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Posts posted by wolfer.7945

  1. On 5/7/2024 at 10:17 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

    At this point I have to ask exactly what class you play and what build it is... I can list multiple classes that can 1v1 WB consistently and I'm talking about the 1v1 roamer WB spec.

    War Magebane when there are lots of thieves (not much else, do like shield master for the DE), thief if I want to be brain dead and do only dailies, D/P or S/D (strong dislike for Rifle, stealth needs nerfed on how often it can be used, make the trait once ever 10 seconds or something), and mes with a daze spammer or conditions.  Per anthers comment, I am going to try Rev and see how that goes.

    I have tried the willbender build, and its silly how easy it is to get kills. And its funny how far and fast you can run if you really need to.

    I have also tried eng, ranger and ele, but they are not to my liking.  Have not tried necro much in WvW.

    I have fun fighting about any other fight in WvW in a 1v1.  Thieves are up there with Willbender. But stealth is easier once you under stand where people normally walk or jump to in fights.

  2. The problem is not that is h

    16 minutes ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

    I'm fairly newer to Willbender and yes it is indeed strong, kind of annoyingly strong if I'm being honest, but it is not without its counters and it is not invincible. It is comparably overbearing compared to other builds, less meta builds, and yeah it will tend to run over less experienced players who don't know what animations to watch out for or those who tend to dump their defensives too early.

    But for starters, most Willbenders likely aren't running the Alacrity trait to begin with when they can put out more damage with Tyrant's Momentum or get 6 seconds of 20% damage reduction against strike and condi to make them a bit less squishy. Secondly, this is kind of just...what the game has turned into now, unfortunately. Willbender isn't alone in doing this stuff; Mesmers, Thieves, Rangers, Revenants, Necromancers (Harbingers mostly), Elementalists, they are all doing similar degrees of burst damage in WvW. Willbender is just most frequently seen because honestly its kind of the easier of those to get into and I'm speaking from my own experience. Didn't take me too long playing it the first week I started it to start to get it down and absolutely explode most less experienced players, I am also using Hammer instead of Greatsword as well.

    Of the classes you listed, none do it in the same time frame with out major setup or has a major counts. And I would place a bet you were taking out more then "less experienced players" .  The item I would flag would be how many hits you get. Both the double hit sword, and spins.  Getting past blind, blocks, and aegis.  Along with good access to stability. you are almost impossible to stop the chain.

    • Like 2
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  3. 40 minutes ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

    Weekly "nerf willbender"

    Next week is my turn to create this topic!

    Yup, and sadly it needs to keep going.  As if its weekly it should flag something is broken.

    I would almost start for daily. but extreme spam is not needed.

    • Like 4
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  4. Is there any way to nerf willbender in WvW with out killing all the other specs? 

    There is not real counter play to it. it can spike harder, and faster then almost any other class.
    I remove the power on Sword 5?  Remove Alac?
    Sorry I strongly dislike how easy it is for them to repeat a high burst skill with almost no chance of a counter.

    I dislike going to stop an attack.... and its just 2 willbenders. and there is really nothing to stop them. I expect to have a hard time, and may lose on a 1v2 in most match ups.
    But when you can go 2v5 with willbenders or even higher. there is a problem.  

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  5. I don't need thieves running away faster.  So many are just cowards.  Stay and take your death.  


    But really.  It's nice idea.  Fixes the initiative, but I'm not sure the 25% speed would be the right pick. May be something that works with shadow step, like remove a single condition after teleporting more then 200, 5 sec cool down. 

    • Haha 1
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  6. If only being a good thief was all it took, then why are so few people playing it?
    Stealth is not the problem. Its the tool kit needed to fight it is different then fighting most other meta builds.
    Just like if you prepare for a condi fight with lots of condition removal, you could get stomped from a power build.
    Or lots of stun breaks, yet the foe has nothing that require it.

    Thieves just bring something most builds are not meant to fight. For a bit I ran both a power and condition build.  Went in on one, if I was losing, peal if I could. Then swap to the other build.  and some times it worked wonders.

    On my war, if I find a thief, I try to swap to spell breaker, and use all the skills to counter them.  it can work wonders with lots of count blocks. Not to mention the tether to pull them back if they run.  it sucks on any other fight though.

