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Lian Olsam.9541

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  1. I know there is no confirmation, and years may still goes before this happens. Anyway i'm here to kindly ask to Arenanet, to include Italian language for the next version. Even a forever "beta-language" translate with AI only that apply just to the story, so no UI or whatever. Just the story. I'be bought GW2 before the launch, and i really enjoyed the game, but i know nothing about the story, cause after the firsts hours it became pretty tiring to read and understand everything in another language, expecially since i have a full time job, and i want to relax my mind. I'm playing baldur's gate 3 right now, and i'm so glad they provided subtitels for my language, i'm really enjoying the story, and i cannot avoid to think about GW2, since there are some things that really bring me back to this game, that i wasn't really able to enjoy just for that reason. And for that reason i just bought one, or two expansions just for some raid and new stuff, but without being involved into the story, and that's also why i avoided to buy the other expansions, and practically left the game times ago, even if is still in my heart. I understand costs, and everything related, but people is already happy with some AI automatic translation, this shoudn't bring any real costs to you, but will make players very happy. Thanks for reading, hoping you could take this request into consideration
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