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Posts posted by ParaNoidAndroid.1406

  1. The problem is PUGs sometime want just a Support Firebrand or a Condi DPS Firebrand. If they find out you're not doing Harrier's or Viper's they have a major WTF moment.

    Personally, I really like the look of Marshal's/Celestial, and even Seraph/Plaguedoctor's. I will try out one soon.

  2. See, I'm not 10k hours. I am doing my first Legendary, but I have about 1.1k hours here over the last two years. I love HoT. Did my first run without a mount, and OMG I loved every bit of it. I still love it with mounts (Verdant Brink on a Griffon is such fun!)

    I have the opposite point - please Buff the Mobs. :# :lol: :lol:

    Seriously - please buff mobs depending on Map Pop. It makes Heart of Thorns really the heart of Thorns. I love the fact that it pushes players to work together just because how difficult the game is. Exotics are definitely enough for HoT right now, and several Core builds work like peach. The problem is that Casual players are told to Maximize DPS in Core Game, and they come into HoT with Glass Cannons, and get whacked. So, once a player understands there are builds other than Berserker's, they begin to enjoy it.

  3. @"Hannelore.8153" said:I'm also confused that you think Marshal's isn't meta, its the only glass healing & power/condi damage set and is meta on many builds. Just not on the builds you tend to find on Snowcrows because those are very highly specialised builds.

    Yeah, Snowcrows is always highly specialized quick clear builds. But, all newbies are pointed towards that. Any other website which gives you these builds, other than Metabattle?

    But, AFAIK, Marshal isn't really popular? Or people tend to be like, "why aren't you Viper yet" sometimes.

  4. @SeikeNz.3526 said:what is the point of downscaling if with ascended gear people can stomp everything with one skill? one of the reason of old maps are empty are because they are too easy, ascended/legendary should have more nerfs on the downscaling state.

    What maps are you talking about? HoT metas happen all the time. Not Dragon Stand, perhaps, because other metas have sprouted up everywhere. HoT is still difficult for many people, and the reason sometimes maps are empty is because you are either in one where there is an Hero Points train going, or something similar. As for the Core maps are concerned, I think we have scaled beyond them? But ironically, they are always super populated, because of new players. Starter zones are always there. Are those very easy? Yeah. But not because you have Ascended Gear, but because your skill level has increased so much.

    So, name specific maps.

  5. The Marshal gear stat is (+108 Power, +108 Healing, +59 Precision, +59 Condition Damage) not meta, by a long distance. However, is there a method to make it viable?http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWzAYl3lRwkYZML2Je8TlPdA-zRRYuR9DO4SJxEoxQo6CI9IQ3TSAsHeA-e

    This is a build I came up with which is Marshal's + Diviner's Trinkets, that looks very viable to me. It hits 95% of boon duration, and with enough blocks, condition removing skills, and heals to make this an excellent Support Marshal Firebrand. The point is to keep enough upkeep on Regen + Aegis, and grant enough power and condition damage to actively help the team with the DPS.

    This is by no means "optimal" but can give an incredible amount of sustained support for groups to do longer content. I haven't done it myself, because it is a lot of investment to get the concentration + agony infusions, but it seems like something that can be run on Instanced and Open World stuff as well.

    Any other suggestions people might have that makes Marshal's, or similar non-meta builds viable?

  6. The damage of Longbow is good when there are lots of enemies around, because you can get your F1 skill up, and use your 2 to hit a massive damage, every 4 seconds. That's about 65% of your GS 2 skill (at least for me). I get about 25-28k per skill 2 on LB, with Spear of Justice active on the target. That doesn't really work for single target bosses, but then it does give you 2 CCs in your rotation. So, I use it as a stop gap for my GS rotation, where you simply go away, kite for sometime (if required), and come back with GS.

    That being said, I can totally agree on boosting damage from 1 and 2 skills on LB, and reducing recharge time for 3 in PvE.

  7. As I play a Dragonhunter Longbow main, I can tell you something about it. The Longbow has improved drastically. It needs your F1 skill to deal max damage, and is very good for crowd control. Its got two CCs (3 and 5), heavy single target damage (2) and guaranteed piercing (1, sometimes this is a bother when you want to hit only one target), and one symbol for AoE damage (4). Pushback and projectile reflect happens with 3. With 1200 range, it is great for Kiting.

