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Posts posted by Godfather.9058

  1. I can barely find anyone in LFG. Raids 1 raid, dungeons just AC, fractals a few people for daily T4, HOT metas nope, POF bounties nope, EOD metas nope, living world metas nope, strike missions 1 sweaty CM.

    So where is everyone at? What's the current hot activity everyone is doing? And why can't I find it anywhere in LFG?

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  2. On 8/23/2023 at 5:23 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

    We knew the new weapons wasn't coming until first quarter.  It's a mini expansion. Aka Living World aka Saga by a new name and no longer free. It was as expected. I just hope we get big expansions in between mini expansions, that include new classes , new elite specs, player housing, etc. That hasn't been made clear

    If this is a mini expansion why is it only 17% cheaper than a regular expansion? If this is indeed mini, it should have a mini price. Like 5 or 10 euros.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

    EoD was some of the worst gaming content I have ever seen. Only the Gyalla Delves chapters were worse. It seemed like what you might expect if all of the professional game writers were on strike so the company brought in some highschool (or junior high) interns to fill in. It felt like the worst episode of a saturday morning cartoon aimed at eight year olds ever written.


    Some of the elite specs and strikes are fun though.

    I felt bored by the story. That was my main state of mind during the story quests. I was constantly yawning, wishing these people would stop talking and waiting for the mission to end.

    I never got into strikes. I did some of the earlier ones. Not great not terrible. The encounters weren't that impressive. Haven't tried the EOD strikes. I really liked raids though. There was a period when I only did raids. Minimal trash mobs, a great focus on team comp, rotation and boss mechanics. Raids seemed near perfect to me. There were some questionable encounters, most notably river and statues in wing 5. I do miss raids though. They abandoned them.

    As for the new elite specs... yeah... about that... I main elementalist. You see where I'm going with this. I like holding a staff and shooting spells from a distance. I'm an M.A.G.E! Do I look like a vending machine? So my elite spec basically gave me a vending machine (hammer) and asks me to HULK SMASH! It felt like a joke. A really bad joke. I had to switch to celestial stats so I wouldn't die instantly in combat. Catalyst lacks the mobility of weaver. That also strongly contributed to me not enjoying EOD.

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  4. I loved HOT. I loved POF.

    But I'm just not enjoying EOD. At this point I have stopped playing a few months ago. I was pretty much done with the 3rd map. And never felt like trying EOD again.

    The story was mostly exposition about dragon magic. And there was a LOT of it.

    I did the metas once and never wanted to do them again. Trash mobs, escorting NPCs, a not so great boss at the end. Nowhere near the HOT metas. Or even some living world metas.

    There is no game changing traversal method. Ziplines are cool but there are too few of them. You have to use the POF mounts, especially for horizontal mobility due to the map sizes. The maps are absolutely huge and they felt tedious to complete.

    Anyway that's all my rant. Did you enjoy EOD?

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  5. 12 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    So you do the content needed here, but because there is the equivalent of checkmarks in the achievement panel in the form of collection, it's suddenly bad and you'd rather not do it at all than chip at the collection bit by bit? Welp, can't say I understand where you're coming from with that, but still a valid decision to make for yourself.

    Pretty much. I hate games of "Simon Says". I boot up Guild Wars 2 and do whatever I feel like in the moment. If I find it boring I stop doing it.

    Tarkov is another example. Many years ago quests (just games of "Simon Says" really) were not that important and could be mostly ignored. So I played it in a more sandbox style like GW 2. Now, quests are pretty much mandatory to get anything done. The whole gameplay loop can be described as "Simon Says" nowadays. So I stopped playing completely.

    • Confused 3
  6. I still remember the HOT metas. They were awesome. I did them countless times.


    So far I did the Seitung and Kaineng metas once each. It was very boring. Running around killing trash mobs with a not so great boss at the end. The overall difficulty of the events felt relatively low. Maybe I just got gud. No interesting mechanics. No side events. Not even another lane in Seitung for replay value. I don't know if the other lane in Kaineng is different.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    You don't have to use the weapon with the elite spec. I usually don't, including using a staff on my weaver a lot of the time (mainly in WvW zergs). In open-world PvE especially you can pretty much use what you like, you'd have a hard time coming up with something that's so bad it doesn't work there, and if you did it's more likely to be because the stats are wrong than the skills.

    Of course you will miss out on some of the new options if you don't, but the same is true if you don't use all the new utility skills and the elite and I doubt anyone uses a build that's 100% of an elite spec with none of their core skills.

    I wanted some other options for ranged combat. I know staff and s/f are there. But they are there since vanilla.

