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Everything posted by Fefe.5702

  1. I did it and didnt hate fractals afterwards, nor did any of my friends. I farmed both with "tryhard" groups (portal, best comp and everything) and with random LFG groups. Random groups took way longer yet there still was so many in LFG. People did play way more than rn. Boxes arent just "mOaR gOlD" it's a nice gamble for infusions. That's why I mentionned nerfed boxes. When there was thousands of people farming world bosses for boxes, it was still a pretty bad farm cuz of world bosses mega outdated rewards, but the chance to get one of those rare infusion gives you the incentive to try. What if you got lucky? The little gamble with certainty of some gold is way more attracting than just stuff you already get in fractals. You won't bring new players by giving them "more fractal rewards" people will just use it for their alts Sadly the infinite +10 is only decent for veterans but again it's +10 so you can't do much with it.
  2. Then don't do it? Making gold from fractals is doing dailies and CMs and not many people actually do that. The number of people farming Aetherblade can literally be counted with fingers. Boxes will get a lot of people to try to farm some fractals. Since low level ones would be profitable too it opens it to way more players. Why fractals being a good farm for 1 or 2 weeks is bad? It's not a permanent event, just a little time window where fractal enjoyers can spam the gamemode they love. I would love to see it again for world bosses aswell. Maybe even raids and strikes
  3. Fractal Rush is back, for the second time there is no boxes. I'm all for the achievements and getting some nice ascended but why can't we have boxes again? They were a big reason to spam fractals with friends and it was super fun. I could understand nerfing them if it hurts the market too much but this is just so boring and disappointing. My friends and I are again not gonna put effort into it because it feels so bad. It's just thrown at us like "hey it's good for new fractal players but older players get pretty much nothing from it". It just feels even worse because it was there and was removed. Just very disappointing from a fractal enjoyer perspective For reference this is what "boxes" were (basically t5-t6 materials with very low chances of rare infusions and invisible boots) : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bonus_Box_of_Goods
  4. To begin with I stopped playing the game 2 months ago. Now I log in sometimes to play a few rankeds but I'm not actively playing as before. I am a mirage main. I got top 10 twice. Once Unyielding legend and once Princess of the arena. Got to mAT semi finals a few times. Nothing insane but I've been a quite good mirage I believe.So I saw a post about balance from Anet and I thought it'd be nice to share my ideas and hope they listen to it. I think mirage is in a terrible state right now. I stopped playing the game because my class wasn't fun anymore. It has been a while since it was fun and I'll explain why. There are changes that can be made to make it more enjoyable to play while also making it less obnoxious to play against.So patch after patch mirage got nerfed. It was fine at first (it was really too strong) but then it got weird. It got nerfed so hard on its burst that the clone spam builds became more and more popular and in the end became the only option. Chaos traitline and Infinite Horizon being the main problems here. I don't find it fun to spam clones on dodge that end up doing 80% of my damage by applying condis. It's like mirage is only about surviving until the enemy dies from your clones. I don't see the fun or skill in it anymore. You just ignore half of the game. I think chaos traitline needs a rework. All of the boons basically for free isn't normal. Illusions has been nerfed super hard so it's hardly an option now. I wish chaos was more about supporting people like giving boons to team. Could make nice builds with a chrono support in pvp, but that's not my point here. I'd love mirage to be about burst as it used to be. A long time ago they nerfed axe a lot. They nerfed both ambush skill and axe 3 burst. I thought it was a good idea at first but it feels like it's what started the only clones based mirage meta builds. What about:Up axe 3 confusions stacks and possibly increase the cooldown on itGive back to illusions traitline the burst condi it had (revert the nerf)Nerf or change Infinite Horizon (why doesn't it have an internal cooldown?) and chaos traitline.Revert Ineptitude nerf.*I'm not sure Blinding Dissipation needs to be on every shatter again. We don't want it to be spammy but maybe it's necessary for it to be viable. Make mirage a class based on burst and not on obnoxious clones. I feel like it'd be better for everyone.(also please do something about vigor and all the extra dodges every class has access to. It is getting out of hand.)This is just my honest opinion :3Sorry for my english and if the post is a bit messy that's the first I write a post. Thanks for reading <3
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