    Scepter has unquestionable single-target damage. Works well with Conditions (burns a lot), and has more frequent attacks than the LB for DH. But, it has 900 range, and has only one single target CC skill. It's great for bosses, but not so much for lots of mobs, but do you really need that much CC for mobs anyway? Another problem is when the target is moving, scepter balls can be dodged.

    For Firebrand, of course, you have no choice other than Scepter. But, for DH, the encounter determines what you're gonna use. For Fractals, I'd advise use Scepter; for open world, use LB.

    Staff is only viable for a Healing or Support Firebrand.Or for Zerg Farming! Especially in places like Silverwastes, you can tag a lot of enemies with Staff and LB, and that's my favourite farming method.

  8. A simple answer can be more scalable mobs to kill before she can spawn. I've noticed this too. As this guys says

    @Dayra.7405 said:You don’t need to wait for the heli, if you have a skyscale. Get one and simply fly up whenever you want.

    And yes, people who got a skyscale seem to know how to break a cc-bar so she dies before heli-people get there.

    It's right. It's an unintended consequence of Skyscale. In that case, perhaps a total population count of the map could be taken into consideration, and mobs released according to some calculation, prolonging the time as necessary for a large enough Meta Map. I wish they could only take into consideration number of people in the map who have Skyscales, but I don't know if that is possible within the Game Engine.

  9. This is simply an issue of this week, but has been an issue since the increase in Traffic since lockdowns started across the world.

    The issue is simply huge lag spikes as soon as Tequatl main event starts. The game continues to work, but every action every thing is just immensely delayed. I'm talking 10 seconds or more. Usually after about 5 minutes of this, I DC. I have everything set to lowest - it is not an issue of the computer. I have completed a few Tequatls going along with this immense delay, and sometimes it recognizes my contributions. Lately, it hasn't happened. There is just over 20 seconds of delay between actions. It is absolutely unplayable. It starts as soon as the event begins.

    Has anyone else faced this issue? And if so, anything that I can do to rectify this thing?

  10. @Dante.1763 said:and you know how many runs of DS i was able to do? -ONE- one map per day if i was lucky, some weekends i got no maps, and that was nearing the final portion of the day. the map was dead with no LFGs or LFGs that didnt get more than 10 people in the squad. Literally all day nobody ran that map it was absurd.

    The more maps that come out, and god forbid they do another expansion(which i want) if they dont re balance the metas for HoTs(outside of Auric basin) i feel really bad for newer players.

    That's a shame. DS is really my favourite map. But, considering the Meta takes a minimum of 1.5 hours, no wonder the population isn't that high. That being said, there are some good guilds who do run World Boss trains and Meta trains. If you want, you could join them up.

  11. I don't think Ranger classes need nerfs. You modify Sic 'em and Maul, you will see Rangers vanishing from Roaming pretty quick. I think they should modify Smokescale pet's skill that won't allow invis for Soulbeasts. That would save everyone. It just makes sense to have invis on Thieves and Mesmers, as they take up skill slots. Having an additional skill slot from a pet for getting invis is kinda annoying.

  12. @ParaNoidAndroid.1406 said:This may be too much as a quality of life topic, but I would like to have map shards that allow you to join in after an event has started.

    For example, my friend was hunting Tequatl the Sunless, and I wanted to join in, but the map shard was full. That's a little inconvenient, and I don't know what the solution is, but that would be a huge QoL improvement, where you don't have to wait to join in with friends.

    Sorry for yet another post regarding shards. But this same thing happened today, and it did give me an idea.

    Can we please have an identifier for which shard of the map we are in? That way it will be easy to tell who is where. Bonus if we could somehow go to a particular shard, by simply choosing from a list, or something like that. I think this will be a very welcome QoL addition.

    Thank you!

  13. This may be too much as a quality of life topic, but I would like to have map shards that allow you to join in after an event has started.

    For example, my friend was hunting Tequatl the Sunless, and I wanted to join in, but the map shard was full. That's a little inconvenient, and I don't know what the solution is, but that would be a huge QoL improvement, where you don't have to wait to join in with friends.

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