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Posts posted by dandamanno.4136

  1. @Twilight Tempest.7584 said:

    @"Josiah.2967" said:Pro Tip: Use one of the included custom configs if you have a high end system. It will increase your frames significantly more than the standard install. The standard install is meant for mid-lower end.

    This made me enjoy events again. This made GW2 a prime part of my rotation again and lead to me spending a lot more money in the gem store. :-)

    Could you elaborate? I couldn't find any guidance on this. I tried entering "no" at the "Standard installation?" prompt, but that led to 3 options that didn't seem relevant.

    Grab the gw2_hiend config file in the config folder, rename it to config and place it into the main dx912 folder overwriting the existing config. The other configs are for Blade and Soul (bns_config) and if you have 8gb of vram and 16 gb of RAM (obviously only try that one if you meet those two criteria or better.

  2. @Vences.7238 said:Ryzen 1500x OC to 3,9 GHz + GTX 1070, 16 GB RAM. Win 10.Generally a bit lower fps, textures needed ages to load. The game has frozen while exit to desktop.

    Not for me. Uninstalled. Will wait for true DX12 from ANet. I hope with the next Expansion.

    The textures will take a long time to load while it caches them the first time it encounters them. So you will notice this as you go from map to map. Eventually it ends and will not happen anymore, even on a restart of the game.

    For fps, I did a install/reinstall cycle three times in three different areas of the game and all three times the fps while using dx912pxy was higher by 6-20 fps. But as with all things, ymmv and it's possible it just doesn't have an effect on specific systems.

  3. @"stoicarc.7194" said:Just recently had my account temporarily banned for playing through a VPN and thought I should share the Support Team comments (name redacted, emphasis mine):

    " xxxxxx (Guild Wars 2 Support)

    Jun 27, 2020, 11:05 AM PDTHello,

    Thank you for your patience while we looked into your issue.

    It appears this account was caught in our regular account security review. After thoroughly reviewing this account I have decided to remove the block that was placed on it. You may now access our services again.

    If you are accessing our services using a VPN/proxy, please understand that we do not condone, nor do we support their usage. While we do not prohibit the use of these services we have found them to be directly associated to malicious and fraudulent activity. As such, continued use may result in additional blocks placed on the account.

    If you should need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us!


    xxxxxxGuild Wars 2 Support Teamhttp://help.guildwars2.com/"

    Funnily, while playing LotRO a huge IP range of my ISP was banned and I was unable to reach their servers for nearly 3 months. I had to use a VPN to be able to play during that time. My account was fine, I've never so much as received a warning in any online game ever, but someone must have done something bad who lived in the same city as me.

    IP bans are silly and pointless. Mac address bans are nearly as pointless since you can literally change your Mac address in your network controller properties.

  4. @Armen.1483 gives good advice too. I currently run around with power Chrono and it's a better killer (read faster) than condi. Plus if you are in a larger group you can still tag mobs better than condi even with phantasm and clones being destructible.

    Power only requires a bit more effort to manage clones and shattering, but with Chronphantasma trait you will be spitting out so many illusions, and with the Illusion trait line you will be getting so much might and quickness it makes things much faster and roughly as easy as condi.

    This will be controversial, but I would take a staff to replace sword/x in power before switching to condi if I were to have trouble surviving. It will slow your killing significantly, but you can remain at range and spit out perhaps even more clones than sw/x due to the double phantasm on staff 3.

  5. The condi mirage build on metabattle is really easy to play.

    If you want brain dead easy you can swap your weapons to double staff (energy sigils) and chaos instead of dueling. Or use the old Axe/Torch/Staff variant for a bit more damage but maybe a little less survival.

    Trailblazers Armour makes the Staff version comically tough to kill. But if you can't get it you can use Dire.

  6. @Allarius.5670 said:

    I think the bamboozle effect is largely the source of the issue. At all levels it can lead to frustrating UI clutter. As a defensive mechanic that is really kind of interesting and cool, and probably a reason why many of us think the profession is conceptually awesome, but I don't know of a way to make it feel "healthy" for the game or profession. Unfortunately it just seems to punish new players, and players that don't understand the counterplay, in a very disproportionate fashion, where at higher skill levels the AI is cleaved and their pathing manipulated so they become an unreliable resource.

    Yes I think any change would need to be accompanied by clones receiving the "phantasm effect". Which is to say that they are very obviously not the real Mesmer. Would finally put an end to the complaints that finding the real Mesmer is just too annoying.

    @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    I did like the concept idea one person came up with of instead of clones and phantasmals, getting phantasmal armor count instead.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/100500/hammer-mesmer-elite-spec-concept-the-occluderThis would get rid of clones and phantasmals in the playing field which has problems for both mesmers and their opponents, but keep the shatter mechanic in place for mesmers to use. Which you can play with in many ways, like to make up for the clones running to targets to hit instead have the shatter be 600/900/1200 range pbaoe, range and strength increased with armor count as usual. Defenses of course would have to be improved for a change like that.

