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sunlightandroses.8490's Achievements

  1. Dx-11 is still hurting my eyes. I heard a long time ago that they were going to implement some more graphics options to allow people to change certain things and they still haven't. The colour saturation is painful and white is too white. And we still don't have a proper full-screen option for some reason. I wish they'd fix this thing. I regret spending the money on an expac I might not be able to play now.
  2. Interesting. They are going to dismantle dx9 code in the game so they don't need it anymore. It is doing something though. It allows the game to run on true full screen instead of the windowed full screen we get in Dx11. I'm just hoping it remains the same after the code is removed.
  3. The Dx9 command line is still working. Is this because Dx9 is still in the game code as they've mentioned in the spring update or is it drawing that from the OS or from Dx11? I'm having issues with the visuals in 11 and it's making me sick and dizzy. My card is a few years old but absolutely compatible with Dx11. Anyone know?
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