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  8. Back when I started playing almost 9 years ago I picked the mage (elementalist) because I wanted to fling spells from a distance. Mainly used the staff and sometimes scepter/ focus. Since then all the elite specs released for the elementalist seem to be based around melee combat. Tempest brought the warhorn (which could be completely ignored). But to get the most value you had to get really close to use the storms. Weaver got the sword which made the class almost entirely melee focused with good mobility. Now the catalyst gives me a hammer and asks me to play like a warrior, smashing things up close.


    I want more options for ranged combat.

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  9. @"kharmin.7683" said:Yeah, ok, ANet will work on not allowing a global pandemic to occur for the next LW release.

    Seriously? You act as if they had a choice. Of course we all would have preferred voices -- I'm sure the VA's would have loved to have been paid, too! Anet wanted to release this with voices, but not knowing how long the pandemic would prevent them from being able to safely gather their team and the VAs without the potential for them all to get sick they opted to release the content without voices.

    Maybe you would have preferred this release to come out mid-year in 2021 or later when it would be safer for them to record voices? I'm not sure that the rest of the GW2 population would agree or ANet's investors.

    Did I stutter? I said you don't need top notch studio quality. As in, record on whatever is available. Was the audio quality in the video they made addressing this issue so bad you couldn't understand them? Well I don't understand the attitude "10/10 studio audio quality or bust".

  10. I would have preferred the voices being recorded on whatever the actors had available. I don't expect studio quality audio under these circumstances. The audio quality in that video they made was decent. It doesn't really matter that you will patch the voices in later. Why? Because almost nobody will replay the episode once that update hits.

    Please don't do this for the next episode.

  11. @Scande.5908 said:

    @"Godfather.9058" said:

    I managed to "play" it in windowed mode. But it gets sooo trippy. No sound, invisible enemies with no nametag (just their red circle), no dialog boxes, no text in menus, no aoe fields on the ground, missing abilities from the skillbar. I gave up and alt f4ed.

    What a mess and what a bad joke from the finale. 1/10 worse than GOT finale.

    Your comment made me curios so I replayed Descent now with a second chararacter in "windowed fullscreen". No glitches except for Kralkatorrik's heart always being rendered on the platform, where it would later be destroyed.

    I also hadn't had any of the issues @"Godfather.9058" mentioned while playing in windowed mode. It really was only 3 short audio snippets missing from the dialog at the "epilogue" instance. My recommendation therefor; change the name of your "GW2.dat" to something different like "GW2.dat.old" and redownload it (around 48GB depending on the amount of different languages you select). You could also simply delete your GW2.dat file.

    I repaired the game once. Didn't work. I performed a full uninstall and clean install. Didn't work either. I think renaming the GW2.dat file forces the game to re download it. Might try that as well. Not sure if it will work.

    And I played the game in regular windowed mode. With the desktop taskbar fully visible. Not windowed fullscreen, borderless window, fullscreen etc because they cause the game to freeze and crash.

  12. @"Scande.5908" said:BIG update. I was able to finish "Descent" and the whole chapter. No crash and no major weirdness besides a couple missing sound clips at the "epilogue".

    2 Things could be attributed to it. First of all, I played "Descent" in windowed for the first time; not "windowd fullscreen" or fullscreen. The bigger change was switching my gw2.dat with a one year old backup I remembered about today. My assumption is, that "our" gw2.dat files had a major bug in them, that couldn't or wouldn't be repaired by the client self repair function. Uploading the 50GB file is out of question for me though, it would take days with my internet upload rate.As for the wine setup, I used the non hotfix version.

    This all was a bit anti climatic now for those that tried to help, but I really appreciated the engagement especially by @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" . I won't retest the mission again with "windowed fullscreen" for now, as I am honestly a bit sick of the mission (especially the second boss that is invulnerable to conditions). That said, I probably will do it within the next few days again and if it crashes again I will post an update about it, otherwise just assume that it didn't matter if the game was windowed or "windowed fullscreen". Thanks again to everyone who followed the bug reports and tried to help.

    I managed to "play" it in windowed mode. But it gets sooo trippy. No sound, invisible enemies with no nametag (just their red circle), no dialog boxes, no text in menus, no aoe fields on the ground, missing abilities from the skillbar. I gave up and alt f4ed.

    What a mess and what a bad joke from the finale. 1/10 worse than GOT finale.

  13. @Haishao.6851 said:I think it was fine. 250 gold isn't expensive.Would be stupid to have pvp achievement for something that is pve only.

    Please give me 250 gold for no reason. What? You just said 250 gold is not expensive. So just send them to me. They are worth nothing to you. They are worth more to me and would be in better hands.

    @Chasind.3128 said:I think the price is fine, you dont HAVE to have it.

    You don't HAVE to play Guild Wars 2. You don't even HAVE to play computer games, or HAVE a computer in the first place. You don't HAVE to eat chocolate. You don't HAVE to have a car.

    Reading some of the stuff people write online makes me question if we are all part of the same species.

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