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Everything posted by nenormalen.7940

  1. Completing the daily objectives from the wizard's vault doesn't award 10 APs altho you get the notification you get 10 APs after claiming the daily reward chest!
  2. I managed to kill it on a different instance of the map but there was still a bug. We had the Phase shift mechanic and it was active for 2-3 seconds and then dissapearing making the champion invulnerable and there was no timer for the event. The only way to kill it was to CC the champ fast and do some damage untill the phase shift mechanic started again. It took long but we managed to kill the champ. So for a conclusion there are a few bugs on that specific champion.
  3. Every time the event start's the timer is set to 15 seconds and it's impossible to get the event done for the achievment!
  4. Anet when are we going to have a fix of the following bugs? - OLC CM knight misstimed spawn / dissapearing causing invulnerable knights, short CC phases or no CC phases. - Cutscene crashes in W4 (Samarog) and DS - /wiki command crashes - W5 Statue of ice - if you get frozen you can't use your mount. These bugs are known and reported multiple times since SotO release and they keep increasing in numbers with each patch! When are we going to get a fix on them?
  5. We faced this bug with my static a month and a half ago. Since then we don't have a week without having 2-3-4 attempts on the CM because of the bug.
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