    I like this idea as well, since it at least removes clones from the battlefield but retains their ability to still contribute. Similar to @Allarius.5670 post at the top of the thread, with clones forming around you to keep them safe from harm but obviously far more thought out.

  7. @Leonidrex.5649 said:they dont have to be immune, its pushing it too far.we dont have to work with absolutes, make illusions and phantasms scale with mesmers hp/toughness.If I have 16k hp base, and illusions have 2,4kthen if I increase my hp to 20k (25% increase ), illusions should have 3k (25% increase )same should go for phantasms. those kitten have 3,3k hp if my memory serves me right, they WILL die to random aoe.

    I'm not sure an additional 600 health will help those illusions survive.

    However I'm not opposed to this in principle. The health amounts would have to be much greater though for them to be effective in large scale fights. Like if clones need to survive for 5-10 seconds for a shatter, how much health do you think they would need to not be obliterated within that time in large AoE WvW fields, or giant boss fights?

  8. @phokus.8934 said:Clones should be immune to all damage until shattered for Mesmer and Chrono.

    The same is said for Mirage but make IH baseline and once you use an ambush ability, they disappear. No other thought about shatters but maybe after they ambush they trigger count towards being a shattered clone.

    Phantasms should be killable.

    A different angle for sure. My issue with this idea would be this: phantasms are a large source of clones, maybe even the largest. When phantasms die early, not only is their damage negated but also they don't become clones, further negating much of your shatter damage/utility.

    I think this is why phantasms should be immune to damage if I had to pick between them and clones. Although for the two examples in the OP, I think both is still the best option in my mind (with a rework on traits etc...)

  9. @Yasai.3549 said:

    Respectfully disagree, they should be invulnerable, show as such when hit (then maybe players that can't learn to play can see they are targeting the wrong one finally), but they should also DEAL zero damage and inflict no conditions. And all traits related to clones dealing damage or conditions should be reworked to improve shatters.

    Such a change will severely shaft all pve condi mesmer builds.Clones provide a decent amount of Condi application as well as uptime, simply buffing shatters to compensate will not bring back that uptime.

    No, I think Clones should be left as it is now.

    The biggest problem with clones in the situations I bring up in the OP, is that they die before you can even shatter them. I suppose a middle ground would be to make them unaffected by GBAoE but I'm not sure that would be enough.

    I just came back to the game again recently and was doing the rock concert event that new(ish) map from Icebrood Prologue and showed up with only around 10% health left on the boss. Summoning Berserker resulted in no damage since they die from all the AoE from the boss, I had to frantically spam my auto attack before it died so I would get credit for the event. It just brought back all the annoyances from months/years ago.

    All in all I am happy to see that the idea isn't terribly flawed, and most people agree with some form of it, even if disagreeing on the details of implementation.

  10. One of the biggest complaints about playing Mesmer is how in large scale PvE or WvW events the clone/phantasm gameplay becomes impossible to use because the illusions simply die before they can do damage, even before the phantasm can perform its skill, nevermind turn cloney and shatter.

    So I was wondering what it would take for clones and phantasm to be immune to damage so they become viable (relatively) in these two areas of the game.

    I was thinking that clones would have to become more distinguishable from the Mesmer to alleviate the complaints of how annoying it can be to find the real Mesmer (L2P comments aside).

    What else, if anything? Is this even a viable idea? Do you think it would help or even make any difference or cause problems.

    I just hate that my main character becomes so unplayable and ineffectual in these large scale gameplay areas and would like to find some real solutions.

  11. Thought I would come here and post yet another wacky possible solution that is probably just coincidentally working and will unravel as a solution over more playtime, but here goes...

    Since using the d912pxy driver (which contrary to my initial expectations actually does increase FPS significantly) I did not crash at all over the course of several story instances.

    Yesterday after an update to the game the d912pxy redirect stopped working (you can tell because d912pxy has a bug that makes character portraits on the select screen not show properly, and rivatuner verified I was running dx9) and I had a disconnect during a cutscene.

    Coincidence? Maybe. But it's worth a shot to use d912pxy since it has worked flawlessly for me and all you have to lose is... well actually you can really only gain since the game will likely run better for you.

    PS if you do choose to try it, I would use a gw2 addon manager to install/uninstall d912pxy for simplicity.

    Good luck.

    PPS I got d912pxy working again by looking fixing some game flags in the registry as is described in the online Readme. Plus it got the mount radial menu up and running which I could never get to work before!

  12. @Taygus.4571 said:

    @Jay Mack.3481 said:I’m just arriving to this thread in May, 2020, and have noticed some of the first few comments from over 2 years ago complaining about disconnecting following a cutscene during the final Arah story mission. I’ve had this happen three times in a row, and it’s extremely frustrating considering it’s the final story mission of the original campaign. Has there been any workable solutions presented to address this at all?

    play in windowed modeAlways have, makes no difference

    Constantly press jump/attack buttonsTried that today, eventually had a disconnect again right after a cutscene

    minimize gw2 during cutscenes.made no difference, also tremendously impractical

    use a proxyTried that yesterday, had a cutscene disconnect almost immediately

    The problem with all these fixes is that the issue itself is intermittent. For myself I have almost never had a repeat of a disconnect upon a second run through an instance, so I can advance but it is incredibly deflating and frustrating. So when somene tries a fix and comes to the forums to proclaim its effectiveness, they are likely only seeing what would have happened had they done nothing.

