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  1. Overall, the spear cast times, damage, range and utility are 'abysmal', to say the least. Theoretically, it is impossible to ever get 5 stacks of Spear 5 for its initial use, which is relatively good in many game modes, but alas it is never plausible outside of pve. The cast time is the worst for any weapon I've ever seen. It will never see any real use unless it is reworked, or has decreased cast time with less required stacks. Decreasse cast time and increase damage, or completely rework. ***EDIT*** Even if you get 5 stacks of crushing abyss, and swap weapons, the proc only works around 25% of the time, if even. I know this is a beta, but figured I should mention. double edit: this skill just flat out sucks, and will never see any real use in pve, pvp, or in the game. Please rework. The 4th skill suffers from the same issue, the cast time, but it also suffers from the fact that anyone, or anything, can just simply walk out of the aoe before it can pull in any enemies. It applying chill on the pull makes zero sense. Either make it chill on the initial hit or have it chill for each tick for a small duration. For the third skill, it is relatively okay. It hits decently hard and applies nice condis, but just make the mines a flat number amount and not rng, unless it is bugged as the tooltip says it can spawn 5, but I've only ever spawned 3 or 4. Also, reduce cooldown by at least 2-3 seconds. For the second skill, it suffers from its abysmal cast time, does pitiful damage, and has bad tracking. Decrease cast time, increase damage The auto just flat out sucks. Slow cast time and does little to no power damage. Decrease cast time increase damage. We don't need any more condi weapons, please. It seems like a sick joke. Just make this a power weapon so it has some genuine real use in all game modes. It has great potential for a usable weapon.
  2. No herald buffs or changes is INSANE! The class is utterlly useless in all game modes outside of PvE. Please fix this awful class, it's depressing. Also, of course Elementalist got buffed since cmc mains it. Crazy how that works.
  3. NA, server is Isle Of Janthir Account: Pyra.2583 Current Team: Reaper's Corridor Expected Team: Phoenix Dawn Selected WvW guild : Its Not That Deep [CALM]
  4. NA, server is Isle Of Janthir Account: Pyra.2583 Current Team: Griffonfall Expected Team: Reaper's Corridor Selected WvW guild : Sports Resort [Wii]
  5. Hello. As this post may seem, this is indeed a copium post. In this post, I will be going into greath depth on all of the aspect of Revenant, and the corresponding Elite Specializations. However, I am only stating my thoughts and opinions on the state of this class before the November 28th. I have been playing this class since the release of HoT, and consider myself a relatively good player. The current state of this class is not as it should be when compared to the rest of the classes in the game.. I am only posting this to share my thoughts and suggestions. I do not care about what you think about this post. Do not argue with me. It will go nowhere. Thanks. Disclaimer: I know this class has been in a good spot several times, and a few not so good spots. That goes for every class. There are people who despise the Revenant class, and those who love it. I am making this post in hopes it reaches the right audience. Without further ado, In this post I will be going over legendary stance skills, traitlines/traits, and weapon skills that need to be reworked, or buffed, or nerfed. 1) Shiro: Riposting shadow(PvP&WvW); This skill used to be one of the key elements to revenant in general. It's good down to its core, and on every elite specialization. However, the patch of February 25th, 2020, with the energy change, has made the entire legendary stance clunky as a whole. Prior, it was a key function in order to be able to properly time evades as herald is rather squishy when compared to the other heavy classes. The energy refund was a necessary change, and is rather balanced compared to before. Please advise. Impossible Odds(PvP only): Why does this skill cost 8 upkeep? Be for real. All I'm going to say about it. Otherwise, it's fine. Phase Traversal(PvP only): This skill, in all honesty, was very good prior to the nerf. Necessary, but does not need a 12s cooldown. Jade Winds (everything): Needs an overall rework. It's bland, uses up too much energy, and no longer has any value due to how much energy it costs. The stun is relatively good but overall useless if it doesn’t land. Please rework. Many classes have similar abilities with no animation with longer cc and no resources used. Enchanted Daggers: Goated with the sauce, yes. No change necessary. True nature(Shiro, PvP/WvW): This skill hits entirely too hard, and has a boon rip on top of it. Instead of increasing its upkeep to 3(PvP), reduce its upkeep to 2(same was WvW) and reduce the damage by at least 25, 30%(WvW), 15%(PvP), or rework the trait entirely, or revert it to the original F2 the class had. 2) Glint: Gaze of Darkness(PvP&WvW): Prior to the nerfs, this skill was relatively good. Given the current