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Everything posted by xtiffany.6503

  1. Yep, I went and got my glider as well. Super excited to get around a bit easier now!
  2. Yeah, I'm going to follow the story in order I think, I just wanted mount to get around quicker. I've already finished the person story and am half way through LW2 right now.
  3. Thank you very much! I went and got my raptor mount to help me get around faster! I'm going to do as others suggested and continue with the story in order, but I'm glad I got my mount thanks to your help! <3
  4. so starting the story for path of fire would get me a mount?
  5. How do I get the mounts? Do I start the story for heart of thorns? Should I continue doing 'Gates of Maguuma' story first before starting the stuff to get a mount? I feel lost having bought both and not knowing what to do haha.
  6. I guess I should have added location. I wish I was EU your guild looks/sounds wonderful, but I'm in NA ):
  7. Hey There ! I think I am interested in your guild. I'm just coming back to the game after not playing it for over a year. I need a guild that is helpful and willing to teach me how to do the raids, i haven't really run through dungeons much, and how to do fractals and help with new content. The expansions and their content are all new to me. I'll basically be a returning player who knows nothing xD. Reading your post it seems your guild may be suitable? thanks ! xx
  8. Hey yall, I'm returning to the game after being gone from it for some time. I came back a few months back and found a guild I liked but I stopped playing due to being hospitalized. Now that I am back I am looking for a guild or group of people to help me get back into the game and relearn things from the past and learn things that have been added since I stopped playing over a year ago. Location: NA (Edited to add this)The guild I would like for it to be PvE, I have never done WvW or anything like that, not really great fighting against real people (LOL), Social, but its not super importantI don't want it to be required to use voice chat all of the time though. I have kids and my background is LOUD.HelpfulI would need help learning Fractals, Dungeons (again) and raids (those are new!)What else is new? I need just need a helpful guild HAHAOh I need people who can help me learn new builds once I get the expansions, and help figuring out gear and such. Thanks <3Basically, if your guild might suit this let me know. Send a mail in game or post here. <3
  9. If you don't kill krait first the asura will expode the tower and give you the next step but insted of talk you can just greeat him..very bad for us. I will come again if i figure out how to work around it. Every body have problems with this instance i hope they will pach it I figured out this quest. I didn't' talk to Tonn at the start, ran through and killed everything except the krait. ran back to the front and talked to Tonn. Ran through and they exploded the towers. Killed the Krait after the third was blown. DO NOT SKIP THE CUT SCENE AT THE END. If you do you will need to re do the thing again. Just watch it no need to be impatient like me lol
  10. So I went ahead and killed everything and now I can't talk to him.. Only have the "greet" option. Do I really have to listen to the whole convo? I have to redo the whole thing AGAIN FOR THE THIRD TIME and watch the whole cut scene just so I can "talk" talk to the guy instead of "greet" UGH!
  11. that's quite alright, xtiffany! We're not asking anyone to do anything they're not comfortable with. We're more of a mish-mash of players than a single guided ideology in the game! Wonderful! I have not played in..... 3 years? Since before heart of thorns came out. So I am relearning everything. I am planning to purchase both expansions soon. Hope thats not an issue. I just didn't want to buy them incase I didn't keep playing LOL. I am going to add you on my contacts so I can easily contact you for an invite :+1:
  12. I may be interested in your guild. I am a returning player and have never really focused on WvW or PvP... would that be an issue? In games I have always only focused on PvE/Dungeons/Raids/etc
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