have played a fair amount of sPVP to form their opinion.
  7. I am pretty sure we probably have more common ground then disagreement but I do think that is over simplifying the OP position. They original post was a bit lacking in context but he improved on it later. The stun-locking does not appear to be balanced. With the current burst is king state, it only takes a very very small amount of coordination to utilize stun locks to nuke someone. It has happened to me a few times where I blew all my stun breaks and still didn't get out of it. It was like the damage is just waiting for your "oh crap to cool off". If it stays this way, ANet will need to add a clear alarm that your are being focused by other team as soon as your marked because once the action starts, not sure you can get out of it today. Well for those players that don't have the ability to just vanish in the mists. Granted that is a point you made before that at least one you your utilities out to "get you the Hell out of there" button but the whole utility bar? Not all professions are equal when it comes to what is available and how its available. Which is a good thing IMO, but is why your build should help counter zerker builds and you sure has hell can't be a clicker...... if you have to mouse click the skill your dead. I think there is merit to the original post to the current state even the the reference to COD was pretty weak. It didn't get the discussion off to a good start. But like I said, maybe I just need to play more. I will be back in there tonight for more punishment. :)
  8. I think that is pretty much the point of original poster. :) I have actually been running a variant of that build... without the stealth. I don't have the burst rotation down very good so I bring Mortar Kit to provide a bit of pressure and combo fields. But it does weaken the build.
  9. There haven't been calls for meta bunker builds, my point is that the don't really exist and the won't if they don't scale with power creep.... to the original posters point, the fact that glass builds can avoid damage (through boons, invulnerability, and stealth, not dodge) it eliminates the need for support. I agree that a bunker build should not be able to tank multiple players (3 or more) but the meta isn't even close to that. It should be a viable solution to pressure a bunker build at a point with 2 players when there is stalemate of a one on one. I would still lean toward power being more powerful than support if played correctly. IMO it should be feasible for a less reactive player to focus on defense and remain alive because they spec'ed that way. Of course that would be at a cost of not being able to kill anyone either. But similar to raids, there should be option for players to run those type of builds but I don't see it in spvp. Granted it could be my skill level and I should just play more but if I go more supportive on my Engie... I get nuked either way. So it feels at this time like its better for me to go meta of all power to see who bursts who first then to actually try a supportive type build that isn't even remotely effective.
  10. As a recent player returning to GW2 and jumping back into sPVP, my initial impressions was power is king..... looking for builds to run from the different sites, a good majority are zerker which is pretty much the point the original poster is making imo. I don't get the impression that they have a problem with glass cannons just that, right its completely dominated by them and I don't see a disadvantage for them at this point. I have had a few enjoyable spvp sessions but I have had some that were me just getting nuked over and over. Is there a reason to even bring a support build.... are bunkers really a thing in the past (every profession should have one imo) .... because the teams doing the smashing don't appear to need any. At least in the lower tiers of ranked and unranked. Maybe its just rust on my part but acting like the original poster doesn't have a point seems odd. And not everyone has the twitching fast reactions... some of us are older folks in their 50's would appreciate a bit more diverse options. What advice would you give me on which build to play as someone that doesn't have the reflexes of their youth?
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