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Ayumi Spender.1082

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Posts posted by Ayumi Spender.1082

  1. @Healix.5819 said:

    @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Can you elaborate? I thought LaunchBuddy did exactly this, plus offer ways to save different configuration options and control the launch of various AddOns.

    LaunchBuddy started out as a command line assistant, then later added basic support for launching multiple accounts. I've never used it, so I only know what it can do from the reddit posts, plus the complaints about it sometimes not working and problems with patching / having to manually update. I thought they added this feature, but I didn't see it listed, so fun fact, for every launch, GW2 will create a new %temp%/gw2cache folder, which can quickly add up.

    Gw2Launcher is my personal launcher I made back when they did the $10 accounts, which is specifically for running multiple accounts. As such, I have features built around that, such as pre-configuring window sizes and positions, individual volume control (because the in-game master volume is bugged and applied twice to videos), the ability to cache patches (because each Local.dat file needs to be patched for ~30 MB) and download them while you're still playing. I just don't advertise.

    Tried it out. Really awesome exe.

  2. @"akenoyuki.8210" said:Available for 3 days

    : 600 gems
    : 600 gems

    Also, for the future:

    You linked the pistol skin for the Sword Skin by accident, linking them both twice:Lord Caudecus's Sword Skin

  3. @Taygus.4571 said:

    @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:I think people that's interested in no footwear has never been through the pain and suffering you go through after walking a day without them out in the wild (aka not in your house).Oh gods, the pain after that.

    That's because you haven't built up the necessary callous to bare it.Tribal people walk barefoot just fine.

    Yeah but... not sidewalks and asphalt...I could see if we're only going in places like HoT, but PoF without footwear in that sand, the cities, the areas outside of the cities...Never seen so many scrapes and "air bubbles" and scabs and whatever else under my foot.

    Charrs would like it.

  4. @Kal Spiro.9745 said:

    @Kal Spiro.9745 said:Use a different color. I've had no issues coloring each mount with any color by finding the right version of that color.

    Tell me which black works?

    Ok, so after experimenting a bit, yeah. Shadow Abyss is the blackest black and on every mount there is a red tinge that is still visible. I'd never tried to make a pure black mount. Every other color is doable, but black less so.

    Which is a huge problem then as there's no substitute for "Black".

  5. @zombyturtle.5980 said:Its quite difficult to get no fly zone achievement on the shatterer as most people already have it and dont bother to use CC or jump pad to break the breakbar. Even on dedicated maps often half the people dont attempt it and just dps.

    Id like to suggest that for each time the bar is broken during a shatterer fight, a bonus chest is rewarded to players. This would help incentivise people to take part in the breakbar mechanic and make sure new players can get the no fly zone achievement too.

    I support this.

  6. @Kal Spiro.9745 said:Use a different color. I've had no issues coloring each mount with any color by finding the right version of that color.

    Tell me which black works?

    @"CharuStar.4109" said:Took time to pick out the more obvious examples for the Springer for those who were a bit curious. I still need to try out the other mounts but this is definitely an eye sore.Ec9nn0w.png

    You say eyesore, but look at the 2nd Springer... that LOOKS like an actual sore. Not sure what happened to that Springer, but someone really need to get it to a vet to check out that horrible rash.

  7. @CharterforGw.3149 said:

    @Asum.4960 said:These red shades and lines have been on some Armor pieces as well, which hasn't been fixed in over 5 years now, so don't hold your breath.

    Anet is almost digging their own grave this way, people will stop buying, and maybe even stop playing the game over things such as this.

    Stop playing? I doubt it.Stop buying? Probably.

    Armour you can argue is into the game itself that is part of a package so they can say they don't need to fix/change. BUT for the mount skins you have to buy separately and directly outside of the main content of the core/expansion games and it's not working as they thought it would work with those red alpha lining everywhere... then they might give up buying those skins.

  8. @Asum.4960 said:

    @Ayumi Spender.1082 said:Don't quote me on this, but I always assumed it was an alpha problem.Anyone who deals with 3D models and texturing know what alphas and channels are.

    The problem is they're making the outline of the alphas into red and not something that would make more sense like black or something.The next issue is the alpha box is way too small and should be widened a bit.

    @Asum.4960 said:These red shades and lines have been on some Armor pieces as well, which hasn't been fixed in over 5 years now, so don't hold your breath.

    There's one light armour piece for females that the panties on the back have a very long red upside-down triangle at the back of it. The only easy example I can think of. Forgot which armour(s) it's on as I usually try to keep away from panty-clothing as I don't want to look like a Kasmeer.

    I only have male characters, so my experience is with those only, especially Light and Medium ones.

    Stuff like Male Sneakthief Armour comes to mind, which had this issue for years. I'm not sure if some of those have been fixed or if it just doesn't show up in previews.Half the male Light Armour Pants have that issue as well with dark colours.

    Deciding on a look for my Thief and Necro, which tend to be dyed in dark colours, has always been half which armour set I like, and half which isn't riddled with red lines.

    Made a quick character to show the example on just one of the panty outfits (as I'm not going to transmutate my character into this thing just for a screenshot)https://i.imgur.com/LbtCGqu.jpgAnd yes, that's right on the beginning outfit you get. I've seen it on others just as bad too.