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  7. 3 hours ago, igmolicious.5986 said:

    I mean, techinically it does make you do more damage through the stealth attack that becomes available on thief, but I agree on other professions that it doesn't. The reset is the main issue, as it allows players to essentially get out of combat by not only becoming completely invisible but also immune to any skill that requires a target, essentially allowing ending combat at will whenever you choose during a fight with no real way for most specs to count if they are on the other end. As I mentioned in an earlier post (not the original one, but a bit later on) I would be fine with a solution of just giving every profession some access to reveal in their core kit, which seems very much in line with how conditions and stuns are covered in core kits with cleanses and stunbreaks.

    I would need to check the math.  But I feel sneak attack as meant to do the same amount of damage as other classes in the time you were stealthed.  So not doing damage you get good damage.

    The skills that need a target are not great in their own and could use some help.


    As for every class having a reveal,  I disagree.  Unless you give stealth classes a way to peal reveal off.  And we all know how well that worked in PvP and WvW.

    One thing I would agree to is a hard cap on stealth.  Or a scaling reveal based on how long your in stealth.  

    Like stealth for 1-3 seconds get 3 seconds of revealed.  4-10 get 5 seconds. 11-29 gets 8.  And if you get to 30 you get knocked out and revealed for 10 seconds. 

    Though this may still be too tight.

  8. Light.


    Ele: piano to play, you can be unkillable for like 30 seconds but then die to anything. And must know what does what off of what.  To much at once.

    Necro: the shrouds are both good and bad.  And the it works sometimes.  Shot I don't even remember what base necros shroud is.

    Mes: Keeping track of clones or daggers.  Getting the right amount for what you need can be a pain. 



    Thief: one mistake is death.

    Eng:  falls in with ele. Too much going on with kits. Or if you are not running kits. You don't have enough skills it fills.

    Ranger: Pet AI can be strange.  But you also fill like you have to take only like 5 pets the rest just don't fill like they are good.



    War: range fills like it is lacking. And even melee fills behind others. Or just slow.

    Guard:  fills like they wanted it to do everything. And I dislike it because it had the "run guard or your out" time frame.

    Rev: the power bar is a boon and a curse. I fill like it needs faster recharge on skills or faster energy.  Because it the way it is now, it fills like they are trying to slow it way down.

    • Like 6
  9. I would also like to see a condi rifle.  I mean we had ranged great sword.  As long as it's not a melee rifle it should be fun.

    I'm looking forward to see if or what phantasm is given.  Like will it be a charged sniper shot?  Like the rev elite skill in vin. Or will it be a multi burst like thief rifle.

    • Like 1
  10. I mean true. Short bow without the Ren trait is not great for WvW.  But in solo fights its not bad.  And it follow how most other range weapons work.  And most large pve fights are only vs one person its does not help much. unless its the adds.

    I mean great sword damage is ok, but then becomes killer with Death drop.  So they all have their up and downs.

    • Like 1
  11. 42 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

    That’s most likely a typo. It prob went from .07 to .13. So with 500 healing power it heals an extra 15.

    Wiki has the scaling as 0.7 right now.  So I don't think its a mistake. 

    1940+ 0.7 * Healing Power  

    is what I pulled from wiki. 


    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, SFShinigami.1572 said:

    We could just go all in and have the outmanned buff give people breakbars.

    Break bars are ok, but that would only change hurt a rune, and force peoe to go higher burst. To counter it.


    Or the attackers going full tank and abuse it.  And that's no fun.

  13. Wish we could have a stronger outmanned buff.   Like if the winning team won the last match by more then 1,500 points. The out manned but adds like 10-20 to the count.  Meaning more people on the losing team can get outmanned.


    And it the winning team wins by more then 2,000 or 2,500 points then out it will add a now item to outmanned.


      Like you no longer give XP, drop loot and/or count to pip timer.  And not cound for the defend event.  



    It's an idea that would hurt. Maga servers that just camp spawn.   But would not fly as it hurts the game mode in general.  With different hours of activity, it would off hour people.   


    But I fill not awarding people for mostly toxic play would hurt the game mode over all. 


    I want something to majorly help the underdog.  


    Let's hope alliances help with that when it comes.

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