circumstances, I believe the cooldown should be reverted to 20 seconds instead of 25. This trait was built to have multiple functions. As such, us veterans use it as so. However, in recent times, we can only use it as a CC break and no longer as an offensive/defensive blind, or a reveal. Still good, but could be better. Possible rework or buff necessary. Facet of Nature/True Nature (Glint PvP/WvW): Yeah, I'm gonna keep it real. This skill is useless. Two second increased duration of boons upon use?! No use whatsoever. It's disgusting to look at. Please fix. 3): Jalis: Vengeful Hammers: Overall, this skill feels rather useless and seems like it has no real value. The damage reduction and healing aren't noticeable, and it does nothing for damage. Needs a massive rework, buff, anything. Useless. Rite of The Great Dwarf: All I need to say is: Lol. This skill has ZERO use outside of wvw zerging. The cast time is too long, making it a pain to even use, and the overall skill is just not worth using as a whole in 99% of situations. Needs a massive rework asap. Soothing Stone: Possibly the worst heal on revenant. The cast time should be the same cast time as the other revenant heals(0.5s). Doesn't really make sense. Please advise. Thanks. 4) Mallyx: Pain Absorption: The only thing to gripe about, is that it's pretty much an overall useless skill post resistance rework. This skill overall needs to be reworked, and it needs to have a possible reduced energy cost depending on the rework type. The rest of the skills work well with the Corruption trait line. Overall, the skills cost too much energy and aren't very good anymore, making the condition legendary stance not used on condition builds. 5) Ventari: No changes. It's trash in pvp and should stay that way. In WvW, it's a rather viable stance, as it should be. 6) Kalla: I mean, most of the renegade skills are useless in any form of PvP combat. Should just be reworked. Great in pve, though. Praise be shortbow damage for PvP and WvW. 7) Vindicator: Let's be real, Vindicator was insane upon release, and only just stopped being insane with the most recent patches, however, it is now lacking the proper tools to be viable in high end gameplay. Selfless spirit/Selfish spirit(PvP): This skill was honestly too good for its own good, 10s cd, on two heals that both heal over 6k? Yeah. However, with the recent changes I believe the cooldown is unnecessary, and it should either be 20 or 25s cd, or should just be reworked as a whole. Nerfing the heal has drastically damaged the sustain of Vindicator. Urn of Saint Viktor: When used properly, this skill is the key to the sustain of renegade. Needs to be nerfed. Now, we move on to traitlines and traits. I will be going over the traits I feel are lackluster, need to be reverted, nerfed, buffed, reworked, etc. Enjoy. 1) Devastation: This traitline overall is great, but it lacks in some fields. Minor Trait Expose Defenses: What even is this trait? Useless. To make it useful, have it proc on weapon swap, or legend swap. Overall serves little to no purpose in the tree itself. Brutality: This trait is great, it's healthy for the environment of boon spam(stability removal as the trait is intended to work), and should be moved to either of the correlating trait lines, and should have the quickness duration reduced to two seconds. However, we can not take this trait as swift termination damage boost (power) is too much of an increase, and we are losing out on so much offensive power. Notoriety(PvP&WvW): As you may know this trait as Nefarious Momentum, a skill that grants might upon using a Shiro skill, granting more power and less condition damage. The rework for this trait was just as good as the original, however the duration and stack nerfs have ruined might uptime on revenant, especially herald, and has thus weakened its damage significantly. Revenant used to be the OG 25 might uptime keeper, now it can't even keep 10. Meanwhile, we have a multitude of other classes that can have permanent might examples being: Engineer (Holosmith, Scrapper), Catalyst, etc. For these classes, might uptime is a necessity for damage, thus making the damage lackluster. Unsuspecting Strikes(honorable mention): The goat for PvE, useless in PvP and WvW. Miss the old one though. 2) Invocation: Invoker's Rage(Sigh): Let me tell you, when they reworked this one, it stung, and also made no sense. To get to the point, revert it, or change the boon. Give it an icd, or make it of actual value. Fury is useless for most Revenant builds. Cleansing Channel: The trait you're always forced to take instead of the pretty decent trait below it. Glaring Resolve: Yeah, this one. Stability when you cc break plus a heal is pretty amazing for many builds. Too bad we're forced to take a singular condi cleanse because we struggle in that category outside of Ventari and Saint Viktor. Spirit Boon(PvP/WvW): Pretty useless outside of PvE(?) And zerging. Used to be Equilibrium. Please advise. Rapid Flow(PvP/WvW): I mean, it's aight. Mostly used for the swiftness uptime since they nerfed all of our boon duration to the ground. The heal is miniscule. Incesed Response(PvP/WvW): Used to be amazing. The sole reason why might up time is destroyed. Please advise. Song of The Mists: One word, Equilibrium. This trait is literally Family Dollar Equilibrium. The removal of it made me sad. All you had to do was nerf the damage. Please advise. "Contained Temper: This trait has been reworked. Gain energy when you break out of stun.".. Could be an overall good change depending how much energy it provides. Will need some numbers and testing before I can give my personal opinion on it. Overall good outlook. 