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  1. when I see an guardian core with mercy signet i pray to him only know what him need to do and what him doing, in 99% of time is like nothing P.S.: i play with 3 class in base guardian(the burning core, dh speed trap), necro(carapace minion power and condi, reaper power how could healing with attacks =P) and my best the Morgam Ballrof norn very shiny orange green cyber roaming(kittening good roaming) thief (i love DD power but less staff i can get any build with him .... only 3,7k hours of play 1th character 2500+ macth xD) and i have an tempest overload support but I need learn more xD and change a little the build. but if dont have support on team one scourge cond off support and a alacrit renegade is an good solution
  2. I think u don´t understand the idea, if more ppl can grow (ppl how realy try to be better on spvp), compete with ppl in same lvl, in time him can get stuckout of gold and go plat, with time plat will have more ppl. other thing in today system, is only good team vc bad team, is rare see good team vs good team in gold less division, it need chenges it's normal see in being of match the final results, the team composte with more win rate have the best probability to win, if loss or something wrong happens with 1 member of good team or something about lucky or bad lucky happs and this two probabilty is more rare than hap a match with good team vs good team. I know in plat+ the matchs members, tatics and TF are some diferent then gold less but is more easy see a plat team vs gold2 less team, instead an good player gold with bad luck go to plat. So the fairer the match was in low lvl, more chances to have more players in plat with time, pls try to understand, it's a good idea take it a try dude. sry for bad english now.
  3. @Morwath.9817, I don´t know dude let's give a try =/ I'm think is a good idea for all, for plat and legends too, with u wait a time for it good players go plat and bad players not, competitive with goods matchs, goods team vs good team.
  4. remember in that time your division was your pips chests, I not asking for that mode, is like is now but not with win rate but with your division only it
  5. but Anjo dude, my friende, think about it, this gets fixed with time, for now the vast majority is a pissed off player, there are a lot of golds that have good skills, price is between g2 and g3 for getting stuck with these bad guys. If we give these people chances to grow in pvp, over time this problem will end. I myself believe that if this solves something, it will end up populating pvp even more, which will give more chances for players like you to have more competition. but that depends on whether you give time for that to happen, nothing is from today to yesterday.
  6. anjo.6143, dude if more justice on match queue more players playing a plenty of players say bad thing of spvp
  7. <Arena name="Unranked Arena"> <Queue> <RosterSize min="1" max="5"/> <Iteration interval="30s" rosters="50" limit="50ms"/> <Potentials min="20" max="500" falloff="0.16" start="1m" end="3m"/> <Rating start="3m" end="10m" max="1200" min="25"/> <Power curve="1" percent="1"/> <Rank min="0"/> </Queue> <Matcher type="Team"> <Age seconds="2"/> <RosterSize max-diff="3" distance="-100" perfect-fit="0"/> <Rank distance="0"/> <Rating distance="-10"/> /*this line take all this logic off and put division*/ <Profession max="2" common="-100" unique="0" matching="100"/> <Dishonor distance="-100" stack="-50"/> <GuildTeam affinity="50"/> <Games max="500" distance="-0.25"/> </Matcher > </Arena> <Arena name="Ranked Arena"> <Queue> <RosterSize min="1" max="2"/> <Iteration interval="30s" rosters="100" limit="250ms"/> <Potentials min="20" max="500" falloff="0.375" start="1m" end="3m"/> <Rating start="5m" end="10m" max="1200" min="25"/> <Power curve="1" percent="1"/> <Rank min="20"/> </Queue> <Matcher type="Team"> <Age seconds="2"/> <RosterSize max-diff="3" distance="-100" perfect-fit="0"/> <Rank distance="0"/> <Rating distance="-10"/> /*this line take all this logic off and put division*/ <Profession max="2" common="-100" unique="0" matching="100"/> <Dishonor distance="-100" stack="-50"/> <GuildTeam affinity="50"/> <Games max="500" distance="-0.25"/> </Matcher> </Arena> <Arena name="Ranked Arena Off-Season"> <Queue> <RosterSize min="1" max="5"/> <Iteration interval="30s" rosters="100" limit="250ms"/> <Potentials min="20" max="500" falloff="0.375" start="1m" end="3m"/> <Ladder start="0ms" end="0ms" max="0" min="0"/> <Rating start="5m" end="10m" max="1200" min="25"/> <Power curve="1" percent="1"/> <Rank min="20"/> </Queue> <Matcher type="Team"> <Age seconds="2"/> <RosterSize max-diff="3" distance="-100" perfect-fit="0"/> <Rank distance="0"/> <Rating distance="-10"/> /*this line take all this logic off and put division*/ <Profession max="2" common="-100" unique="0" matching="100"/> <Dishonor distance="-100" stack="-50"/> <GuildTeam affinity="50"/> <Games max="500" distance="-0.25"/> </Matcher> </Arena> //I really don´t know why we have division, it's not been used =/
