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Paikea.6790's Achievements

  1. Are you level 80 and looking to get actively involved with end game content but don't know where to start? Want a pressure free place to get through end game content? Join the BAD Guild today! Who we are: An 18+ guild for level 80 players who want to start or continue dungeons, fractals, strikes, raids, and whatever else without pressure. Experience is never required. We'll never do DPS checks or ask for kill proof. We only ask you to bring your best build with appropriate gear. Our guild is built around you. Every guild member is encouraged to make events, regardless of experience level. If current events don't work for you, simply make a new one and go. What you put into the guild is what you'll get out of it, so be selfish and put together the events you want to do. Who we are not: We are not running statics or necessarily aiming to speed clear content. We're just here to get together with other chill players and have fun. Join our Discord and be sure to review the rules for more info. Note, you'll need to request a guild invite before you can chat in Discord: https://discord.gg/epRvBWQ4vr
  2. hah! well then join the discord and ask for a guild invite! 😀
  3. Chill end game players unite! Join the BAD Guild Are you level 80 and looking to get actively involved with end game content but don't know where to start? Are you looking for a pressure free place to continue your way through end game content? Have a bad experience using LFG and want to avoid it? Join the BAD Guild today! Who we are: An 18+ guild for level 80 players who want to start or continue dungeons, fractals, strikes, and even raids without pressure. Experience is not a requirement. DPS checks are not a thing. Specific builds are not required. All we ask is for you to have a level 80 character with appropriate gear and to actively participate and keep a positive attitude while learning content together. We are not a training guild - we are a player-driven, get together and do things guild. ANYONE is free to create an event, regardless of experience. If current event times are not working out for you, then start an event and go! What you put into the guild is what you’ll get out of it. Most runs are likely to have guidance from players who learned with us. Some runs may also just be a collection of people trying to figure things out. Who we are not: We are not running statics, aiming to speed clear content, or even necessarily using pro strats or meta builds. We're just here to play a game and have fun. Join our Discord and be sure to review the rules for more info: https://discord.gg/epRvBWQ4vr
  4. Hey, im looking for a guild to help get acquainted with instanced content. I have played for a few years on and off and but never got into instanced content other then dungeons which really arent a thing anymore. Just looking for a chill atmosphere, I am not able to log on every night but try to be active a few nights a week. Im usually active from reset until 11ish on the nights im available.
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