3) Retribution: The most changed traitline for revenant. Honestly couldn't even tell you what half of the old traits did. Enduring Recovery(PvP/WvW): Pretty good minor on anything other than Vindicator. Let's be real, it needed it. Spiritual Resolution: Pretty good trait for Vindicator, kinda useless for anything else. Eye for an Eye: It would be pretty good if its icd wasn't somewhat long. Used to be an annoying taunt when someone stunned you. Vicious Reprisal: Pretty good trait overall. 10% damage increase with resolution and decently high uptime on might. 4) Corruption: Still an overall good traitline, used less since the introduction of Celestial stat increase and the change to resistance. 5) Salvation: Healer's Gift: Pretty decent on vindicator combined with other traits. Eluding Nullification: Pretty good in Vindicator. On demand condi cleanse with the amount of dodges the class has makes it quite good. Fortified Blessing: Again, pretty good for vindicator, used to be better. Necessary change. Unyielding Devotion: This trait, I mean, is pretty good. It's also bugged, whereas certain foods can give it to you permanently. Please advise. Invigorating Dismissal: Pretty good again for Vindicator, even after the nerf. In this next section, I will be going over the Elite Specializations, and most of the traits. Enjoy. 1) Herald: Core Value: Overall, this trait feels like it has no spot in the competitive scene. Overall no point in taking. Possible rework? One With Nature: This skill is the old Facet of Nature/True Nature. This was the base for all Legends. This was an amazing skill and would be overall balanced with how the current game and classes are. Please advise. This would also solve the Shiro and Glint F2 issues. Shared Empowerment: Another trait that pretty much ruined any form of might uptime since its nerf. Hardening Persistence: Will be a pretty good trait come November 28th patch. No comment. Reinforced Potency: Overall useless grand minor trait, as our boon duration is essentially non-existent now. Please rework or buff. Elevated Compassion: Overall useless in PvP and WvW scenarios. Could be viable if vigor wasn't useless on Revenant. Needs a rework for PvP scenarios. Draconic Echo: Flawless trait, only downfall is we're forced to take it over anything else. Should be baseline or a minor with a possibility of a reduced duration. Please advise. Forceful Persistence: The idea of this trait seems good, but overall is useless. Could possibly be useful if moved into a different trait line. Possible rework. 2) Renegade: As a whole, Renegade was never my favorite or useful pvp prior to sotoso I never really used it that much prior to Soto, so I will not be giving a thorough opinion at this time, I must say though that it is very fluid and has good traits that work well together. 3) Vindicator: One of the main issues known with vindicator is the dodge use with Salvation traitline for high sustain with high damage. For starters, the dodge has a tendency to be very exploitable compared to a normal dodge. Leviathan Strength: A very good trait for how the class works. Reaver's Curse: Should just reverse this to 2 with everything else that's been nerfed. Please advise. Empire Divided: A pretty good trait overall. A rather large chunk of power. Possible rework. Forerunner of Death: The trait that makes power vindicator viable. Could use a nerf with duration. In this next section, I will be covering nearly all weapon skills. I will not be mentioning aquatic weapons. Enjoy. 1): Staff: The second best weapon(formerly) for Revenant as a whole. Only really used for block and heal now, and the whack staff 5 for an evade frame. Auto Attack: A rather decent, fast attack when paired with other certain abilities and boons. Mender's Rebuke AKA Punishing Sweep: I mean, MR is okay, I guess. Decently high damage as power with weakness and a tiny heal. The Cooldown increase kinda hurt. Am I the only one who loved the underrated PS? I miss it, but it's fine, I guess. Warding Rift: July 26th, 2016: Increased the cooldown of this skill from 10 seconds to 12 seconds... December 13th, 2016: The cooldown of this ability has been increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP only... February 25th, 2020: (Competitive split) Reduced power coefficient from 0.2 to 0.1. Increased cooldown from 15 seconds to 20 seconds... I mean, come on. Can you decide on one number please? Also, is anyone else's OCD annoyed that the skill abilities aren't lowest to highest like most weapon cooldowns? No, just me? Okay. Renewing Wave: The godsend ability to possibly survive against something with condition damage. Perfect the way it is. Surge of the Mists: Previously the only reason why staff ever did damage, now it hits like a wet noodle and has a weird windup feature that is blatantly obvious and will never hit. In all honesty, give it a little damage or rework it. Pitiful ability in my humble opinion. 