  8. I'm not complaining about my punishment, nor do I worry about it(i got 3 bans days to do a SPvP in the /t chat), the problem is that you guys from Arenanet refuse to change this matching queue code, as it is, it only brings headaches and problems like this, rough treatments with other users . The solution for these incidents to be reduced by half or more, would be to remove the win rate from the code and divide the teams by division and of course from platinum 2 and plus they already compete with each other but if you divide like this: -bronze 1&2&3 -bronze 3 silver 1 -silver 1&2&3 -silver 3 gold 1 -gold 1&2&3 -gold 3 platinum 1 - platinum 2&3 legendary+ This is perhaps a much better solution than this win rate because those who don't know how to play and don't want to learn will stay in the bronze, the bad ones get stuck in the silver whoever is dedicated goes to gold and with practice and effort one day reaches platinum and so on. I know a lot of people who gave up on gw2 because of spvp even i almost crippled my account last year and this year one of my best friends is giving up on gw2 because of spvp because his anticonvulsants are not overcoming spvp frustration. He and I are only pvp and wvw the other content doesn't interest us much, and the gw2 pvp gameplay is perfect what breaks is not unbalanced classes is that the vast majority of players have no idea what they are doing in matches and this is just kitten. I´ve playing since 2009 in GW I have two account (the trilogy steam pack(more newer is linked, the LvLUp games account from 2009 i give to a friend) I hope u devs & designers from SPvP crew look for it and do something smart, becausa, as it is now, is not smart way for it. [EDIT] I did the same post on reddit community https://www.reddit.com/r/guildwars2pvp/comments/rz72ms/for_all_gw2_spvp_devs_and_designers/
  9. Proposta: Legendary Brasil Champions[eBRA] é uma guilda Softcore-sPvP que promove a reunião de players PvP/WvW maduros e interessados pela diversão dentro do ambiente proposto e ter uma convivencia também respeitosa. Ainda assim procuramos trazer não somente jogadores ForFun de sPvP/WvW mas pessoas que queiram ter compromisso com a guilda tambem, onde poderaparticipar dos treinos times e torneios(tanto os cores como tambem o que nossa guilda ira propor com, claro, recompensas) Em fim resumindo quero convidar todos que tenham interesse no SPvP e WvW hardcore ou pro que terão que participar de treinos, times e torneios, porem ainda assim dando a liberdade para todos os que quiserem participar da guilda como forfun nessas opções do jogo. Histórico: Com experiência em diversos MMO’s, atueis no Ragnarok(BRO/SKRO/Privates/servidores propio),MU(Original e amigo do antigo hacker+GM GR3LL e tivemos juntos o MuZiron), WoW(2 anos no original/servidores propios ), Rift e por fim des de 2012 Guild of Wars 2(passei pela [GOLD], Raven, [FOLK], [bRA] e agora iniciando a [eBRA]). Por onde passei fiz questão de fortalecer a comunidade e união do grupo através de atividades no jogo e fora dele, gerando um ambiente verdadeiramente de amizade. Características: Proporcionamos um ambiente agradável, primando pela conciliação entre a progressão e a diversão onde, por fim, busca-se conhecer todo o do SPvP e WvW do jogo sem stress. Independente de player skill, gear ou influência, valorizamos a pessoam dando a possibilidade de ingressar des do jogador PvP/WvW forfun ao Pro. Perfil dos Membros: Aceitamos apply do indivíduo que demonstre respeito, maturidade e esteja no jogo para curti-lo. Procuramos por membros pró-ativos, não indivíduos passivos perante as atividades e escolhas da guilda, enfim, aqueles que queiram cooperar na formação de um guilda coesa e organizada. Ainda assim,quero dizer que não ha obrigação de representar a guilda, porem se for participar, gostariamos que todos cooperaçe com o crescimento da guilda, participendo do discord, eventos, guild missions claro sempre que possivel e se possivel representar a guilda nesses momentos. Não aceitamos em hipótese alguma players que causaram problemas ou foram expulsos por mal comportamento em outras guildas ou com a comunidade do jogo ou com as regras e TOS do jogo ou Discord. ATIVIDADES:Estabelecemos atividades principalmente (não necessariamente) durante o período noturno com sPvP e WvW.Tambem eventos internos, incluindo participação de outras guildas. Disponibilizamos site(num futuro bem proximo) e Discord para membros. Recrutamento: Interessados procurar in-game por: zippo.7086(eu). ou se registrar pelo discordhttps://discord.gg/HbwdNUXaJk Agradecidos pela atenção. Esperamos por você em Heart of the Mist ou nas Battles Grounds.
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