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  1. Thanks for clarifying. I agree the dailies are definitely more visible now on their own page, but there are quite a few issues with this- They are now segregated from the rest of the dailies (LW, EoD, fractals, etc.) and the WvW weeklies The new interface gives me network errors occasionally and is clunky- it would be really nice to get the bouncy chests back instead of needing to go and click into the Wizard's Vault to claim them. The old system gave some nice rewards which are now gone- mystic forger gave us an extra coin, PvP dailies gave us PvP reward track pots, dungeon dailies gave us dungeon currency, WvW dailies gave us WvW reward track pots and so on. These are ALL gone now. There is some illusion of choice with the new system. It is deceiving and makes it look like you could get more than the old login rewards/dailies but Anet kept the cap nearly the same. For example, the max mystic coins and mystic clovers you can get from the Wizards Vault in a quarter is only roughly equivalent to what you could get before w/out mystic forger daily and that was from only doing the daily login. Lack of choice- we used to get 12 options each day and now we are down to 3 (soon to be 4) The system gives dailies players can't complete when they are not far enough into the game Even though they claim it doesn't, it does act as a Battlepass in that if you didn't buy SotO, you are limited to what you can pick. The skins, mount, and one of the mat bags cannot be purchased with AA. I imagine going forward each of these expansions will continue adding things you can only get if you buy the newest expansion Missing stuff in the wizard's vault which you could previously get from the daily login rewards- black lion keys (rare before but still obtainable), mystic forge stones, mystic salvage kits, black lion vendor, TP access, Bank access, and several others There are inconsistencies in the dailies and weekly choices people get and it impacts the ability to complete them with friends The old system encouraged players to try other game modes The new system doesn't guide you very well as claimed, although the prior system wasn't really any better. Example- kill 100 Void enemies, perform 3 combo attacks, go do X event/JP. It would be really nice if the game gave more direction/assistance for players on how to complete them instead of forcing players to the wiki, forums, or reddit. Where can we find these Void enemies? Where does the event take place? And so on. These are all fixable, but it doesn't seem like Anet intends to fix most of them based on their response so far. There are great parts about it too- Getting the options to get some account upgrades which used to be gems only as well as skins (assuming you bought the expansion) Making Ascendeds and Legendaries more accessible Having the choice on what to spend the points on Added the Weekly Making the game more active and giving more of the rewards for doing the daily/weekly (versus only logging in) To your comment of " It was also conpletable waaaaaaay to quick most of the time", compared to the old system, the new dailies can still sometimes be completed just as quickly as the old system. We'll need to see how often that is the case going forward.
  2. Can you please elaborate on how the new dailies is better in getting 3 options (soon to be 4) over the prior 12? Seems like it is more of the same, just with much less variety and options to complete your 3 to me. So how was 12 options awful when only 3 is better?
  3. Let me clarify why I mentioned- "we should get the 12 options back w/out the selection to encourage people to try other game modes at this point." Before the Wizard's Vault many people complained about having PvP and WvW dailies because they don't play those modes. With the Wizard's Vault and them adding 1 more option, we are back to up to 4 for your singular preferred game mode (assuming it is PvE), now you don't have the 4 from WvW or the 4 from PvP. So people got their "selection" of PvE/WvW/PvP but in reality we simply lost 8 other options. I would prefer we keep the game mode select and get 12 daily options again, but short of that, just put back the original12 we had! I wonder if the problem from Anet's side is, like the Weekly ones, Anet coded it so any extras will still give AA even if you already achieved the daily chest. Note- previously we could get extra bouncy chests by completing the other 9 dailies.
  4. I am all for the petition at this point. I don't think Anet gets it. We went from 12 options, 4 per game mode, down to 3. They are planning to bump it up 1 more so we will now have 4 total? The illusion of choice of picking our modes has left us with 1/3rd the options! That's still 8 less than we had before the Wizard's Vault! Of course 4 is better than 3, but still shy of being on par pre-Wizard's Vault. We should get the 12 options back w/out the selection to encourage people to try other game modes at this point.