  9. Don't quote me on this, but I always assumed it was an alpha problem.Anyone who deals with 3D models and texturing know what alphas and channels are.

    The problem is they're making the outline of the alphas into red and not something that would make more sense like black or something.The next issue is the alpha box is way too small and should be widened a bit.

    @Asum.4960 said:These red shades and lines have been on some Armor pieces as well, which hasn't been fixed in over 5 years now, so don't hold your breath.

    There's one light armour piece for females that the panties on the back have a very long red upside-down triangle at the back of it. The only easy example I can think of. Forgot which armour(s) it's on as I usually try to keep away from panty-clothing as I don't want to look like a Kasmeer.

  10. @"Funky.4861" said:If this tiny (and imo nice) feature annoys you so much, how do you cope with jumping puzzles/ tight spaces, where the camera is constantly zooming from normal distance to right-in-your-face distance? I like that the camera zooms far out on these occasions; it gives an epic feel to the content.

    I removed camera collision long ago so it's not much of an issue now.Also, camera getting up into my armpit when I'm hugging a wall is something I'm 100% used to as I've played a lot of 3D platformers. ESPECIALLY Sonic games which are notorious for this.

    The issue though? None of these platformers zoom in and out for me for certain situations.IF a boss need a huge zoom out, it would be zoomed out from the beginning, it won't make me have the camera zoomed in, then zoom it out for the boss, then zoom it back in after a certain phase, then zoom back out for another phase. No game has done this to me... except GW2.

    The only time I DON'T have this in/out camera bull being an issue for me, is when I go into one of those Raid Training.The reason is I zoom out my camera as far as it allows me to as I want/need to see where anything and everything is so I don't "muck it up". The camera don't play oooOOOOooooOOOOOOoooOOOOoooo with me when I do that.

    Everywhere else though it's an issue. I don't want my camera changed when I'm fighting Tequila, I don't want my camera changed when I'm in the Leyline tunnels in Depth, I don't want my camera changed when I'm fighting Shadow Behemoth, I don't want my camera changed for anything. If I'm in the need of changing it, then I will bloody well change it myself.

    I was already pissed off to hell and back when the camera would have a seizure attack... quite literally... and shake to the point I can't see what's going on at all. IT does that during like one puzzle in Fireheart with the floating platforms. Another time it does this horribly is during Megadestroyer in Maelstrom.Here's the issue. I got so fed up I wanted it gone, but you know what? I HAVE THE OPTION TO TELL THE LITTLE SKRITT THAT THINK MY MOUSE IS A SHINY AND START TO SHAKE IT TO HELL AND BACK and turn the damn thing off. That's the thing.

    If people want their cameras shaken uncontrollably... do it. Keep the option on. I'll keep it off as I don't have a motion sickness, but stuff like that just gives me a headache as it doesn't add or remove from the game. It just an annoyance on my eyes.Now for this zoom in and out brahamskritt? Give me the option to take the stupid thing off. I have an option to toggle action camera. Why not this?

    • Like 1
  11. @Silyth.7382 said:

    @Silyth.7382 said:That would be really nice to have as armor skins. Especially since in my mind that is heavy armor for Elona (fully covered in that heat seems heavy to me).

    In hot, dry climates, it's essential to be fully covered when outdoors. Walking around with exposed skin risks sunburn and melanoma, as well as severe skin dehydration.

    That I know and understand, but why the hell do we need curtain drapes, rugs, and a dead cat around these pants?

    Cause they like to emphasize big hips. No idea. I struggle with GW hip and butt aesthetics too. They all get bulky and wierd attachments.

    I think I'm the thinnest body I could be for light armour so I don't have no "hip" or "butt" or care for them.I just want something that does not look like I would struggle to simply move in them. Any kind of thing that would hold me back because a little wind blowing is bad.

    I don't see "bit hips" or "big kitten maker" in these kind of clothings. I'm seeing "I'm out of my damn mind and don't know how to dress."

  12. @Ojimaru.8970 said:

    @"Silyth.7382" said:That would be really nice to have as armor skins. Especially since in my mind that is heavy armor for Elona (fully covered in that heat seems heavy to me).

    In hot, dry climates, it's essential to be fully covered when outdoors. Walking around with exposed skin risks sunburn and melanoma, as well as severe skin dehydration.

    That I know and understand, but why the hell do we need curtain drapes, rugs, and a dead cat around these pants?Elonian_armor_%28light%29_human_female_f

  13. I would've gladly make a 24 or 28 as that seems more reasonable of a price to make than a 32.Either I spend gold that's worth over the cost of a bag slot expansion on a character... (over 400 gems), or I spend that 400 gems and just make a new 20 slot bag for 10 gold (or buy one for slightly more).One gives me 20 slots. One gives me 12.

    After getting the Copper and Silver O Matic, this soulbound and gold sink nonsense in making these bags just looking more and more of a "No thanks..." situation.

  14. The way I got all of my characters except one to PoF is by heading to a guild hall set in Elona, exit to Vabbi, waypoint to the beginning of the map (as you always have that unlocked the first time you get into the map), zone into Desolation, waypoint to the beginning of Desolation, zone into Riverlands, waypoint to the beginning of Riverlands, zone into Oasis, waypoint to the city of Amnoon, ENJOY!

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