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Posts posted by Ziggityzog.7389

  1. Don't know if the idea has been put out there yet or not but here's my take for Gw3.


    Gw1 Remastered on unreal engine with a similar mission setup what not and make it open world plus... jumping!

    The pvp system in gw1 was beyond it's time and just think of Hall Of Heroes on unreal engine. We could go back to dual classes and a 10 skill open skill bar. The alliance battles and owning a city in Cantha and that meant beating others in the PVPE maps

    • Like 1
    • Confused 5
    • Sad 2
  2. So i combined my tokens for Twilight and for Sunrise but i never received eternity on anything from the inventory to skins to legendary armory . It never showed up after the forge of the 4 items needed. Please look into my account for last night 2-10-23 around 6pm pacific

  3. As a Guild Wars 1 vet and a avid gw2 player all i can say is PoF was the last expansion i buy and ill wait for Guild Wars 3 (if they make one) PoF was the first game / exp of theirs i didn't buy the big bundle of because i was disappointed then. The new expansion lacks a big draw for me. No dual classes like Gw1 still, classes are crap, new expansion doesn't have alliance battles 2.0 with lux and kurz  and finally they nerfed my 5 years old Minion build to the ground in the last few months,


    I just played Diablo 2 : Resurrection and omg its a take me back to the good old days and well done.


    September 28th is where New World comes out and all i can say is from what Beta previews i played... I will be signing off of this franchise till a new game (if that's even worth it)

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/21/2021 at 12:09 PM, Fire Attunement.9835 said:

    We have found the source of this crash issue. This crash will affect you if you have the DX11 beta enabled, have more than 30 character slots, and are in windowed fullscreen. We are working on a fix, but in the meantime you can avoid the issue by adding -dx9 as a command-line argument following the instructions here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Command_line_arguments

    We're sorry this is affecting some of you and we're working to get it fixed as soon as possible! 

    Update: If you do not meet the circumstances I outlined above and you are still crashing while the DX11 beta is enabled, please disable any UI overlays from third party programs, including things like Discord. As always, please be aware that the game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program (independent of the DX11 beta), due to possible incompatibilities.

    STILL CAN'T REINSTALL GAME AFTER ALL THE """""Fixes"""". Tried reinstalling without a firewall and virus software on. Anet officially broke the dang game.... Nothing on my computer has changed since late monday but now its broken.


    Great job. Now onward to different games since pvp is still crap (Since season 5/6), alliance lux kurz battles are not reborn in the new expansion and so forth.


    I guess this is how you force players to not play even tho some like me have been around since Guild wars 1.


    Edit: Please just roll back whatever half butt made patch was released Tuesday and start over.

  5. Well it's 100% on anet's side since i've tried everything from the -dx9 fix, to the -image fix, to deleting the local.dat and now can't reinstall after uninstalling.. I guess anet really really wants me to focus on Diablo 2 resurrection and New World when they come out in 2 days. May just finally install my new awesome graphics card gw2 can't process and lags with it installed. That way i can get my pc ready for some real games.


    We really should have been on Guild Wars 3 by now

    • Haha 1
  6. I just like making fun of anet's priorities. Flashy worthless skins over game fixing. It's quite sad. Now they ruined the 2v2 season by letting it go on for more then a hour.


    Anet is a failure at all things balance but they can sure make flashy skins these days

    • Confused 1
  7. "We have temporarily disabled Rune of Strength's sixth piece bonus while we address an issue. It will be re-enabled in an upcoming hotfix."


    Must have given the one part time intern some help finally and they got it fixed for now.


    So sad the priority is flashy trash cash skins over game improvements

    • Haha 1
  8. Maybe next balance dont just have 1 part time intern working half days on a balance patch while you have 50 people working on 24/7 shifts making worthless cash skins. LMAO anet LMAO. Going to have to restart the 2v2 season or ban the exploiters. Your call.

    • Like 2
  9. @"Lucentfir.7430" said:For the meme, i wonder how many people would lose their mind if 2v2/3v3/Stronghold became the only ranked queue mode, and Conquest was the only playable via Custom, Unranked and ATs.

    I really think it would only be the wintraders aka the ""top"" players and some others.

    On my friends and guilds list I have just 3 pages worth of people even right now with circlequest being this far in.

    In week one of 2v2 and 3v3 I have about 5 or 7 pages worth of people playing ranked. At the end it's about 8 or 9.

  10. @ellesee.8297 said:I wish they would just remove stronghold queues for 2v2. Who plays stronghold?

    Sorry why get rid of the best game mode next to 2v2 and 3v3. Get rid of circlequest maps or convert them to Tdm maps

    2v2 and 3v3 are the best modes for pvp currently with stronghold in a strong 3rd spot.

    Circlequest had been dead since the wintrade wars started in season 6. Time to let the mode die.

    On my f list ever 5v4 circlequest season I have like 3 pages of friends and guilds people. (Like right now) when it's 2v2 and 3v3 it goes to 7 or 8 pages worth of people playing ranked.

  11. And this is why playing with a partner in 2v2 is the most legit pvp they have now. 5v5 duo circlequest is dead and has been for years.

    It started with win trading in season 6. Then came the free stuff pve afks, then the bots.

    The game as far as pvp is ded minus 2v2 and maybe 3v3.

  12. So well with 200 ish people on float thru the years. 2 full guilds and 3 somewhat filled. I have not even 2 full pages from friends and guilds and it's nearing a week in.

    All the 2v2 and 3v3 seasons by now I'd have 4 full pages or up to 8.

    It's just funny because it's not as if I picked people just based on their preference. There must be more circlequest lovers on the forum but yet in game it's more non circlequest.

  13. @Blake.8476 said:

    @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:Conditions would be great tif they were just that. Conditions.Yes conditions applied and tick damage of them far outway the amount of cleansing options unless every match has a proper healer, but 99% of spvp players dont play healer.What really ruined things are when confusion and torment started to do damage even when not activated.

    What do you mean by "when not activated"?

    When torment does damage while standing still or confusion does damage when not casting a skill.

  14. The last great patch was well worth it. It slowed down the nuke builds that simply didn't make sense. How could you be a mesmer with 100 ways to avoid damage from evade, dodge, stealth, invulnerability, and hiding around your clones but still be able to spike people to death in 5 seconds with condition dmg kills. There were other broken builds but that's the best show of why it was needed.

    Builds should have a give and take. Yes mesmer is squishy but when you chain enough anti damage things together for a long sting of time while spamming deadly condi. You are in reality a broken build.

    Either be immune to all damage by means of dodge, evade..... Or have conditions that can kill a enemy in 5 seconds. Not both.

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