  5. Being able to pick your prize for the points is more engaging than the prior daily system. That seems like the biggest benefit. Your comparison is pretty good but it is missing details on both sides. The prior daily system is more than login rewards- we also received chests for each daily we completed containing PvP/WvW pots, karma, mats, map/dungeon currency, mystic coins and other things which we no longer get in the new system. Most of it was loaded in the daily login chest. On the flip side, I like how you tried to cover how many days for each system, but then you stopped short of showing how it compares for the same amount of time-> the new one is roughly comparable for mystic coins and clovers (assuming you take clovers in the chest) with slightly more daily gold at the cheap price (48 gold in 28 days versus 60 gold). The main boon of the new system is the gem store lite items being a mount skin, build template, armor/weapon skins, etc. While the old log in box also could give us mystic salvage kits, mystic forge stones, and very rarely black lion keys! Overall, I think the rewards are a bit better for the new system. I don't think most people are complaining about the rewards for the new system mostly it is regarding the other issues. One of the biggest problems is the lack of flexibility in the daily option. We used to have 12 options previously even if 2/3rds were in game modes you don't like, you had much more flexibility to do what you wanted. With exactly 3 as a limit, players are also getting dailies for maps they haven't been to yet if they have the expansions meaning they cannot complete them. We shouldn't need to open up the clunky interface, which occasionally doesn't load or pops errors, just to claim each daily. In the prior system, we automatically got the bouncy chests. Obviously if opening one of the bouncy chests pushes you over the AA limit, Anet should prompt with a warning/one-time overage (like when you pick up too many items). Although, I would prefer if they just removed the cap- which I doubt they will since they probably want people to look forward to the next quarter and new skins instead of saving up most of their AA to get them. If you don't have the exact options set as your friends, you don't even necessarily get the same dailies as them anymore. Some of the dailies/weeklies are not so good such as that WvW JP. Rewards are much more limited in the new interface if you don't have the latest expansion. These issues are all fixable and I hope Anet addresses them.
  6. I don't think it is fair to say the game is ruined, but at the same time daily replacements, removing rune bonus effects while adding relics, and the character weapon changes were unnecessary and do not make the game better in their current state. Regarding the dailies. When the expansion was first announced, I had high hopes the Wizard Vault would augment the existing system. Instead, it entirely replaced it. We had much more choice before for dailies and now we have do 4 of 4 with no choice. It is very harsh to only get 4 options and need to complete all 4. Give us all 12 options (+1 for daily login) for the daily back where we only get points until we get to 4/4! Make them consistent for all players each day so we can do them with friends. Make it so the chests automatically open once we achieve them- we should not have to re-open the clunky page and click on them! Same with the daily login- have that automatically open as soon as we load our first character. The tracking for these dailies should not replace another achievement we are tracking. What happened to our Potions for WvW and PvP reward track growth? These pots seem to be missing from the Wizard Vault and the WvW dailies were one of the best ways for PvE preferred players to get their Gift of Battle (complete easy dailies in WvW to get Pots). The weekly coming back and being able to pick our own rewards with the points are nice, but the rest could really use some improvements. The relic change seems to disrupt quite a few builds and time/resources players spent to get runes for their builds. I know I spent quite a bit of time grinding to craft 7 legendary runes just so I could experiment and try different options and never have to worry about creating/finding runes again after major balance changes. However, it seems this is a major enough balance change because that 6th rune bonus effect has now been entirely migrated off. Even more than that, it looks like there is a desire to change the meta away and have people no longer use some of their favorite effects (straight damage, summon pets, and so on). I get that some of these bonuses are tough to balance around, but it still feels like things getting taken away more than getting more flexibility added.
  7. Here is what Anet's post stated: So presumably if they did not change the stats for Trooper runes, the sixth-tier rune would only give "+125 Toughness" after August 22nd and no longer include "remove a condition from each affected ally after using a shout skill." From my understanding- all runes are losing the wild card effect which is going to Relics and Legendary Runes are also losing the functionality to pick the wild card effect since it is no longer part of Runes. I have a full set of 7 legendary Runes and it would be disappointing to lose the wild card functionality from Legendary Runes. However, it could be interesting if the Relics are account-based for everyone, instead of character-based, like the legendary armory is today and new relics are unlocked by doing achievements and other things in-game. Looking forward to the announcement next week with more details
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