    For example today while I was spamming attacks/jumps during cut scenes, I managed to get through six or seven instances without issue so I begin thinking that this is some kind of miracle cure. Until it isn't and you disconnect anyway.

    Anet needs to do the right thing and either add checkpoints, or (the easier option imo) keep instances open for 5 minutes after a player disconnects from the server. Lots of other games do this so you can get back into an instance even if you disconnect.

  13. @bloodlynx.7269 said:Got the same issue for more then a week now, and windows keeps installing the update. I really hope anet is working on a fix soon.. This shouldn't take weeks because most people are on the latest update by then.

    One other thing to try... If you use Rivatuner Statistics Server, you can either turn it off, or do a full uninstall, then reinstall of that program. I did that and my game works now, even with the Windows KB installed.

  14. @Linken.6345 said:

    @dandamanno.4136 said:Piping in for the first time in years just to say how awful this is when it happens. Today I was doing the Living Story 2 "Hidden Arcana" episode. The whole thing took me well over 45 minutes to get near the end, only to have the "Lost connection to the server" issue pop up, and then had to do the entire story over again.

    This is the 4rth or 5th time in the last week this has happened at the worst possible times. I am thoroughly enjoying catching up with what I have missed over the last few years, but man, this disconnect is absolutely awful.

    submit a ticket to anet support (preferably with your machines specs and the part you crashed at), they'll a- be more likely to help, and b- will amass data on this issue.

    far as i can tell, the people who get story disconnects get story disconnects
    a lot
    and consistently, while there is many people (i amongst them) who have never disconnected even once during a story (aside internet cutting out, that is) even on those instances prone to it. i don't work for anet so obviously i'm not the authority here but based on that pattern i assume it comes about when the game won't jive with ones computer in some way.

    on that note, hidden arcana also proved a particularly troublesome episode for one of my friends who is under the 'story chapters give constant issues' umbrella.

    Already done it in game. Thanks. I will write the part of the story here, in case it gets viewed here as well.

    It was at the part of "Hidden Arcana" in the Glint caves after you kill the first beast with the 1 HP "fragile" debuff strategy. Clicked on the next interactable, got the cut scene, then the cut-scene cuts out (pun intended) and you just wait for the impending "lost connection" dialogue.

    In game bug report wont get you specificaly any help tho mate.You have to put in a support ticket for them to be able to maybe work out the kinks with your machine.

    They list the problem as "verifying" in the known issues list, which means they believe they have a fix for it.

    Anyhow, this is one of those issues that is pretty clearly not a client issue. I don't want to be the "my computer is great, it's their servers" guy, as long as long as you promise not to be the "I don't have this issue, so it must be your computer" guy, lol. ;)

  15. @Lexi.1398 said:

    @"dandamanno.4136" said:Piping in for the first time in years just to say how awful this is when it happens. Today I was doing the Living Story 2 "Hidden Arcana" episode. The whole thing took me well over 45 minutes to get near the end, only to have the "Lost connection to the server" issue pop up, and then had to do the entire story over again.

    This is the 4rth or 5th time in the last week this has happened at the worst possible times. I am thoroughly enjoying catching up with what I have missed over the last few years, but man, this disconnect is absolutely awful.

    submit a ticket to anet support (preferably with your machines specs and the part you crashed at), they'll a- be more likely to help, and b- will amass data on this issue.

    far as i can tell, the people who get story disconnects get story disconnects
    a lot
    and consistently, while there is many people (i amongst them) who have never disconnected even once during a story (aside internet cutting out, that is) even on those instances prone to it. i don't work for anet so obviously i'm not the authority here but based on that pattern i assume it comes about when the game won't jive with ones computer in some way.

    on that note, hidden arcana also proved a particularly troublesome episode for one of my friends who is under the 'story chapters give constant issues' umbrella.

    Already done it in game. Thanks. I will write the part of the story here, in case it gets viewed here as well.

    It was at the part of "Hidden Arcana" in the Glint caves after you kill the first beast with the 1 HP "fragile" debuff strategy. Clicked on the next interactable, got the cut scene, then the cut-scene cuts out (pun intended) and you just wait for the impending "lost connection" dialogue.

  16. Piping in for the first time in years just to say how awful this is when it happens. Today I was doing the Living Story 2 "Hidden Arcana" episode. The whole thing took me well over 45 minutes to get near the end, only to have the "Lost connection to the server" issue pop up, and then had to do the entire story over again.

    This is the 4rth or 5th time in the last week this has happened at the worst possible times. I am thoroughly enjoying catching up with what I have missed over the last few years, but man, this disconnect is absolutely awful.

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