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Posts posted by zaxziakohl.5243

  1. @Funky.4861 said:In what country are paw-pads called 'beans'? That seems silly, unless talking about small cats and even then, it's weird to call an aninal part after a vegetable when they already have a name.

    They are little toe jelly beans because when your sweet little fluffy(monster) is making biscuits (kneading/smurgling) and falls asleep afterwards with their adorable little paws (scar makers) in the air, their cute little toes are so adorable you just want to eat them up. Like the Easter jelly beans my roommate ate a whole bag of yesterday....

    Though I would resist the urge. We all know where those paws have been....

  2. I also suffer from visual impairments. My screen is turned down all the way, and I use as much dark background light text as possible. I have problems with the skills and such during boss fights blinding. Blizzard effects are significantly worse. I agree that there need to be options to reduce the brightness of certain effects. If it snows where i live, I can't even look outside without covering most of my vision, because everything else disappears.

    After a blinding type light, like massive white areas on my screen, the afterburn images are actually bad enough to entirely block out my vision on anything darker than the white.

    To those of you saying that it's fine to you and it's doing what it intends to do, you aren't taking our conditions into account. It's intended to queue us in to the problem and partially obstruct our in game vision. Instead for many of us, it can obstruct ALL our vision. Particularly if we have a tendency to play or live in areas that are dim to start with. A game effect shouldn't be effecting our real life senses like that.Saying what you do about, it works for me, so it should work for you, is akin to telling a hand amputee that because you can use WSAD the controls don't need to be modifiable because they work as intended without a problem. And that because you can use it, the game doesn't need joystick or accessible controls support. Like seriously. Take a moment and actually think about how OTHER people are affected by those things. We aren't asking to have it removed changed, or to turn off YOUR immersion or gameplay. We simply want to be able to make personal modifications that let us enjoy it as well as you do.

  3. @Sobx.1758 said:

    @zaxziakohl.5243 said:I used the fall damage traits in jump puzzles. They would often save my life in places I would fall, and otherwise die. Many of those puzzles don't allow mounts or gliding.

    Prototype position rewinder.

    The fall damage reduction would still be useful if you were out of time on it, or if you weren't quick enough before you would die. Honestly, I suck at jump puzzles and have shit reflexes. So a buff boost would be more useful and reliable to me. Although the two in concert would be even better.

  4. I used the fall damage traits in jump puzzles. They would often save my life in places I would fall, and otherwise die. Many of those puzzles don't allow mounts or gliding. However it's not really a combat skill, so I understand removing it from traits. I would suggest instead that they make a line of food that provides fall damage reduction percentages, and swiftness upon receiving fall damage. That way if you were a player who used those traits for jp's then you still can have the reduction, and a boost of speed to run you back to the beginning of the puzzle to try again.

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  5. The falling damage trait actually has a place. But it's not really combat related, so I understand moving it from skills. Might I suggest making food that decreases fall damage and grants swiftness on receiving fall damage? It would be great for jump puzzles, which is what I used those skills for.

  6. Personally I like the favorites idea. But there is a second option that could be done concurrently that would be great for things you have unlocked but will NEVER want to use. Give us a "hide" option as well as a favorite. Them we can hide everything we hate (like the starter gear skins!) So it doesn't clutter up our options. If you want to see what you've hidden just toggle the show hidden option(that they could add). Great for collection enthusiasts who don't actually want to use everything they collect for achievements.

    Note this should be per character. That way you can customize it based on who you play. Maybe your necromancer despises white so you could hide all the white dyes. Or maybe your sylvari won't use anything technological, so you could remove machine based novelties, pets, skins etc from your options to keep in line with your characters backstory more easily. Or maybe to just hate anything brown. Etc.

  7. There an easy solution to this for all involved. Instead of mastery insights being added, add a button to the mastery interface that allows a player to toggle between mastery gain and XP gain. Each mastery type(core, HoT, PoF) would have it's own toggle.

    In the long run it's smarter anyway. That way if you max your bar but don't have enough points for what you want to increase yet, you can toggle it so you don't "lose" XP while you gather those points.

    This has always been a pet peeve of mine. I'd max out XP for a mastery but still need more points which rendered anything I did as wasted. Why would I want to keep playing in maps where I don't gain anything?

    Anyway that's my two cents.

  8. I think it would be nice if either in achievements, or the story section any literature that we have read or collected was stored to read for later. Instead of books in our inventory, it would unlock the respective chapter in the written collection area. That way things like the books in Ebonhawke, the various memorials, book cart books, and the books we collect like The asuran books in bloodstone fen, could all be reread at any point, without taking up space.

    On a separate note. Skins for past events that an account has completed should be unlocked automatically. For instance I have the flaming mad memories, but because I deleted the green one before the skin system was added, I do not have that skin, even though I obviously had the piece of gear, since I have the flaming version. I'm sure I'm not the only one, and that this is not the only instance.

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