2): Sword: The forever main weapon for power builds, usually. Auto Attack: Overall still relatively good. Pretty slow without quickness, though. Chilling Isolation: Current one is okay... could be better. Old sword two was better and made it so I could see my legendary swords. I miss it. Unrelenting Assault: I have a very strong love hate relationship with this skill. One of the best evade frames herald has, and decent damage. The downfall is that it's easy exploitable when fighting smart players. The other main issue is the amount of the time the animation bugs by only doing the evade frame without the damage. Examples are: Using sword 3 right before quickness runs out, and causes it to not do any damage. Another example is when the Slow condition is applied, the same thing happens. There is another certain ability that is the same but works way better. Smoke Assault for Smokescale and Soulbeast. Please. Just fix the coding. Shacking Wave: This used to be a pretty good skill overall with a mobile block for 2 seconds, then it got reworked and did pretty good damage. The cast time change and countless nerfs made it overall only used as last resort damage, or for some cheeky immob. Overall bad now. Just make the cast time 0.75s. Please advise. Deathstrike: Used to be a very clunky skill, now one of Revenant's main sources of damage. In a good spot, just fix the desync issue. The chill was nice, as well as the lower cooldown, but overall balanced. 3) Off-hand Axe: Used to be an amazing off-hand weapon until the introduction of reworked off-hand sword. Frigid Blitz: Overall good skill, the port can be rather buggy at times. Temporal Rift: Overall useless. Used to have a niche with the cc. Please rework this skill. Thanks. 4) Mace: Overall, mace has been considered a condition weapon, but with the introduction of the shortbow, it falls flat in terms of the damage shortbow can put out in a short amount of time still with conditions. Auto Attack: Overall good. Fast cast time, and lots of conditions with long durations. Searing Fissure: No complaints overall. Could be reworked to land easier. Echoing Eruption: Adding ammo to the skill made it very good. Very awkward to use and you can just side step to the left or right to avoid it. Very obvious animation. Could use a rework to make it more useful. Mace as a whole could use a small power coefficient increase, as it lacks physical damage compared to many other classes when it comes to Celestial. Shortbow either will need a nerf or mace will need a buff with its power coefficient to make up for lack of damage. 5) Shortbow: Relatively good weapon. Could use some nerfs. Auto Attack: No comment, really. Relatively good on both condi and power. Bloodbane Path: High power coefficient ability with a good amount of bleeds. Sevenshot: The once hard to aim ability becomes a very good ability. Could use a power coefficient nerf. Spiritcrush: Overall good ability. I like the slow application, easy to land. Scorchrazer: Possibly the clunkiest ability Revenant has. Often bugs out in melee range, and says no line of sight when not facing an enemy, which makes no sense. Multiple hitboxes so it makes it hard to dodge. Please advise or rework. Thanks. 6) Greatsword: Overall good weapon. Getting nerfed to the ground shortly. Nothing to say really. November 28th patch may possibly make this weapon useless, just like the entirety of the profession. GS4 Nerf is completely unnecessary. Needs to be properly balanced. GS3 looks like it should have an evade frame. Possible rework to replace staff. 7) Shield: Likewise to GS. Getting some interesting changes November 28th. 😎 Hammer: Nothing much to say. Hammer 2 used to be fun to one shot people with, along with 3. Getting relatively good buffs on November 28th. Don't see it being usable in PvP scenarios. Will have to test. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This concludes the forum post. If you made it to the end, thank you. I know Revenant is not the only problem when it comes to the game, but I am voicing my opinions and my concerns with the current state of this class. For the past few months it has been getting nerfed over and over and is now an overall useless class in any form of PvP scenarios, excluding duels. I am not looking to make the class perfect, just usable in a respectable aspect. There are classes in this game that deserve proper nerfs, unlike Revenant, but that’s a topic for a different post. Do not whisper me in game or I will just block you. Thanks. P.S: Anet, this is the worst meta in years. Please advise. The game is unfun, Celestial needs to be deleted or reworked, and a lot of classes need to be looked at. @Roy. We’re over it. P.S.S: Someone buy my permanent bank contract please. I need gold. Hmu.
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