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Posts posted by Awn.1327

  1. Please take a long look at the current state of the WvW fight meta. The current best setup is 3 to 4 supports and 1-2 dps in every subgroup. This is incredibly boring and static - to the point that fights are just 2 groups standing mostly still on top of each other and pressing some buttons until one group dies. The meta is the way it is because the burst damage from the 1-2 dps builds is so high that it still can bring players to downstate in a single hit (or sub-second timeframe). Because of these outliers - mostly holosmith overheat and berserker arc divider, but I bet there are a few others left with silly coefficients, medium range and multiple targets - groups want to be extremely tanky and can get away with very few damage dealers.

    One way to get out of this situation, as I see it, would be to nerf down these few extreme skills which will force groups to bring more damage dealers if they want to get any kills at all.

    What you did (or will do) with this patch, instead, is to nerf the support (slightly) which will prompt groups to bring even more support players.

    • Like 6
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    • Confused 1
  2. The pistol is OK. Although I am happy with it thematically (it shoots bullets and is not a pseudo-flamethrower or mud-dispenser), it feels a bit clunky (and slow) and doesn't really work too well with catalyst but that all is probably not too hard to tweak.

    What bothers me most is that the pistol is not different enough from scepter. I would have wished for pistol to be a power weapon and scepter to become a condition-focused weapon ... but the other way round would work, too, it's just not as cool (to me). But right now, we got a condi-focused pistol and a kinda-condi-but-also-a-little-power-but-not-great scepter.

    I hope we'll get some clearer separation of those two in the future.

    • Like 1
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  3. Hi,

    now that you are adding more and more build choices to the game, could you please consider adding something like build template storage... but for equipment templates. I already easily have like 15 builds for my elementalist between open world, fractals, strikes and WvW and do not enjoy switching to alt characters just for different builds or to manually apply the gear changes while looking at external websites to figure out the exact optimal stat choices on every piece of equipment.

    Maybe I am one of very few players who like to play 99% of the time on one character for years but I would like you to at least think about this.

    If equipment template storage is too big of a change, maybe increasing the max number of equipment templates would also be an option?


    • Like 2
  4. Boon strips are not the problem: they simply remove a benefit, no biggie - a healthy thing to have.

    In large group fight situations, boon corrupts can become very problematic, especially when it can be spammed as AoE pretty much constantly because suddenly a good thing turns into a very bad thing ... so effectively, instead of buffing yourself, you are debuffing yourself (since you can pretty much count on your boons being corrupted). This is especially un-fun for boons that convert to CC on corrupt - effectively becoming an everpresent AoE spam of "micro" CC ... on top of the actual big CC skills. IMO any form of untargeted AoE CC should be behind long(-ish) cooldowns so it is used in "key strategic moments".

    I'd wager that boon strips feel bad for many mostly because of the constant CC from boon corrupts.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 3
  5. Here's my preferences, as someone who plays WvW (mostly in an organized guild setting) and PvE (no raids, no challenge modes).

    S tier
    Elementalist, Revenant, Engineer - all for the same reasons: profession "fantasy" is on-point, very versatile (dozens of usable builds, has roles in PvE and WvW)

    A tier
    Mesmer: fun and unique but builds are very limited, often clunky - esp. in WvW where its current meta build feels like it's more of an accident that it's working at all

    B tier
    Warrior: fun to play and strong, but all specs feel same-y

    C tier
    Ranger: feels too much like a warrior with a pet, which is esp. sad for druid
    Thief: theme is nice but every build feels like a one-trick pony

    F tier (aka not my cup of tea at all)
    Necromancer: gameplay is actually fun and specs are varied, I just really don't like the theme of it at all
    Guardian: I simply find everything about it boring, from the mechanics to the overall theme

    This is just my very personal order of enjoyability. Has little to nothing to do with whether I think a profession is performing well / strong overall.

    • Like 5
    • Sad 1
  6. So when you removed the CD reduction from elementalist's "Conjurer" trait last round, you did not reduce the cooldown of any conjured weapons as you are doing for pretty much all the skills now where you removed the CD reduction trait. 180 seconds for fiery greatsword is not really fun to play around, especially in WvW. Could you please consider reducing those cooldowns per default as well?

    • Like 6
  7. Hi,


    I like the direction those changes are going. Good first step.


    Small-ish idea for catalyst: energy for the jade sphere could regenerate slowly outside of combat (maybe up to 10 energy or so max). That way, you could apply the most important boons right away when combat starts and also react a little better when  something/someone gets you in combat from range.


    Would be nice if you could consider this.


  8. Thank you for the information and trying to incorporate feedback.

    This post is targetted at virtuoso, which is the spec I tested the most (PvE and WvW). I do not play sPvP so I cannot comment on that game mode. The feedback I read on the forums (and agree with) after beta 1 was:

    1. virtuoso is completely shut down by projectile reflect/block. this is especially an issue in WvW, where an enemy group will have reflects/blocks up permanently (more or less)
    2. cast time on the bladesongs
    3. no (group-)utility whatsoever
    4. no mobility whatsoever
    5. no self-sustain whatsoever
    6. condi traits extremely lackluster

    Out of which only #6 was addressed, but probably not effectively (but granted, numbers can change easily).

    And then you went ahead and nerfed the only thing it was somewhat OK at: PvE power damage.

    I fail to understand how you come to the conclusions you did. Maybe I am playing a different game or I lack (a lot of) critical information. Where did the feedback you addressed come from? How was it prioritized?

    I personally find the flavor and idea (no clones) of the spec wonderful and would love to see it in a comparable power range as other specs. But frankly, currently it is a mile off. From a pure gameplay / mechanics perspective, I do not see a single reason why I (and probably anyone else) would play this over mirage in PvE and chronomancer in WvW.

    I would implore you to revisit the possible builds for this specialization and compare them with what established builds for other specializations provide and adjust accordingly. Thank you.

    • Like 15
  9. From the upcoming balance patch:


    We feel that the elementalist has been in a very good place since the July 2020 balance upkittente. Both Tempests and Weavers have effective high kittenmage power and condition kittenmage builds available, while the Tempest is also powerful in a support role.


    I would like to challenge the statement that "tempest is also powerful in a support role" in WvW (strictly talking group battles here, non-gvg, 15+ vs 15+). It has to be comparable to support scrapper, which it is not. Scrapper's "Purity Of Purpose" alongside the extreme cleansing output already makes them indispensable, but their bonus to regen (and tempests using trooper runes instead of monks) will also overwrite any regen from tempests. On top of that, scrappers get extremely high group superspeed uptime, generally high healing, group kittenmage reduction, high group stealth uptime, AoE reveal and now even high group quickness uptime.

    What does support tempest get? Cleanses: on par with scrapper, Healing: sub-par, Immob and aura sharing. This is in no way comparable and calling this "powerful in a support role" is ... misguided... at best.

    What would make support tempest "powerful in a support role" would be giving them something that makes them desirable over / alongside a scrapper. Maybe make tempestous aria corrupt / condition-to-boon convert? Give them alacrity? Make invigorating torrents so that auras grant a little bit of barrier instead of regen? Increase base (outgoing) healing? IDK. Just something to make them desirable.

    I'd like to keep playing it because I love the playstyle but I have a hard time justifying it over scrapper.


    • Like 1
  10. I wonder if this is supposed to be "plain" condition duration (affected by the 100% cap), in which case it should show up as such in the UI (at least in the hero panel) or if it is supposed to "sit on top of" condition duration, i.e. not affected by the 100% cap, meaning that even if you are already at 100% condition duration, you will get 15% more duration from this trait.Official clarification on this would be really appreciated.

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